
  • 网络New England Patriots;Tom Brady
  1. 前新英格兰爱国者队近边锋艾伦•赫尔南德斯否认参与了2012年发生在波士顿南端并造成两人死亡的谋杀案。

    Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez has pleaded not guilty to the 2012 murder of 2 men in Boston South end .

  2. 全美篮球男子职业联赛(NBA)圣安东尼奥马刺队(SanAntonioSpurs)和美国橄榄球职业联盟(NFL)新英格兰爱国者队(NewEnglandPatriots)也拥有类似的竞赛运作模式。

    Similar sports models include the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA and the New England Patriots in the NFL .

  3. 这里还居住过大量名人,包括歌手吉米·巴菲特(JimmyBuffett)和瑞奇·马丁(RickyMartin),新英格兰爱国者队的四分卫汤姆·布雷迪(TomeBrady),以及脱口秀节目主持人凯莉·里帕(KellyRipa)。

    And it has been home to numerous celebrities , including the singers Jimmy Buffett and Ricky Martin , the New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and the talk show host Kelly Ripa .

  4. 香港——新英格兰爱国者队(NewEnglandPatriots)四分卫汤姆·布拉迪(TomBrady)和他的模特妻子吉赛尔·邦臣(GiseleBündchen)等人喜欢穿着这个知名运动品牌,而在中国这个最火热的市场之一,它如今遇上了一个精明的新对手。

    HONG KONG - A famous sportswear brand worn by the likes of the New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and his wife , the model Gisele B ü ndchen , has a savvy new competitor in one of its hottest markets , China .

  5. 赫尔南德斯是前新英格兰爱国者队队员,他曾被指控谋杀。

    He 's the former New England Patriots player charged with murder .

  6. 前新英格兰爱国者队边锋亚伦·埃尔南德斯将仍然呆在狱中。

    Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez will remain behind bars .

  7. 星期日新英格兰爱国者队再次获胜,接下来将迎战印第安纳波利斯小马队。

    The New England Patriots held on to win Sunday and will face Indianapolis Colts next .

  8. 有消息来源告诉美联社,橄榄球的四分卫员蒂姆·蒂博将加入新英格兰爱国者队。

    A source tells the Associated Press that quarterback Tim Tebow is joining the New England Patriots .

  9. 之后,巴尔的摩乌鸦队将在马萨诸塞州客场挑战新英格兰爱国者队,两队将争夺美国橄榄球联合会的冠军。

    Later , the Baltimore Ravens will play the New England Patriots in Massachusetts for the AFC Championship .

  10. 他们以26比16击败了新英格兰爱国者队,他们从未如此接近这个比赛。

    They beat the New England Patriots 26 to 16 and the game they never felt so close at all .

  11. 今年第49届超级碗比赛对战双方是来自西雅图的海鹰队与来自波士顿的新英格兰爱国者队。

    This year 's game is the 49th and features the defending champion Seattle Seahawks playing three-time winners the New England Patriots .

  12. 新英格兰爱国者队的四分卫汤姆·布雷迪通过收音机讨论了火情并且盛赞了同大火搏斗的英雄们。

    New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady saw the fire and discussed it and the heroes who fought it on the radio .

  13. 今天新英格兰爱国者队将迎战印第安那小马队,芝加哥熊队将迎战新奥尔良圣徒队,看看谁会进入最后的决赛。

    Today the New England Patriots will play the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears will play the New Orleans Saints to see who goes to the big game .

  14. 和美国其他橄榄球队一样,新英格兰爱国者队赋予了四分卫以重任,四分卫德鲁·布莱索是一个充满自信的人,他说他已经准备好了。

    As with any other American football side , New England Patriots place a great deal of importance on their quarterback Drew Bledsoe a confident man who says he 's ready for the match .

  15. 排在前十名的还有宝莱坞影星沙鲁克·汗(第四位),《歌舞青春》中的万人迷扎克·埃夫隆(第六位),新英格兰爱国者队四分卫汤姆·布雷迪(第八位),以及乔治·克鲁尼(第九位)。

    The top 10 list also included Bollywood star Shah Rukh Kahn at number four , " High School Musical " heart-throb Zac Efron at six , new England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady at eight and George Clooney at number nine 。

  16. 比赛将在新英格兰爱国者和纽约巨人队间展开激烈角逐。

    It would be a preseason match between the New England Patriots and New York Giants .

  17. 其余入选的男性包括演员康纳利、保罗•纽曼、罗伯特•里德福特、强尼•戴普、埃尔•帕希诺以及新英格兰爱国者(橄榄球)队的四分卫汤姆•布拉迪。

    The others to make the list are actors Connery , Paul Newman , Robert Redford , Johnny Depp and Al Pacino , as well as quarterback of the New England Patriots Tom Brady .

  18. 在比赛预测推算中新英格兰队稍稍领先。据称新英格兰爱国者队将在亚利桑那州凤凰城大学体育场比赛中击败海鹰队。

    As for the game itself , the oddsmakers have made New England a slight favorite to beat the Seahawks in Sunday night 's matchup at the University of Phoenix stadium in ( Glendale , ) Arizona ( in the southwestern U.S. ) .