
  • 网络Yamaguchi Prefecture;Hofu
  1. 柳井正1949年出生于山口县(Yamaguchi)的煤炭城市宇部(Ube),他的父母在此经营一家西式服装店。

    He was born in 1949 in the mining town of Ube in Yamaguchi prefecture , where his parents ran a western clothing store .

  2. 山口县工业技术中心,日本

    Yamaguchi Prefecture Technology Institute , Japan , 1999

  3. 关于终身参与社会意识的中日比较研究&日本山口县与中国上海市嘉定区的调查数据分析

    A Comparative Study on Chinese and Japanese Social Consciousness of Lifelong Participation

  4. 山口县被誉为保留着日本传统的小京都,即使在现在,也能在那里感受到丰富的历史及文化。

    In Japan , Yamaguchi Prefecture is honored as the " Little Kyoto " that maintains Japanese traditions . So even nowadays , people can experience the rich history and culture of Japan .