
jiān miè zhàn
  • blitzkrieg;war/battle of annihilation
歼灭战 [jiān miè zhàn]
  • [war or battle of annihilation] 歼灭敌人全部或大部的战斗

  1. 在这点上说,歼灭战就是消耗战。

    In this sense war of annihilation is war of attrition .

  2. 中间还有些插曲,就是部队的同志着急,总想打个把歼灭战。

    Incidentally , some comrades were eager to fight a few battles of annihilation .

  3. 因此,战役的歼灭战是达到战略的消耗战之目的的手段。

    Hence campaigns of annihilation are the means of attaining the objective of strategic attrition .

  4. 而军事上的歼灭战,也是方法之一。

    In the military sphere war of annihilation is of course one of the means .

  5. 而在一切不利于执行歼灭战的场合,则执行消耗战。

    In circumstances which are unfavourable for battles of annihilation , we should fight battles of attrition .

  6. 歼灭战和集中优势兵力、采取包围迂回战术,同一意义。

    War of annihilation entails the concentration of superior forces and the adoption of encircling or outflanking tactics .

  7. 歼灭战,则对任何敌人都立即起了重大的影响。

    A battle of annihilation , on the other hand , produces a great and immediate impact on any enemy .

  8. 反对击溃战,承认歼灭战;帝国反击战/星球大战2

    Oppose fighting merely to rout the enemy , and uphold fighting to annihilate the enemy . Empire Strikes Back , The

  9. 抗日战争的正确要求应该是:尽可能的歼灭战。

    What should be demanded of our forces in the anti-Japanese war is that they should fight battles of annihilation as far as possible .

  10. 对于第一、二、三、四次围剿,我们的方针都是歼灭战。

    Our policy for dealing with the enemy 's first , second , third and fourth " encirclement and suppression " campaigns was war of annihilation .

  11. (九八)我们首先可以说,抗日战争是消耗战,同时又是歼灭战。

    98 . To begin with , we may say that the anti-Japanese war is at once a war of attrition and a war of annihilation .

  12. 要完全达到这种目的,集中兵力、运动战、速决战、歼灭战,都是必要的条件。

    Concentration of troops , mobile warfare , war of quick decision and war of annihilation are all necessary conditions for the full achievement of this aim .

  13. 俄罗斯士兵已习惯了严格、无情的苏联纪律,是心怀正在和无法和解的敌人“打一场‘歼灭战’”的想法上战场的。

    Russian soldiers were inured to the harsh brutalities of Soviet rule and driven on by the knowledge that they were fighting " a war of annihilation " against an implacable enemy .

  14. 同时,特别注意引导大家熟悉地形,习惯生活,学习山地战,为大歼灭战准备条件。

    Meanwhile , we should particularly urge our officers and men to familiarize themselves with the terrain , become used to things here and learn how to fight mountain warfare , so as to prepare themselves for large-scale battles of annihilation .