
  • 网络casualty
  1. 震灾最大伤亡率的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis on the highest rate of casualty in earthquake disasters

  2. 悍马炮塔上的枪手伤亡率一直很高。

    Gunners on Humvees have high casualty rates .

  3. 进一步的分析计算还发现,震害损失和地震预警(报)系统减少人员伤亡率Pi的极大值均不在高烈度区和低烈度区,而是在中等烈度区。

    It is found that the maximum of the seismic hazard and value are in the middle intensity area , and not in the higher and the lower intensity areas .

  4. 事故伤亡率的灰色预测货运技术与海损事故

    GREY FORECAST OF ACCIDENT INJURY AND DEATH RATE Cargo Carrying Technique and Marine Casualty

  5. 考虑到西方对伤亡率有种政治过敏感,不大可能作出军事上的反应。

    A military response is unlikely , given western political sensitivities about casualty rates .

  6. 农民工高伤亡率、高犯罪率等社会问题突出。

    The high casualty rate of migrant workers , high crime and other social problems .

  7. 给出了预测室内人员伤亡率的计算方法。

    Based on this , the method of predicting indoor occupants ' casualty rate was presented .

  8. 减少美军的战斗力量也许有一个明显的好处:更低的美军伤亡率。

    A reduction in the U.S.combat presence would probably produce one clear benefit : a lower U.S.casualty rate .

  9. 在我国,道路交通伤害发生率和伤亡率居高不下。

    In our country , the episodes of injury and death from traffic accident are high all the way .

  10. 据估计一战中芥子气的伤亡率约占化学损伤伤亡率的80%,因此被称为毒剂之王。

    It was reported that about 80 % of the chemical casualties in WW I was caused by sulfur mustard .

  11. 无人平台可以降低成本、减小人员伤亡率、提高机动性能且可被重复使用。

    Unmanned platforms can be utilized repeatedly to reduce the cost and the casualty rate and improve the mobile performance .

  12. 高速公路交通流量大、行车速度高,一旦发生突发事件,往往会造成恶性事故与较高伤亡率。

    Highway traffic flow is large , high speed , in case of emergencies , often cause accidents and high casualty rate .

  13. 本文论述的方法,可以作为宏观技术系统事故伤亡率预测的标准化方法。

    The method proposed in the paper can be viewed as the standardization one for the forecast of accident injury and death rate .

  14. 让人瞠目结舌的是,同盟国伤亡率如此高仅仅是因为他们的手表时间没有同步。

    One stupefying reason why the Allies suffered such a high casualty rate was due to their simple failure of synchronizing their watches .

  15. 最后,僵局和高伤亡率迫使同盟军退出战争,结果奥斯曼帝国取得巨大的胜利!

    Eventually , the stalemate and high casualty rate forced the Allies to pull out from the campaign , resulting in a huge Ottoman victory .

  16. 大客车的碰撞安全性问题是近几年来人们普遍关注的问题,而客车的翻滚碰撞是事故伤亡率较高的一种情况。

    Collision safety of bus has been paid much attention in recent years , roll-over collision is one of the highest casualty ratio condition in traffic accidents .

  17. 社会活动家们说,过去10年,已经有超过140名记者在伊拉克被杀害,这样的伤亡率在全世界都是数一数二的。

    Activists say more than 140 journalists have been killed in Iraq in the past 10 years , one of the highest casualty rates in the world .

  18. 通过实际分析,确定了影响安太堡露天煤矿事故伤亡率的因素,并对所有的因素模糊灰色化后进行了评定分析。

    Through analysis , the factors affecting death ratio of accident in Antaibao open pit mine are determined and the evaluation analysis is conducted after all the factors were fuzzy greyed .

  19. 在现代战争中,各国都在尽力追求零死亡,在达到预期的军事目的情况下,要求伤亡率降到最低。

    In modern wars , every country is trying to achieve ― zero mortality ‖ . The casualty is required to be as low as possible with the expected martial purpose achieved .

  20. 我国作为发展中国家,基础设施相对薄弱,人-车混合的道路交通情况复杂,直接导致了交通事故中较高的行人伤亡率。

    China is a developing country , the infrastructure is relatively weak , and the people-vehicle mixed traffic situation is complex . A direct result is a higher casualty rate in pedestrian accident .

  21. 军事训练相关伤害的多数发生在膝关节或以下部位,其所导致的伤亡率、损耗率,以及消耗的部队医疗费用是惊人的。

    Most of the military training related injuries occur in the knee joint or below it , and the casualty rate and the consumption of military training expense caused by these diseases are remarkable .

  22. 现代战争中精确化、智能化弹药的使用不仅直接关系到战争的胜败,而且还可以有效降低平民的伤亡率,弹道修正弹就是其中的典型代表。

    The use of precision and intelligent ammunition not only directly concerns the victory or defeat of the war but also can reduce the rate of civilian casualties . Trajectory Correction is one of the typical representatives .

  23. 各国都在想方设法增强士兵的生存能力、降低伤亡率、提高观通能力和火力,军备显示出了更轻便、更通用,火力更强大,信息技术含量更高的特点。

    In all the countries try various devices to enhance soldiers ' survival ability , reducing the injury rate , improve the observation ability and firepower , the arms shows a more portable , more general , fire more powerful , information technology content higher characteristic .

  24. 石化企业伤亡事故率的系统动力学仿真

    System dynamic simulation for casualty rate of petrochemical corporation

  25. 建筑业的伤亡事故率一直都远远高于其他行业的平均水平,各类事故中高处坠落更是占最大比例。

    The accident rate in construction industry is far higher than the average level of other industries . Among all kinds of accidents , the fall-accident accounts for the largest proportion .

  26. 颅脑创伤是战时和平时常发生的严重伤类,救治尤其困难,伤亡和伤残率为严重创伤之首。

    Traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) is a kind of serious injury happened in war time and peace time . Its treatment remains a great challenge , and the casualty and disable rate is the highest among serious trauma .