
  • 网络film appreciation;Movie Appreciation;English Movie
  1. CBI理念与电影欣赏在大学英语教学中的应用

    Application of CBI Theory and English Film Appreciation in College English Teaching

  2. 英语电影欣赏的内容、方法、教材编写等方面还有待于进一步探讨。

    The content and method of film appreciation remains to be further explored .

  3. 本文介绍了CBI理念的概况及其在大学英语电影欣赏课中的应用,以期引起更多外语教学者的关注并进行该领域的探索。

    This article focuses on introducing CBI theory and how it is applied to college English teaching with English-film appreciation , hoping to make more English teachers interested in and devote to the exploration in this field .

  4. 论电影欣赏中的视觉注意

    On the Inside 's Sense of Vision Attention in Movie Enjoyment

  5. 中国电影欣赏:你看过中国电影吗?

    Chinese movies : Have you ever watched Chinese movies ?

  6. 休闲时的阅读、电影欣赏和运动对我来说都是生活的一部份。

    I like reading , watching movies and like sport a lot .

  7. 论英语电影欣赏课程的教学模式优化

    On the Teaching Pattern Optimization in English Movies Appreciation

  8. 英语电影欣赏与教学设计&以美国电影《辛德勒的名单》为例

    English Film Appreciation and Instruction Design & Taking Schindler 's List as An Example

  9. 论电影欣赏的心理特征

    On the Psychological Characteristics of Film Appreciation

  10. 我们有一些酒店还安排额外的娱乐活动,包括音乐、舞蹈、电影欣赏等。

    Some of our hotels arrange additional entertainment which could include music , dancing , film shows , etc.

  11. 然而,随着越来越多的旧电影院被改造成音乐厅或教堂,以前的电影欣赏艺术到哪里去呢?

    As old theaters increasingly become concert halls and churches , however , what happens to the art of moviegoing ?

  12. 参加培训的学员将参加各种课程,其中包括服装搭配、茶艺和电影欣赏等。

    Those who enroll will be taught various classes , including how to match clothes , tea art and movies .

  13. 论日语高级视听课之日本电影欣赏课初级中学朝鲜语文语法教育现状研究

    A Study on Teaching Japanese Majors Through Japanese Films ; The Study of Korean Language Grammar in the Secondary Education

  14. 《电影欣赏与初中生记叙文写作教学相结合的实践研究》分为四章。

    The paper , practical study on combining film appreciation and teaching of narrative writing in junior middle school , is organized into four chapters .

  15. 第一次看《阿甘正传》是在一堂叫做世界电影欣赏的选修课上,那时我上大四。

    Nowadays , I watched it again myself , I thoughet that is a kind of life which is made me admire very much of gan .

  16. 第一章,《绪论》。阐述了研究的目的与意义,接着阐明研究的现状,重点是两个概念的界定:电影欣赏,电影欣赏与记叙文写作教学相结合。

    First one is introduction and in this chapter , the purpose , significance and current situation of this study are stated and as a key point , two concepts , that is , film appreciation and combination of film appreciation and teaching of narrative writing , are defined .

  17. 每天,多达5000名游客来到千禧图书馆,观看书籍、电影,欣赏音乐,使用wifi,参观阅读角和学习空间。

    Every day , up to 5,000 visitors come to Millennium Library for books , movies , music , wifi , reading corners and study space .

  18. 如果你感到沮丧,那么就去租一盘喜剧电影来欣赏。

    If you 're feeling down , try renting a funny movie .

  19. 美国的电影观众欣赏口味很不一样。

    The US cinema audience is a very different beast .

  20. 看一场电影;欣赏一段你最喜欢的情景喜剧;和朋友共享一杯巧克力圣代。

    Go to the movies , watch your favorite sitcom , and share a chocolate sundae with a friend .

  21. 然而随着电影观众欣赏能力和观影趣味的发展变化,促成了电影实践中纪实性元素与表现性,戏剧性原始的融合。

    Appreciate ability and view shadow-interesting development and change with film audience , having facilitated the record element and behaving in practice of the film , the integration with primitive dramatics .

  22. 学生能运用所学词汇和句型来谈论自己喜好的电影以及学会欣赏和制作电影海报。

    Ss are able to use the new vocabulary and structure to talk about their favorite movies and learn to enjoy the movie posters .

  23. 本片是一出非常感人的电影,确实值得欣赏。

    Facing Window is a very moving film , well worth seeing .

  24. 电影观众要想欣赏一下最近电影的艺术技巧,并不需要付出昂贵的费用。

    Moviegoers do not pay out relatively large sums of money just to see the state of the art technology of the latest movies ;

  25. 梅尔文:可是,我仍然想看这部电影。我想欣赏它的特技效果。由于前来欣赏的观众实在太踊跃,电影院准备续映该片一周。

    Melvyn : Still , I 'd like to see it , because I 'm interested in the special effects . They are going to hold over that movie for another week because so many people are coming to see it .

  26. 这部电影的音乐使我们对电影更加欣赏了。

    The music added to our enjoyment of the film .