
shāng fēng
  • head cold;the sniffles;cold;common cold
伤风 [shāng fēng]
  • [cold] 感冒

  • 他得伤风已一周了,还不见好

伤风[shāng fēng]
  1. 不过,练习耐力运动的人也许都知道,为参加自行车比赛或马拉松长跑这样的赛事而开展的艰苦训练,可能会让你患上头伤风或其他上呼吸道感染(URTI)。

    But as anyone who practises endurance sports probably knows , hard training for an event like a cycle race or a marathon run can leave you with a dandy head cold or other upper respiratory tract infection ( URTI ) .

  2. 没人会让小小的伤风或是轻微的流感阻止自己继续工作。

    No one is going to allow a mere head cold or mild bout of flu to stop them getting on with their work .

  3. 我伤风感冒很重,直流鼻涕。

    I have got a bad cold , running at the nose .

  4. 她伤风老是不好。

    She can 't get rid of the cold .

  5. 她为她的孩子治疗伤风和肚子痛。

    She doctors her children for colds and stomachaches .

  6. 有点伤风,不要紧。

    Just a slight cold , nothing serious .

  7. 他似乎伤风了。

    He appears to have caught cold .

  8. 她以卧床休息治疗重伤风。

    She nursed a bad cold by going to bed .

  9. 伤风已削弱了她的抵抗力。

    A cold had lowered her resistance .

  10. 天那么冷,别呆在外面,你会得重伤风的!

    Don 't stand out in the cold like that & you 'll catch your death !

  11. 伤风在冬季很普遍。

    Colds are prevalent in the winter .

  12. 感冒伤风,人人在所难免。

    The common cold gets us all .

  13. 用来治疗敏感症、敏感反映和伤风的药物;通过和H受点部位组胺作用相中和而起作用。

    A medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds ; works by counteracting the effects of histamine on the receptor site known as H1 .

  14. 你们这些留下来的明显不是得了伤风。

    Those of you who have stayedobviously do not have colds .

  15. 把湿衣服脱掉,不然要伤风的。

    Get out of those wet clothes before you catch cold .

  16. 如果坐在风口上,你会伤风。

    You will catch cold if you sit in a draught .

  17. 现在伤风感冒正下分流行。

    There are a lot of colds going about just now .

  18. 伤风感冒过后我仍感不舒服。

    I still feel like death warmed up after my cold .

  19. 分光光度法测定速效伤风胶囊中人工牛黄

    Assay of synthetic calculus bovis in rapid-acting capsules against common cold

  20. 只要你不把伤风传染给东尼。

    As long as you don 't give Tony that cold .

  21. 气候突变,一些人伤风了。

    The weather changed suddenly , many of us caught cold .

  22. 你一次打破伤风针是什么时候?

    When is the last time you had a tetanus shot ?

  23. 没有什么比充分休息对伤风再好的了。

    There 's nothing better for a cold than plenty of rest .

  24. 我被你传染伤风了,我会很生气的。

    I catch your cold , I 'm gonna be very pissed .

  25. 身体对伤风,感冒或其它疾病的抵抗力下降;

    Lowered body resistance to colds , flu , or other diseases ;

  26. 昨天的我小妹子患了伤风。

    Yesterday my little sister caught ( a ) cold .

  27. 你的声音听起来像是伤风了。

    Your voice sound as if you have a cold .

  28. 班奈特太太:哪有伤风感冒就会送命的。

    MRS BENNET : People do not die of colds .

  29. 在家,妈妈有点儿肺部伤风。

    Home . mother 's got a bit of a chest cold .

  30. 他们都伤风了,呼吸有声而且打喷嚏。

    They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing .