
shān dì zì xínɡ chē
  • mountain bike
  1. 莉齐给自己买了辆山地自行车。

    Lizzie bought herself a mountain bike

  2. 他买了辆便宜的山地自行车。

    He bought a cheap mountain bike .

  3. 以下示例在product表中检索所有山地自行车的产品标识号、名称、价目表价格以及新的价目表价格。

    The following example retrieves the product identification number , name , the list price and the new list price of all the mountain bicycles in the product table .

  4. 在2003年的时候,三个山地自行车手和我尖叫着冲下一条叫做ForrestRidge的陡峭小径。

    In2003 , three mountain bikers and I screamed down the ledge-filled trail called Forrest Ridge .

  5. 在莱德维尔100英里山地自行车赛等一些赛事中,CEOChallenges会配备技师来为高管组装自行车,还会准备一个房子,用于赛后淋浴和更衣。

    At some events like the Leadville Race , CEO Challenges provides mechanics to assemble executives " bicycles and a house to shower and change after the race .

  6. 类似的赛事包括莱德维尔100英里山地自行车赛(LeadvilleTrail100MTB),这场令人心跳加速的赛事是在科罗拉多州落基山脉上骑行100英里,从海拔2800米开始,最后到达海拔3800米的地方。

    One such event is the Leadville Trail 100 MTB , a 100-mile heart-pounding test in the Colorado Rockies that starts at an altitude of 2800m and climbs another 1000m to the finish .

  7. 提高山地自行车运动员踩踏力量的研究

    Research on the Improvement of Mountain Bike Athletes ' Trampling Strength

  8. 他喜爱滑雪、山地自行车和散步。

    He loved skiing , mountain biking , and walking .

  9. 但是,山地自行车的金牌不会让国人满意。

    Mountain biking golds will not satisfy the home crowd , though .

  10. 这是一个与公路和山地自行车交叉。

    This is a cross between road and mountain biking .

  11. 高水平山地自行车运动员运动损伤的调查

    Investigation on the sports injury among excellent mountain cycling athletes

  12. 动态仿真技术在山地自行车设计中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Simulation Technology in Mountain Bike Design

  13. 他喜欢这辆红色山地自行车。

    He loved his brand new red mountain bike .

  14. 他是狂热的电影爱好者,喜欢玩滑雪板和山地自行车。

    He is a major film buff who enjoys snowboarding and mountain biking .

  15. 足球和山地自行车是该国最普遍的运动。老挝是在1980年第一次参加奥运。

    Soccer and mountain biking are the popular sport activities in the country .

  16. 这是跑步、远足、骑山地自行车的理想之地。

    It is an ideal destination for running , hiking , mountain biking .

  17. 考虑人体生物力学特征的山地自行车设计方法研究

    Investigation into Design Methodology of Mountain Bikes Considered Biomechanics

  18. 有山地自行车方面的更

    There are aspects of mountain biking that are more

  19. 后备箱非常宽敞,足够放下山地自行车。

    The trunk was plenty spacious , big enough to haul your mountain bike .

  20. 他们要一起去骑山地自行车。

    And they 're going mountain biking together .

  21. 仍然立场是最好的方式来判断您的山地自行车上浆。

    The still position is the best way to judge your mountain bike sizing .

  22. 有不同的旅游大数目围绕山地自行车。

    There are a great number of different tours that revolve around mountain biking .

  23. 1997年有许多新人加入到世界杯山地自行车赛的角逐中。

    1997 has seen many new names join the mountain bike World Cup circuit .

  24. 以下是一些提示有关配件的保护您和山地自行车一般。

    Here are certain tips about accessories for protecting you and about mountain biking in general .

  25. 这就是为什麽您可能需要考虑山地自行车运动短裤加入到您的配件。

    That is why you may want to consider adding mountain biking shorts to your accessories .

  26. 现在透视表不再包括山地自行车和公路自车的分类汇总项目。

    And now the PivotTable no longer contains the subtotals for Mountain Bikes and Road Bikes .

  27. 两件事是非常重要的山地自行车是一个良好的悬挂系统和冲击。

    Two things that are very important on mountain bikes is a good suspension system and shocks .

  28. 北海岸那边是个山地自行车热点,每周末我都会去骑车穿梭在雨林之间。

    The north shore is a mountain biking mecca and I run on rainforest trails every weekend .

  29. 其中最有趣和富有挑战性的骑自行车的经验,你可以做的是莫阿布山地自行车运动。

    One of the most fun and challenging biking experiences that you can do is Moab Mountain biking .

  30. 胎压是一个非常重要的方面,任何形式的骑自行车,包括山地自行车。

    Tire pressure is a very important facet of riding any kind of bike , including mountain bikes .