
liú shuǐ
  • flowing water;running water;stream;turnover;in hurry;turnover in business
流水 [liú shuǐ]
  • (1) [running water]∶流动的水

  • 落花流水春去也。

  • (2) [turnover in business]∶商店销售额

  • 流水收入

  • (3) [in hurry]∶立即;赶快;急急忙忙

  • 他流水就说

流水[liú shuǐ]
  1. 我能听到流水的声音。

    I can hear the sound of running water .

  2. 森林中处处都能听到流水声。

    The forest was filled with the sound of running water

  3. 不停的流水把这些石头冲刷得很光滑。

    The stones have been worn smooth by the constant flow of water .

  4. 别把水龙头开着白白流水。

    Don 't leave the tap running .

  5. 流水不腐,户枢不蠹。

    Running water is never stale and a door-hinge never gets worm-eaten .

  6. 流水不腐。

    Running water never gets stale .

  7. 本月做了十五万元的流水。

    We have had a turnover of150000 yuan this month .

  8. 他站在小溪边倾听着淙淙的流水声。

    He stood by the stream listening to the babbling of the stream .

  9. 在深谷里到处是野禽鸣叫声和清脆的潺潺流水声。

    It was filled with the calls of wild birds and the crystal sound of running water in the ravine .

  10. 有时,时间如流水,一去不复返。

    Sometimes it seems that time is flying .

  11. 另外,要经常运动身体,就像俗话说的,"流水不腐"

    Also , get your body moving often , just as the saying goes , " Running water is never stale . "

  12. 我听得见小溪潺潺的流水声

    I could hear the sound of a babbling brook .

  13. 流水缠绕,小草依依,都是你诉不尽的情话。

    Flowing water and green grass witness your lover 's endless prattle .

  14. 这首诗里含有大量的流水对

    There are many antitheses in this poem .

  15. 分流水溢出河岸

    A distributary overflows its banks .

  16. 跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。

    The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement , dancing water .

  17. 那马飞快得向荷兰人奔过来,他惊恐地尖叫了一声,拔腿就跑,他全速向河边跑去,因为他知道鬼魂和邪恶的幽灵都不敢穿过流水。

    The Dutchman let out a terrible scream as the horse leapt toward him at a full gallop5 . He took to his heels , running as fast as he could , making for the bridge since he knew that ghosts and evil spirits did not care to cross running water .

  18. 流水WEB服务器体系结构技术研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Pipeline WEB Server Architecture Techonology

  19. 高密度流水养鱼(FlowingWaterFishCulture)新技术研究

    A Study on New Technique of Flowing Water Fish Culture with High Density

  20. 基于Agent的城市河流水环境决策支持系统研究

    Research on intellectual DSS of water environment of urban river based on Agent

  21. 中期基准面H旋回内主要发育重力流水道。

    Gravity flow channel develops during the middle-term H base-level cycle .

  22. 流水技术的使用提高了XML文档发布/订阅系统的处理效率。

    The use of assembly lines improves the processing efficiency of the XML document publish / subscribe system .

  23. 溪流水中的pH值要显著高于土壤水溶液中的,而电导率又显著低于后者。

    The pH values were higher and conductivity values were lower in stream water than in wetland soil water .

  24. 还介绍了流水并行式ADC的电路设计和具体实现的要点。

    The main points in experiments of pipeline-parallel ADC are introduced .

  25. 平坡标准U形渠道恒定渐变流水面曲线的积分解

    Integral Solution of Water-Surface Profile Equation for Steady Gradually Varied Flow in Horizontal Sloping U-Shaped Channel

  26. 一种采用先进流水技术的模糊控制器VLSI结构

    A VLSI Design with Advanced Pipeline Architecture for Fuzzy Micro Controller

  27. 基于DEM的流域流水网对比分析

    Comparative analysis of drainage networks derived from grid-based DEM

  28. 以汾河治理为例,设计基于WEB的河流水污染物总量控制决策支持系统。

    This paper , under the settings of the harness of Fenhe River , devised a decision support system based on the WEB for the river pollution gross control .

  29. 为了解决这一问题,针对3×n流水型排序的特点,提出了新的解法及其适用条件。

    To solve the problem , the new solution and suitable condition has been put forward according to the characteristic of 3 × n water-flowing ordering .

  30. 基于所提出的原则,本文提出了一种基于软流水体系结构的新型内核级多线程Web服务器体系结构&KETA(KErnelneTworkgeAr)。

    Secondly , this paper designs and realizes a new multi-threads Web server in kernel - KETA ( KErnel neTwork gear ), basing the soft pipeline architecture in Kylin .