
  • 网络Yamanashi;yamanashi prefecture;Yamanashi-ken;FM-FUJI
  1. 秋山国际实际上是一家主要经营耳环、手镯、挂坠等女性饰品的公司,而Phonet在山梨县拥有十二家手机门店。

    Akiyama usually makes wearable women 's accessories such as earrings , bracelets and pendants , while Phonet runs a dozen stores in Yamanashi .

  2. 山梨县知事横内正明反对冬季封山,因为职业登山者冬季也需要训练,而且封山会影响山上乡村旅店的生意。

    Mr. Yokouchi of Yamanashi Prefecture opposed the winter ban because serious climbers still need to train in the winter and because the cottages on the mountain would suffer .