
zhòng liàng
  • weight;scale;heft;poundage
重量 [zhòng liàng]
  • [weight] 在地心引力的作用下,物体所具有的向下的力的大小

  • 重量大

重量[zhòng liàng]
  1. 她把身体的重量从一只脚换到另一只脚上。

    She shifted her weight from one foot to the other .

  2. 这些立柱必须支撑起屋顶的重量。

    The pillars have to support the weight of the roof .

  3. 我觉得那根树枝撑不住你的重量。

    I don 't think that branch will hold your weight .

  4. 新式背包把承重量分散在更大的面积上。

    Modern backpacks spread the load over a wider area .

  5. 我们得把重量减轻一半。

    We 'll need to reduce the weight by half .

  6. 用铝制作比用钢制作重量要轻12%。

    The aluminium body is 12 % lighter than if built with steel .

  7. 注意让你的重量分布均匀。

    Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed .

  8. 重量在九到十公斤之间。

    It weighed between nine and ten kilos .

  9. 她用手掂了掂那块石头的重量。

    She weighed the stone in her hand .

  10. 数了数鱼的数量,并把平均重量记录了下来。

    The fish were counted and an average weight recorded .

  11. 我学会了如何称出袋装种子的重量。

    I learned how to weigh out packages of seed .

  12. 即使重量仅有1克的二十分之几都可能是关键性的。

    A few twentieths of a gram can be critical .

  13. 制造商们遇到的一个问题是,重量较轻的汽车往往噪音大。

    A problem for manufacturers is that lighter cars tend to be noisy

  14. 他用尽全力拉减轻了重量的雪橇。

    He pulled the lightened sled with all his strength .

  15. 正确估计待洗衣物的重量很重要。

    It is important to judge the weight of your washing load correctly

  16. 布莱克很熟练地跳上了船,他的重量使小船微微向下沉了沉。

    Blake jumped in expertly ; the boat dipped slightly under his weight

  17. 这台收音机重量仅为几盎司,比香烟盒还小。

    The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a cigarette packet

  18. 冰不够厚,承载不了行军队伍的重量。

    The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men .

  19. 他干瘪的大腿几乎不足以支撑他身体的重量。

    His shrunken thighs were barely strong enough to support the weight of his body .

  20. 这减轻了负荷的重量。

    This reduced the weight of the load

  21. 屋顶的支架倒塌了,全部重量都压到了天花板上。

    The roof support structure had collapsed and the entire weight was bearing down on the ceiling .

  22. 所有其他原料,包括水在内,都需要根据重量依次降序排列。

    All the other ingredients , including water , have to be listed in descending order by weight .

  23. 可以把它缝到窗帘的褶边里增加重量,使窗帘更有垂感。

    It can be sewn into curtain hems to weight the curtain and so allow it to hang better .

  24. 空气不仅占据空间,而且它还具有重量。

    Air not only occupies space but it also has weight .

  25. 这块钢板的重量是一吨。

    The weight of this steel plate is one ton .

  26. 他们造了一台能吊起150吨重量的吊车。

    They built a crane capable of lifting 150 tons .

  27. 冰太薄,承受不了你们的重量。

    The ice is too thin to bear your weight .

  28. 这些柱子支撑着屋顶的重量。

    The pillars support the weight of the roof .

  29. 他把石头拿在手上掂了掂重量。

    He weighed the stone in his hands .

  30. 薄冰承不住卡车重量。

    The thin ice cannot bear truckloads .