
qián zi
  • tongs;pincers;forceps;plier
钳子 [qián zi]
  • [pincers;plier;forceps] 一种用来夹紧、握牢或牵拉物体或者夹断某种东西的的器具

钳子[qián zi]
  1. 确保大钳平衡配重和钳子相匹配。

    Ensure that the counter-weights are in balance with the tongs .

  2. 他用一把钳子夹起这块热金属。

    He picked up the hot metal with a pair of tongs .

  3. 他的外科手术器械是一把刀和一把钳子。

    His surgical instruments were a knife and a pair of pincers .

  4. 这个装置有一个能拧开瓶盖的电动钳子,并不复杂。

    This device has a gripper that electrically twists off the jar top . Nothing to it

  5. 这把钳子使着真灵便。

    This pair of pliers is really handy .

  6. 盟军的爆破升级在指挥部界面中左移一格(由于现在没钳子升级了,所以填钳子的位置)

    Allied Demolitions upgrade moved one slot to the left on the Allied HQ UI .

  7. 突然,有爪子似的东西抓住了他的手腕,抓得很紧,像钳子似的,一阵剧痛传到了他的胳膊

    Taloned hands grabbed both his wrists , sudden and vice like , searing pain shot up his arms .

  8. apairof:一双pliers:钳子我要用钳子。

    Rufus : I need a pair of pliers . -

  9. 据称,AlZahrawi也是第一个施行剖腹产手术的医生,他还发明了钳子。

    He also reportedly performed the first caesarean operation and created the first pair of forceps .

  10. OLYMPUS内镜钳子管漏水分析与维修方法

    Analysis of pipe leakage of OLYMPUS endoscope and its maintaining methods

  11. 这一恶搞视频中,男子先用钳子将iPhone7固定住,然后在手机左侧底部钻出一个3.5毫米的手机孔。

    The prank video shows a man drilling a 3.5mm hole into the bottom left edge of the iPhone 7 held in a vice .

  12. Knipex公司专业制造钳子,每年生产逾1200万把800种不同型号的钳子,几乎所有这些钳子都是在该公司位于伍珀塔尔(Wuppertal)、雇佣了1000名员工的总部生产的。

    Knipex makes pliers - producing more than 12m pairs a year in 800 different types , nearly all of which are made in the company 's Wuppertal headquarters , which employs 1000 people .

  13. 钳形的形状象钳子的或与其极为相似的三相无功伏安小时计

    Shaped like or resembling forceps . three phase var hour meter

  14. 不能吃钳子除非它夹着什么东西。

    Can 't eat clams unless they 're attached to something .

  15. 一会儿她就用钳子把孩子接生出来了。

    Eg. in a little whileshe delivered the baby with forceps .

  16. 一把钳子可能还不行。

    One set of pliers will not do the trick either .

  17. 伊里斯·坦格利安叫人用烧红的钳子把他舌头给拔了。

    Aerys Targaryen had his tongue ripped out with hot pincers .

  18. 整个戈凸饰有鼻钳子(赫尔曼梅尔维尔)

    The whole buoy was embossed with barnacles ( Herman Melville )

  19. 突然,我觉得象是一把钳子绞住我的心脏。

    Suddenly , I felt this vice-like grip squeezing my heart .

  20. 像被钳子夹紧了一样。木头用钳夹固定住了。

    The wood is held in position by a clamp .

  21. 钳子扣滑时,把我的大拇指狠狠央了一下。

    I gave my thumb quite a nip when the pliers slipped .

  22. 韦德的手象把一把钳子似地牢牢抓住了她的衣裙。

    Wade 's fingers were in her skirt in a terrified grip .

  23. 在现代城市建设的活动中扮演着越来越重要的钳子角色。

    Playing a more important role in modern city construction .

  24. 再转动一次钳子就好了。

    Another turn of the pliers would do the trick .

  25. 精细工作用的有长细齿的小钳子。

    Small pliers with long thin jaws for fine work .

  26. 钳子和扳手的区别是什么吗?

    What the difference is between pliers and a wrench ?

  27. 这些是钳子的各种包装。

    These are the various kinds of packing for pliers .

  28. 剪这根电线,必须要用克丝钳子。

    Combination pliers are needed to cut this electrical wiring .

  29. 我拿出钳子和手电筒,爬到了车底下。

    I got out my pliers and torch and crawled under the ambulance .

  30. 形似虾的十足甲壳动物,有两对钳子;大多数可食用。

    Shrimp-like decapod crustacean having two pairs of pincers ; most are edible .