
shān lǐng
  • mountain ridge;mountain range
山岭 [shān lǐng]
  • [mountain ridge;mountain range] 连绵不断的高山

山岭[shān lǐng]
  1. 山岭公路隧道进洞施工方案浅析

    Excavating tunnel construction plan analysis for mountain ridge highway tunnel

  2. 山岭区高速公路线形设计初探

    Linear design 's exploration of highway in mountain ridge

  3. 最后,他们看到他在一个山岭上出现了,置身于欢呼之中。

    At last they saw him emerge on the top of an eminence within hail .

  4. 这些成千成百的绿方块,都由黑熔岩石墙划分出来,使得山岭就好像巨大的棋盘一样。

    These hundreds of green squares , marked by their black lava walls , make the hills look like vast chequerboards .

  5. 本文分析了铁路山岭隧道纵断面的设计过程,研究了纵断面设计过程中的CAD应用方法。

    In this paper , the application of CAD technology on the tunnel vertical section design is studied .

  6. 我国山岭公路汽车CO、HCs和NOx排放系数

    Study on Emission Factors of CO , HCs and NO_x from Mountainous Roadway in China

  7. 探讨山岭区高速公路纵坡坡长限制的确定方法.然而API基础油换用规则有局限性。

    A method to determine the limitation of grade length un freeways in mountain area was presented in this paper .

  8. 山岭重丘区公路20m以下空心板梁集中预制安装的利与弊

    Discussion on advantages and disadvantages of concentrated precast and erection for voided slab beams with less than 20 meters in the heavy rolling area

  9. Craco位于巴斯利卡塔大区(Basilicata),马泰拉省内(Matera)。距离塔兰托海湾大约25英里,处在靴子状意大利的脚面部分。这座中世纪的古镇是这一带村镇的典型代表,其周围是绵延起伏的山岭,适合中麦子和其他农作物。

    Craco is located at the Buss Likata district ( Basilicata ) , Matera . About 25 miles away from the Taranto bay , occupying the instep part of the boots-shape Italy .

  10. 山岭区公路工程地质灾害的防治

    On the preventions of highway engineering geologic hazard in mountain terrain

  11. 山岭隧道质量无损检测及缺陷力学特性研究

    Research on Non-destructive Testing and Defective Mechanics Character of Mountain Tunnel

  12. 山岭在近海处急剧向下倾斜。

    The ridge falls away quickly where it approaches the sea .

  13. 飘在家乡宽阔的山岭。

    Drifting to the wide hill top of my home town .

  14. 战争棍-给予山岭巨人临时的强化的攻城攻击。

    War club-gives the mountain giant a temporary siege enhanced attack .

  15. 山岭区连续长下坡路段失控车辆尤其是大型车辆冲出路基造成重大事故的案例时有发生。

    Severe accidents of errant vehicles often happen in mountainous areas .

  16. 山岭区小桥涵调查工作内容及方法

    Task and Methods of Small Bridge Surveying in Area of Foothills

  17. 山岭隧道地下水规律及防治方法研究

    Regulation and Prevention and Cure Methods to Groundwater in Mountain Tunnel

  18. 那时候的山岭景色和现今的差不多。

    The mountainous landscape was then much as it is today .

  19. 山岭隧道两种常规施工方法的比较

    The comparison of two kinds of common subterranean tunnels construction methods

  20. 浅谈山岭隧道防排水施工工艺的质量控制

    Quality control of waterproof and drainage construction technology in mountain tunnel

  21. 而第二条是直接穿过山岭。

    While the second lead straight across the hills and mountains .

  22. 山岭公路隧道结构的耐火极限与防火保护问题

    Fire Resistance Limit and Fire Protection of Mountain Highway Tunnel Structures

  23. 山岭巨人和仙女龙没有具体的语言。

    Note : Mountain Giant and Faery Dragon don 't speak .

  24. 山岭重丘区小桥涵设置

    Small Bridges and Culverts Courses in Mountain and Hilly Area

  25. 山岭区公路改造工程超高设置方法

    Super Elevation Design of Highway Rebuilding Project in Mountainous Region

  26. 山岭隧道快速施工范例分析

    Analyses on practical examples of rapid construction of mountain tunnels

  27. 山岭重丘区高等级公路改建工程路基施工

    Subgrade construction of high grade highway reconstruction in mountain and hill terrain

  28. 山岭隧道渗漏水防治新方法

    A new Method for Prevention of Seepage in Mountain Tunnel

  29. 长输管道穿越山岭隧道设计的有关问题

    Some Key Matters regarding Mountainous Tunnel Design of Long-distance Pipeline

  30. 山岭区公路路基经济断面设计时应考虑的几个问题

    Several Problems of Subgrade Economical Cross Design in Mountainous Highway