
miǎn yì lì
  • immunity;immunity (immunization) from disease
免疫力 [miǎn yì lì]
  • (1) [immunity (immunization) from disease]

  • (2) 指由于具有抵抗力而不患某种传染病的能力

  • (3) 又比喻对社会生活中不健康的因素自我抵制的能力

免疫力[miǎn yì lì]
  1. 由于幼虫对药物有免疫力,因此必须经常喷药。

    Because of the immunity of the immature insects , it 's important to spray regularly .

  2. 的食用富含维他命C的食物,可增加自身免疫力。

    Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C.

  3. 这个血检会显示你是否对这种疾病具有免疫力。

    This blood test will show whether or not you 're immune to the disease

  4. 大多数成人对风疹具有免疫力。

    Most adults are immune to Rubella .

  5. 由于多数人对这种病具有天然免疫力,所以发病率低得出奇。

    This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch as most people have a natural resistance to it .

  6. 我对这病有免疫力,因为我已得过一次。

    I am immune from the disease , for I had it once .

  7. 维生素C:有助于身体吸收铁,保持强大的免疫力;

    Vitamin C , which helps our bodies absorb iron and keeps the immune system strong .

  8. 这些物质可提高婴儿的免疫力,使之免受病毒感染和疾病侵袭。

    And these provide immunities against the a host of infections and diseases .

  9. 研究显示,辉瑞和阿斯利康等疫苗在接种两剂后对印度变种病毒能产生较高的免疫力,然而单剂的保护力似乎会减弱。

    Research suggests that vaccines , such as the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs , are highly effective against the Indian variant after two doses , but protection from one dose appears to be reduced .

  10. 北京大学人民医院呼吸内科的韩芳指出,长期睡眠不足(对于多数成年人来说指每晚睡眠少于7小时)会导致早亡危险增加26%。韩芳表示,晚上睡得好可以提高抵抗疾病的免疫力。

    Han Fang7 , from the respiratory department at Peking University People 's Hospital , said chronic8 sleep deprivation - meaning sleeping less than seven hours for most adults - will boost the risk of premature9 death by 26 percent .

  11. 目的进一步证实PPD实验在监测结核免疫力中的应用价值。

    Objective To further testify the value of applying purified protein derivative ( PPD ) of tuberculin in monitoring the immunocompetence .

  12. 在K天后,该病人康复并有了对这种疾病的免疫力。

    After K days , the patient recovers and is now resistant to the disease .

  13. 随着我们年龄的增加,免疫力会日益恶化。这是因为T淋巴球和B淋巴球的数量在累计下降。

    As we age , immunity deteriorates because of the progressive decline of the number of T and B lymphocytes .

  14. 具有预防接种免疫力的双线性传染率SIR流行病模型全局稳定性

    Global Stability of SIR Epidemiological Model with Vaccinal Immunity and Bilinear Incidence Rates

  15. 维生素C是水生动物必需的营养物质,在促进生长、抵抗疾病、增强机体免疫力等方面发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Vitamin C is essential nutrition to aquatic animal , and plays a key role in its growth , resisting diseases , enhancing immunity .

  16. 人群对Hp普遍易感染;感染者对Hp缺乏有效而持久的免疫力。

    Most people are susceptible to Hp and lack of effective and lasting immunity .

  17. SN抗体更能反映机体免疫力。

    The SN antibody is better to reflect the body immunity .

  18. Zn,Ca含量升高,发生消化系癌相对危险度降低.结论对消化系癌患者适量补Zn,调节和改善宿主抗肿瘤免疫力;

    CONCLUSION Suitable Zn supplementation for digestive system cancer patients can enhance cell mediated immunity against neoplasms .

  19. Boosting算法综述补中益气汤提高机体免疫力的实验研究进展

    Summary of Center-Supplement Qi - Boosting Decoction to Improve Immunity

  20. 结果就是这些鱼或多或少有了对PCB毒性的免疫力。

    The result is fish that are more or less immune to PCB poisoning .

  21. 结论HIV感染者和AIDS病人机体免疫力降低,PPD反应明显下降。

    Conclusion PPD reaction decreased dramatically with the impairing of immunity of HIV / AIDS patients .

  22. 结论同种异体幼年动物的软骨细胞PLA复合物在有免疫力的动物体内形成的组织工程软骨可以作为气管壁缺损的修复材料。

    Conclusion Allogenic tissue-engineered cartilage can be an ideal material to repair defect of tracheal wall .

  23. 免疫原性测定结果表明,用各代次疫苗接种鸡都能产生良好的免疫力,能有效地抵抗强毒R株的攻击,保护气囊不受损伤。

    All of the chickens which inoculated with various generation vaccines could produce good immunity to against virulent MG R strain challenges for protecting air sac lesions .

  24. 结论IgG水平下降,机体免疫力低下是医院感染的主要原因。

    Conclusion Descent of serum IgG level and decreased immunity activity of patient were the main reasons for nosocomial infection .

  25. 白细胞介素2(Interleukin2,IL-2)是重要的免疫调控因子,能以非特异性的方式增强针对特异性抗原的免疫力。

    Interleukin 2 , an important immunomodulator , acts in a non-specific manner to augment specific immunity to an antigen .

  26. 但是艾炷灸组在增强机体免疫力及降低HPIgG方面优于电针组。

    But the Moxa Moxibustion group in the enhancement of immunity and reduce the Hp IgG is better than that of electro-acupuncture group .

  27. 此外,营养不良、免疫力低下以及体内的高凝状态是CRF患者的主要特征。

    Nutrition deficiency , lower immunity and high coagulation state are the main features in CRF patients .

  28. 为获得对H5N1的免疫力,大约一个月需要分别注射该疫苗两次。

    To immunize people against H5N1 , two injections of the vaccine approximately one month apart are needed .

  29. 输血引起的受血者机体免疫力下降,在临床Meta分析中已肯定其可导致受血者肿瘤复发率与术后感染率增加。

    Clinical meta analyses approve of that transfusion induces recipients immunosuppression so that may increase incidence of bacterial infection tumor recurrence .

  30. 这些患者同时还伴有程度不等的营养不良及免疫力低下等,使CRF患者的生存质量及生存时间缩短。

    These patients are also accompanied with malnutrition and lower immunity which cause an unpleased living quality and short-living life .