
  1. 有了宽带网络,在短短数秒钟,网友们就可以轻易下载免费电影、CD音乐以及一些精密的软件程序。

    With broadband access , users will find themselves able to download movies , CD 's and sophisticated software programs for free in a fraction of a second .

  2. 免费电影票是做这份工作的额外福利。

    Free theatre tickets are one of the perks of this job .

  3. 我在哪里可以看狗吃狗在线免费电影完全流?

    There is free hot dog and beer in Deen every Monday .

  4. 杰姆给了我们一些免费电影票。

    Jim give us some freebie to the movie .

  5. 好了,我们该看哪部免费电影呢?

    Okay , what free movie should we see ?

  6. 我在哪里可以看闪存戈登火星之旅网上免费电影完全流?

    Where can I watch Flash Gordons Trip to Mars movie online free full stream ?

  7. 你都是我们的英雄所提供的所有免费电影让我们拭目以待。

    You all are our hero provided all the free movie for us to watching .

  8. 我可以在哪里看的工作主任米歇尔冈瑞网上免费电影完全流?

    Where can I watch The Work of Director Michel Gondry movie online free full stream ?

  9. 我在哪里可以看玻璃屋:好母亲在线免费电影完全流?

    Where can I watch Glass House : The Good Mother movie online free full stream ?

  10. 你会将他很不经意地邀请你看一场免费电影当成盛大的节日;

    Will you he is casual invite you to see a free movies as grand festival ;

  11. 我们一般会向老客户赠送一些免费电影或对某些产品给予折扣。

    We will send them some free movies as gifts or give them some discount on certain products .

  12. 想要获得免费电影票者,请发来一个写好回寄地址的信封,且在来信中写明想要看的两个电影。

    To get your free tickets , please send a self-addressed envelope and a letter listing two desired films .

  13. 通讯记者们报道,各种各样的诱惑物包括廉价食品、免费电影票和玩具也被用来拉选票。

    Various inducements were also offered to mobilise voters , including cheap food , free cinema tickets or toys , correspondents say .

  14. 经营一家电影院可是个大买卖。戈登:如果我的朋友是电影院的首席执行官,那他肯定能帮我们,但他只是个小小的引座员。莫莉:能得到免费电影票就已经不错了,我知足了。

    Owning a movie theatre is big business . Gordon : If my friend was the CEO , I am sure he could help us , but he is only a low-level usher . Molly : Complimentary tickets are fine . I 'll take what I can get .

  15. 在赴年的销售季节,为了吸引还不确定该支持哪种格式的消费者,厂商纷纷大幅降价,并而且免费赠送电影(Movie)光盘。

    Last year 's holiday season was marked by big price cuts and movie giveaways to attract consumers , who were uncertain about which format to support .

  16. Amazon和Netflix等网络公司也暗藏杀机,它们破坏性强且拥有大量资金,通过因特网向观众提供低价或免费的电影和电视节目。

    Disruptive , deep-pocketed firms like Amazon and Netflix lurk , whispering promises of internet-delivered films and television shows for little or no money .

  17. 我在积存积分券以便能换到些免费的电影票。

    I 'm saving up the vouchers for some free cinema tickets .

  18. 6月1日,孩子们都被招待免费观看电影。

    The children were treated to movies on June 1 .

  19. 我拿到两张免费的电影票。

    Ann : I got two movie tickets for free .

  20. 你为什么不让我免费看电影呢?

    A : Why won 't you let me into the movie for free ?

  21. 有了这张卡,你就可以在这家影院免费看电影。

    This card can enable you to watch movies for free in this cinema .

  22. 我听说我们学校的电影俱乐部会免费放映电影。

    But I heard the film club of our school would show a film for free .

  23. 每部电影学生购票只需一元,最高票价不超过五元。有些院校甚至会免费播放电影。

    Students only need to pay one Yuan for each film and the highest ticket will not exceeds five Yuan . Some universities will even screen the films for free .

  24. 据悉,在《捉妖记》上映43天之后,制片公司从29家影院购买了电影票,以供观众免费看电影。而该公司将其描述为一场公益活动。

    It 's been revealed that 43 days after ' Monster Hunt ' hit theatres , the production company bought tickets from 29 cinemas to show the movie to selective groups of audiences for free , which the company described as a public-welfare activity .

  25. 因此,这里的清单顶端7日网站提供免费的宝莱坞电影在线。

    So here is the list of top7 sites offering free Bollywood movies online .

  26. 例如,购买了KindleFire的高级会员能免费通过亚马逊同步电影。

    Prime members who buy a kindle fire can stream movies through Amazon for free , for example .

  27. 在南加里福尼亚大学,学生们不仅能免费观看获奖独立电影,还能与好莱坞大腕们见面。

    At the University of Southern California , students catch free screenings of award-winning , indie films as well as big blockbusters then get to meet with the Hollywood bigshots .

  28. 许多人在首映式的时候前去电影院花大价钱看那些以后会通过下载和租赁方式变得免费,或者几乎免费的电影。

    Many people go to movie theaters to see films on the opening night , where they will pay a hefty price to see a film that later will be available for free , or almost free , via rental or download .

  29. 或是去参观免费的画廊、或是去公园看场免费电影;

    Or to a free art gallery ? Or a movie in the park ?

  30. 免费之家-免费注册码注册机破解补丁,免费电影音乐电子书等免费版资源

    Ranslated Title : Free House-RI crack free registration key patch , free movies , music e-books and other free resources