
  • 网络Immunity
  1. 老年人咽部携带的流感嗜血杆菌(Hi)与Hi疾病密切相关,在机体免疫力下降等情况下可下移引起各种呼吸道感染。

    Hemophilus influenzae ( Hi ) is closely related to Hi diseases , which can move down and then cause respiratory infection when the body has low immunity .

  2. 环境和大气污染可导致人体SIgA水平低下,局部免疫力下降。

    Enviromental and atmospheric pollutions may lead to the decrease of SIgA level , so does it of the local immunity .

  3. 输血引起的受血者机体免疫力下降,在临床Meta分析中已肯定其可导致受血者肿瘤复发率与术后感染率增加。

    Clinical meta analyses approve of that transfusion induces recipients immunosuppression so that may increase incidence of bacterial infection tumor recurrence .

  4. 结论:海洛因给药使脾中ADA、XOD活力升高,引起嘌呤核苷酸分解代谢增强,而且脾细胞核苷酸分解代谢增强是海洛因依赖引起的免疫力下降的重要原因。

    Conclusion Administration of heroin can enhance the activities of ADA and XOD and promote the purine nucleotides catabolism in spleen .

  5. 猪呼吸道病综合征(porcinerespiratorydiseasecomplex,PRDC)是由病毒、细菌、环境应激和猪体免疫力下降引起的疾病综合征,死亡率较高、危害养猪业的重要传染病之一。

    The Porcine respiratory disease complex ( PRDC ) is a complex disease which caused by virus , bacteria , stimulate of enviroment and the decline of porcine immunity . It is one of the most serious infectious disease which has high death rate and high harmfulness to pig breed .

  6. 机体免疫力下降常引起活动性感染,并可导致致命性疾病。

    HCMV infection often develop severe disease in the immunocompromised patient .

  7. 大负荷的运动训练则引起继发性红细胞免疫功能低下,红细胞免疫指数均降低,免疫力下降。

    Big sports load training caused the red cell to continue decreasing .

  8. 这些现象很可能使人的心理、理失衡,记忆力、体免疫力下降。

    They may cause psychological and physiological imbalance , and decline of memory and immunity .

  9. 长期心理不健康,抑郁不振,会使机体免疫力下降,导致众多疾病的发生。

    Long-term mental health , depression , can make the body immunity , leading to disease .

  10. 如果在某个时候免疫力下降了,它们开始扩散并发作。

    If the immune system weakens at any point , they begin to spread and then attack .

  11. 经常性缺少睡眠会增加健康问题的风险,比如失忆、免疫力下降。

    Regularly getting too little increases the risk of health problems , including memory impairment and a weakened immune system .

  12. 当机体免疫力下降或长期使用抗生素导致菌群失调时可引起感染。

    Infections occurred in the situation of low immunity or the flora imbalance which are caused by long-term using of antibiotics .

  13. 负面压力会引起身体发生化学反应,免疫力下降,更有可能会生病。

    Negative stress causes chemical reactions in your body that decrease your immunity , making it more likely you will get sick .

  14. 目前临床上许多疾病导致机体免疫力下降,真菌感染的发生率大大增加,使抗真菌药在临床得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Nowadays hypoimmunity cases were increasing because many clinical diseases could induce it and the incidence of fungal infections was greatly increased .

  15. 其次,长期使用抗生素造成畜禽机体的免疫力下降;

    Secondly , long-term use of antibiotic declines the immunity of animal , in addition , causes endogenous infection to animal too .

  16. 同时我们也知道免疫力下降的人,比如说带有艾滋病毒的人,更容易得到肺结核病。

    It 's also known that people with reduced immunity like those with HIV the virus that causes AIDS , are more susceptible to Tuberculosis .

  17. 缺铁(贫血症)致使免疫力下降,在一些贫困国家,到达生育年龄的妇女中有一半都有缺铁性贫血。

    Shortage of iron ( anaemia ) weakens the immune system and affects , in some poor countries , half of all women of child-bearing age .

  18. 在这些肺结核病菌携带者体内的结核杆菌可能处于休眠状态,只有在免疫力下降、抵抗力减弱时才会苏醒。

    In these latent infections , the TB bacterium may be dormant , only activating when someone 's immune system is too weak to mount a defense .

