
shǒu fēng qín
  • accordion;squeeze box
手风琴 [shǒu fēng qín]
  • [accordion] 风琴的一种,用手拉动风箱代替一般风琴用脚踩动风箱

手风琴[shǒu fēng qín]
  1. 背景音乐是由一位手风琴乐手演奏的。

    The background music was provided by an accordion player .

  2. 一些人学习弹手风琴,为他们社区里的舞蹈表演进行伴奏,而其他人则上音乐课。

    Where some people learned to play the accordion for dances in their community , others took music lessons

  3. 他要一架手风琴。

    He wants an accordion .

  4. 这部影片中的手风琴音乐不是很好。

    The accordion music in the film isn 't very beautiful .

  5. 手风琴在我的流行曲目里根本排不上号

    Accordions were nowhere in my hit parade .

  6. 埃德温2013年的目标包括学习飞行,弹手风琴,并得到一部iPhone5。

    Edwin 's goals for 2013 included learning to fly , playing the accordion and getting his hands on an iPhone 5

  7. 她说,一个年轻姑娘在开罗演奏手风琴,这种新奇帮助“墙”MV获得了成功。

    She says the novelty of a young girl playing the accordion in Cairo helped make " The Wall " a success .

  8. 手风琴导航典型的样式是一组可折叠的面板(跟树状导航的外观不一样),同时使用一级分类的内容作为标签(label)。

    Accordions are typically styled as a stack of collapsible panels ( and not with the look of hierarchical trees ) with the top-level category items used as labels .

  9. 徘徊在另一条对着单调的高层建筑的小巷,你会听到贝多芬(Beethoven)或莫扎特(Mozart)的曲子,乐器可能是小提琴,也可能是大提琴、手风琴或长笛。

    Wander down another alley toward drab high-rises and you 'll hear Beethoven or Mozart flowing from a violin , or perhaps a cello , accordion or flute .

  10. 此作品标题为POLARLIGHTS&极光,全曲利用手风琴变音器的多种音色及丰富的演奏技法,为听众展现了一幅美丽的音乐图画。

    This work entitled " POLAR LIGHTS " . The whole song is using an accordion variable damper and a variety of playing techniques , in order to show the audience a picture of a beautiful music .

  11. 但伦纳德不顾父亲的建议学习了手风琴,并且在之后成为了一名演员,他饰演过的最有名的角色是《星际迷航》(StarTrek)中的斯波克(Spock)。

    But Leonard Nimoy ignored his father 's suggestion that he learn to play the accordion and instead went on to become an actor , most famously playing Spock in Star Trek .

  12. 说到法国的流行手风琴音乐,不得不提及有着荣誉的musette音乐。

    Said to French pop accordion music , have to mention the musette has " honor " music .

  13. 而弗里德里克·德尚(FredericDeschamps)先生是当今最具代表性的法国流行手风琴教育家与表演家,他的流行手风琴表演艺术被本专业人士争相模仿。

    Frederic Deschamps is the most representative accordion educator and accordionist in present France and his performance art of popular accordion music is widely imitated by professionals of accordion circle .

  14. 也许这是你在对自己说,现在马上我就要去报名参加斯瓦希利语(Swahili)、积分学和手风琴课,得赶在脑子迟钝之前!

    So you may be saying to yourself , I have to sign up right now for Swahili and calculus and accordion lessons before my brain withers away !

  15. 表情严肃的父亲打开我们的Lowrey手风琴,弹奏了一小段节奏强劲的大型爵士乐曲,整个屋子欢腾了起来。

    My stern , serious dad , cranking up our Lowrey organ , picking out the notes of a swingy Big Band tune and getting the whole house jumping .

  16. 最后结合musette音乐发展的经验,提出了一些个人对我国手风琴文化发展的一些观点,更好地推广和发展手风琴音乐。

    Musette music development based on the experience , and put forward some personal to our country of the cultural development of accordion some points , better promotion and development accordion music .

  17. 突然间,我仿佛又回到了12岁,坐在明尼苏达州音乐竞赛的舞台上,手指平稳地放在我那黑亮的PanItalia手风琴的键盘上。

    Suddenly I was12 years old again , sitting onstage at the Minnesota state music competition , fingers poised on the keyboard of my shiny black PanItalia accordion .

  18. 谈高师音乐系手风琴教学中的练琴方法

    How to Practice Teaching Accordion in Music Department in Teachers Colleges

  19. 手风琴复调作品演奏中的风箱处理

    How To Use The Bellows While Accordion Playing The Counterpoint Music

  20. 擅长手风琴,正准备学长笛。

    To be good at accordion , want to learn flute .

  21. 五首中国传统器乐曲改编的手风琴作品研究

    The Analysis of Five Accordion Composition Adapted from Chinese Traditional Music

  22. 高师手风琴教学为我国手风琴事业作出了很大的贡献。

    Teachers in teaching career accordion accordion to make great contribution .

  23. 第一部分主要写手风琴基础教学。

    The first part is mainly written accordion basic teaching .

  24. 手风琴与钢琴在触键上的差异和借鉴

    Differences and Reference Between Accordion And Piano on Keyboard Playing

  25. 论优化手风琴教学备课环节的四个点

    Maximizing the Four Key Points in Preparing the Accordion Lessons

  26. 有时会有手风琴演奏者、演员和小丑们一路跟着。

    Sometimes accordion players , actors and clowns come along .

  27. 墙边的沙发上有一台精致漂亮的手风琴。

    Beautiful accordion was placed on the sofa , near the wall .

  28. 在房间里,手风琴拉得震耳欲聋。

    The accordion is at full blast in the room .

  29. 论手风琴教学中手腕、风箱的技巧及训练方法

    On Wrists Training and Bellows Skills in Teaching of Accordion

  30. 手风琴独奏曲《弹起我心爱的土琵琶》演奏技巧

    Performing Skills of Accordion Solo Playing My Treasured Local Pipa