
  • 网络New media art
  1. 本文所讨论的新媒体艺术主要是指狭义的新媒体艺术,即Video艺术。

    The new media art discussed in this paper mainly refers to video art .

  2. 新媒体艺术的出现使整个社会的文化开始向多媒体视觉文化转型,Flash动画就是在这种转型期中应运而生的产物。

    The emergence of new media art culture of the community as a whole began to multimedia visual culture in transition , Flash animation that emerged in this product transition .

  3. 数字新媒体艺术即是数码设计,数码设计CG是英文computergraphics的缩写。

    New digital media is so called digital design ( CG ), which is the English abbreviation for Computer Graphics .

  4. 此外,录像、摄影、DV等新媒体艺术大量地涌现,也成为了当代艺术的重要组成部分。

    Plenty of video , photograph and DV works also become the important part of Chinese contemporary art .

  5. 论新媒体艺术研究的特殊内容与方法

    On the Specific Contents and Approaches of New Media Art Research

  6. 这也正是新媒体艺术的宗旨所在。

    This is exactly where the purpose of new media art .

  7. 电子音乐在新媒体艺术中的表现特点与发展

    Electronic Music in the New Media Art Performance Features and the Development

  8. 新媒体艺术教育的现状与思考

    The Present Condition and Consideration About the New Media Art

  9. 浅谈新媒体艺术在中国的应用前景。

    On the prospect of new media art in China .

  10. 中国新媒体艺术与专业教育研究

    China 's New Media 's Art and Specialized Education Studying

  11. 从绘画艺术到新媒体艺术

    From the Tradition Art to the New Media Art

  12. 旨在为新媒体艺术的发展尽我所能。

    Aimed at the development of new media art to do my best .

  13. 虚拟现实技术与新媒体艺术的融合分析

    Analysis of merging Virtual Reality with New Media Art

  14. 何为新媒体艺术?新媒体艺术何为?

    What Is New Media Art ? What Can New Media Art Do ?

  15. 新媒体艺术与教学纵横谈

    Observation on New Media Art and It 's Teaching

  16. 浅析项目教学法在新媒体艺术教学中的应用

    A Brief Study on Project Teaching Methods Application in New Media Art Education

  17. 新媒体艺术的语言品格探察

    Exploring the Linguistic Characters in New Media Art

  18. 新媒体艺术的特征和本质

    The Characteristic and Essence about New Media Art

  19. 新媒体艺术:建立在主体间性上的审美意义

    New Media Art : The Aesthetics from Inter-Subjectivity

  20. 新媒体艺术的交互性品格探议

    Investigate the Interactive Nature of New Media Art

  21. 中国新媒体艺术的类型分析

    Analysis of Types of Chinese New Media Art

  22. 新媒体艺术与科技漫谈

    Talks on New Media Art and Science

  23. 互动的艺术&浅谈新媒体艺术设计的互动性特征

    The Interactive Art On Interactive Teaching

  24. 新媒体艺术作品选

    Works Selection of New Media Art

  25. 从某种程度上讲,这种关系同新兴的数码技术和新媒体艺术形式相呼应。

    In a way , this relationship parallels emerging digital technology and new media art forms .

  26. 网络与新媒体艺术

    Network and New Multi-Media Art

  27. 为推动新媒体艺术不断向前进步,需要艺术家、计算机程序员和网络工程师互相协作发挥各自的聪明才智。

    Artists , programmers and network engineers should cooperate to promote the advance of the new multi-media art .

  28. 现在大众们接触的新媒体艺术作品仍处于发展的阶段。

    Nowadays the works of new media art in our daily life is still in the developmental stage .

  29. 在我看来无论是电子音乐还是新媒体艺术,都是要顺应合成时代这个特点需要的。

    In my opinion , both of electronic music and new media art would favor requirements of synthetic times .

  30. 浅谈新媒体艺术创作中的人文性观念和技术性观念的关系

    Discuss the Relation of Humane Sexual Standards and Technological Sexual Standards in the New Media 's Artistic Creation Simply