
  • 网络Heavy Infantry
  1. 维京战士是一群来自丹麦挥舞斧头的重步兵。

    The Huscarl is an axe wielding heavy infantry unit hailing from Denmark .

  2. 弩兵被手持盾牌的重步兵保护着避免遭遇肉搏战。

    These crossbowmen are protected by a shield wall of heavy infantry from melee attacks .

  3. 一旦重步兵和你近距离肉搏,他们就已经取得了胜利。

    Once the legionaries got you within melee , they will most likely have won .

  4. 受到板甲保护、携带利剑的重步兵可以骑马或步行作战。

    Protected by plate armour and armed with a sword this heavy infantry unit can fight mounted or on foot .

  5. 骑士在必要时可以下马战斗。下马后便是优秀的重步兵。

    Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it . Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry .

  6. 若战事需要,他们亦可从背后取下盾牌,挺剑而出,如重步兵般对敌军狂砍猛劈。

    But if needed , they can draw swords and take off the shield from their backs , fighting as heavy sword infantry .