  19. 家里小孩常咳嗽、打喷嚏、免疫力下降,新装修的房子孩子不愿意回家;

    In11 , home children often coughing , sneezing , decreased immunity , the new decoration of the house the children don 't want to go home ;

  20. 究其原因是现代生产工艺限制了猪群的某些行为习性,使猪的抗逆性、抵抗力和免疫力下降,造成对环境的要求越来越严。

    The reason is that the modern production technics limit some behavior habits and decrease the resistance and immunity , so the require for environment become more and more severe .

  21. 结论:肾移植术后,机体免疫力下降,HPV-B19感染的机率上升,可能引起以贫血为主的多系统多器官的功能障碍,影响肾移植的效果。

    Conclusion After renal transplantation , recipients were easily infected by HPV - B19 , which maybe cause multiple system and organ disorders , and affect the result of renal transplantation .

  22. 在过去二十年中,由于人群对疾病感染的免疫力下降、砍伐森林、城市化、人口流动和气候变化等因素的影响,黄热病病例数呈增加趋势。

    The number of yellow fever cases has increased over the past two decades due to declining population immunity to infection , deforestation , urbanization , population movements and climate change .

  23. 人体内锌离子缺乏会导致免疫力下降、男性生殖功能减退等问题;然而锌离子过剩,也会引发缺铁性贫血、心血管疾病发病率增加等问题。

    In human body , zinc deficiency can lead to some diseases such as decreased immunity , male reproductive dysfunction , while zinc excess can also cause iron-deficiency anemia and cardiovascular disease .

  24. 长期处于压力状态会导致血压升高、免疫力下降,增加心脏病和中风风险,导致不孕不育,加速衰老过程。

    Prolonged exposure to stress can raise blood pressure , suppress the immune system , increase the risk of heart attack and stroke , contribute to infertility , and speed up the aging process .

  25. 他表示:我们看到更多睡眠长期欠债的年轻人正出现各种问题,例如,荷尔蒙分泌失调、免疫力下降、高血压、心血管问题、体重增加和Ⅱ型糖尿病等。

    We see more young people with chronic sleep debt developing problems such as hormonal defects , decreased immunological function , high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems , increased weight and type-II diabetes , he says .

  26. 烧伤糖代谢障碍导致高血糖症和机体免疫力下降,造成感染和感染难以控制,是烧伤患者发生医院感染的危险因素。

    Hyperglycemia and the descent of immunity , caused by glycometabolism disorder in burned patients , contribute to the infection and the difficulty of control . It is a risk factor of nosocomial infection in burned patients .

  27. 吸烟、饮酒、缺乏营养的食品所导致的免疫力下降会使人们更爱感冒咳嗽,而这又会导致人们请病假。

    A poor immune system caused by smoking , drinking and a lack of nutritionally beneficial food , lends itself to people being more susceptible to coughs and colds which in turn can lead to sick days .

  28. 然而在肿瘤治疗的过程中,也存在许多严重的并发症和副反应,诸如局部骨髓抑制、全身免疫力下降、放射性皮炎以及严重胃肠道反应等,严重者甚至威胁患者生命。

    However , there was many side effects or complications after radiotherapy , for example , local bone marrow suppression , general immunity reduction , radiodermatitis , serious gastrointestinal responses and so on , even threating to life .

  29. 因维生素A缺乏所致的失明、感染、免疫力下降和细胞癌变率增高等现象已经引起了人们对维生素A类物质在肿瘤治疗和预防方面的极大兴趣,成为了肿瘤研究的热点。

    People now have paid more attention to the role of Vitamin A in treatment and prophylaxis of tumor , because of the increasing rate of blindness , infection and carcinogenesis due to Vitamin A deficiency ( VAD ) .

  30. 仔猪断奶是以母乳喂养为主向以固体饲料为主转变的过程,在此期间,仔猪极易因为肠道微生态环境的改变,出现体重下降、腹泻及免疫力下降等症状。

    Weaning is a transition period for piglets that is from breast-fed to solid diet . It may cause retarded growth and high diarrhea rate due to the change in microbial population in the intestinal tract at the stressful time .