
  • stray cat;abandoned cat;Alley Cat
  1. 像只流浪猫住在仓库里?

    Living in some warehouse like a stray cat ?

  2. 一家总是亏损的日本铁路公司因为一只享有盛誉的流浪猫而重回轨道。

    A loss-making Japanese railway company is back on track thanks to the popularity of a stray cat .

  3. 当这只流浪猫被女儿切尔西收养时,这位前总统还是阿肯色州的州长,2001年克林顿一家离开白宫后,Socks一直和这位前总统的秘书生活在一起。

    Well the former president was governor of Arkansas when the street cat was adopted by his daughter Chelsea . Socks has been living with the former president 's secretary since the Clintons left Washington back in 2001 .

  4. 应该怎样处理小区里的流浪猫?

    How to deal with the stray cats in your neighborhood ?

  5. 我认为我们应该照顾这些流浪猫。

    I think we should take care of these deserted cats .

  6. 合肥市夏季流浪猫流浪狗行为时间分配的初步研究

    Time Budgets of Wandering Cats and Dogs in Summer in Hefei City

  7. 这个大都市里有几万只无家可归的流浪猫。

    There are a few hundred thousand stray cats in this city .

  8. 这显然是一只流浪猫,健康状况相当糟糕。

    The cat was obviously a stray and in pretty bad shape .

  9. 只看到猫的图案却没看到真正的流浪猫。

    I only see the sign but not stray cats .

  10. 我不是在跟你讨论流浪猫的问题。

    I 'm not talking about stray cats , sir .

  11. 她收养无家可归的流浪猫。

    She takes in stray cats who have no homes .

  12. 如何真正可以减少流浪猫的苦难?

    How can sufferings of stray cats be reduced ?

  13. 这一切都得从那只猫儿说起。它曾经是一只流浪猫。

    It all began with the cat , once only a mournful stray kitten .

  14. 好吧,现在你们所需要的就只是两只流浪猫。

    Well , now , that 's all you need is two stray cats .

  15. 昨天下午购物的时候我看见了一只小流浪猫。

    I caught a sight of a little lonely cat when I went shopping yesterday .

  16. 不阉割,是散养或流浪猫死亡的高危因素。

    Being un-castrated is one of the highest risk factors for mortality in free-roaming cats .

  17. 很多刚被救助来的流浪猫身上都带有多种疾病或者残疾。

    Many cats have diseases or disabilities when they are brought to Granny Ding 's home .

  18. 妈妈:亲爱的,你听说了现在有很多流浪猫吗?

    Mom : Honey , have you ever heard that there are a lot of stray cats now .

  19. 亲爱的词友,你是怎么认为的呢?该如何处理这些流浪猫呢?

    My dear friends , what do you think ? How do you deal with these stray cats ?

  20. 在你面前是一位今晚很可能被流浪猫放鸽子的男士。

    You 're looking at a guy who could very well get stood up by a stray cat tonight .

  21. 最有害的猫科动物杀手是那些流浪猫,减少流浪猫的数量是一个持续存在的问题。

    The worst feline killers are those without owners , and reducing feral cat populations is an ongoing problem .

  22. 来自北大经济学专业大一年级、18岁的金晶(音译)照顾这些流浪猫已经有两天了。

    Jin Jing , 18 , an economics freshman at the university , cared for the cats for two days .

  23. 此外,他们还有一项重要工作,就是把流浪猫的照片和信息传到网上,给它们找个新家。

    Another of its major tasks is to find new homes for the cats by uploading their photos and information online .

  24. 当流浪猫冲到她跟前发出喵呜喵呜的叫声时,从未养过宠物的金晶总是很兴奋。

    Jin , who has never had pets , was excited when the animals rushed to her feet , purring loudly .

  25. 这只名为查理的流浪猫因为得了皮肤癌而不得不接受手术,切除了两只耳朵和鼻子。

    The abandoned cat , named Charlie , had to have its ears and nose removed after suffering from skin cancer .

  26. 我说想开个流浪猫收容所,他就说做兽医。

    I 'd say I wanted to have a refuge for stray cats . He 'd say , " veterinarian . "

  27. 从囊蚴检查阳性的调查点收集猫、狗和溪边山坑的流浪猫粪便,以水洗沉淀法检查并殖吸虫虫卵。

    Fecal materials of dogs and cats around the villages and streams where crabs were found infected were collected for examining eggs .

  28. 他是一个动物爱好者,平时救助动物,比如那些被遗弃的流浪猫流浪狗什么的,而且还救援猴子。

    He is an animal lover and he rescues animals , like abandoned dogs and cats . And he even rescues monkeys .

  29. 最近,我们院里的流浪猫都不知去哪里了,我为什么这么关心?

    Recently , we have the courtyard of the stray cats do not know where , and why I cared so much about ?

  30. 他们还在当地为其他流浪猫寻找新主人,并呼吁向佛罗里达州动物保护协会捐款。

    They also post appeals for other cats in local shelters to be rehomed and ask for donations to the Florida Humane Society .