
shān lù
  • foothill;piedmont;the foot of a mountain;mountain foot
山麓 [shān lù]
  • [piedmont] 山脚下

山麓[shān lù]
  1. 你看,山麓电网每隔几年

    You see , every couple of years the Piedmont Electric ,

  2. 论浙江山麓快速粗碎屑建造及其作用

    The Piedmont fast megaclast formation and its significance in Zhejiang

  3. 帕萨迪纳坐落于圣加布里埃尔山麓的丘陵地带。

    Pasadena lies in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains .

  4. 参天的岩石,山麓的树木

    The ridgy rock , the woods that crown its steep .

  5. 我们整个夏天都在喜马拉雅山的山麓艰难跋涉

    We spent the summer trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas .

  6. 我回去取了鞋,用手机给亚帕打了电话,从寺院开车驶进城市上方的山麓,赶往夜色中的海尔格富丽酒店(Helga’sFolly)。

    I did so , called Mr. Yapa on my cellphone and together we drove from the temple into the hills above the city , where I was due for an evening at Helga 's Folly .

  7. 他的曝光和兴趣的探索吉普车可以追溯到老步道的卡兹启尔山脉的山麓小丘CJ-2A用1946年。

    His exposure and interest in Jeeps dates back to explorations of old trails in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains with a1946 CJ-2A .

  8. 营地上的一个向导瓦伦·库帝(VarunKutty)是个衣冠楚楚的小伙子,自小生长在离贾瓦伊很远的喜马偕尔邦境内的喜马拉雅山麓。

    One of the guides at the camp is Varun Kutty , a dapper young man who grew up far from here in the Himalayan foothills of Himachal Pradesh .

  9. 台湾西南山麓带新近纪螃蟹化石之研究

    Studies on the Neogene crabs from south-western foot hills of Taiwan

  10. 那一年,磕长头匍匐在山麓。

    That year , I prayed and crawled along the mountains .

  11. 他们的村子在龙门山麓。

    Their village lies at the foot of the Longmen Mountains .

  12. 不出一年,十万名狂热的业余淘金者涌至内华达山麓。

    Within a year , 100000 desperate amateur prospectors flood the Sierra foothills .

  13. 寒冷地区山麓性河流取水方法探讨

    The method getting water in river from the foot of mountain in chilliness area

  14. 今天他们住在牙买加的山麓。

    Today they live in Jamaica 's foothills .

  15. 这些只是阿尔卑斯山的山麓小丘而已。

    But these are just the alpine foothills .

  16. 之前,形成山麓冰川。

    In the form of piedmont glacier .

  17. 高程面积分析是一种传统但有效的方法,本文首次将高程面积分析方法运用到鲁中南山地第四纪山麓剥夷面发育研究之中。

    ( I ) Altitude-area analysis is a traditional but effective method on geomorphologic study .

  18. 台北市信义区拇指山麓的废矿坑口,已被加盖铁皮屋。

    An abandoned coal mine in sub-urban of Taipei which is covered with a cabin .

  19. 另有杨梅、竹林等经济树种,成块状或带状分布于山麓地带。

    There were another economic species such as bayberry , bamboo in blocks or striped foothills .

  20. 对华北山地低山麓面形成时代之新认识

    Discussion on Formation Times of the Low Piedmont Surface in the Mountain Land of North China

  21. 在中国西南高山峡谷地区的沟谷及山麓地带分布着大量的第四纪冰川堆积物。

    In mountain and ravine region of southwest China , there are lots of quaternary glacial deposits .

  22. 豫西黄土塬及山麓带农田、果树区棕色田鼠的化学防治研究

    Mandarin vole 's chemical control in farmland and plantation of Loess Plateau and mountainous , western Henan

  23. 上侏罗统由杂色粗粒沉积物组成,以山麓河流相环境为主及干旱气候为特征;

    The Upper Jurassic consists of variegated coarse clasts rocks , reflecting piedmont-fluvial environment with arid climate .

  24. 苏联欧洲部分西南部城市,位于罗马尼亚边境附近的喀尔巴阡山脉山麓丘陵中。

    A city of southwest European U.S.S.R.in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains near the Romanian border .

  25. 消防队员还在继续同发生在加州格伦多拉的森林大火进行斗争,大火已蔓延到干燥山麓处的住房区。

    Crews continue to battle wildfires burning near homes in the dry foothills around Glendora , California .

  26. 郭峪古城郭峪古城是太行山麓一座唐初建置的城堡。

    Guoyu old city Guoyu old city is a castle built at Taihang Mountain in early Tang dynasty .

  27. 北京西山东麓和北山南麓广泛分布着山麓洪积扇地形。

    The piedmont alluvial fans widespread on the east side of Xishan and the south side of Beishan .

  28. 凹陷北部斜坡带的变形机制主要是山前重力滑动和山麓逆冲作用。

    So in the northern slope of the depression developed gravitation gliding tectonics and fold and thrust structures .

  29. 松树的香味和蟋蟀的鸣叫声从阿巴拉契亚山麓飘送过来。

    The scent of pine and the sound of crickets floated down from the foothill of the Appalachians .

  30. 太行山麓淇县新乡焦作地区现今构造应力状态与地震活动关系

    Recent tectonic stress state of qixian-xinxiang-jiaozuo area along the Piedmont belt of Taihang Mountain and its relation to seismicity