
  • 网络popular fiction;popular novel
  1. 它并不是为了向人们证明我是个文学作家,是戴着流行小说帽子的乔纳森·弗兰岑(JonathanFranzen)。

    It isn 't an effort to try to convince people that I 'm a literary writer , that I 'm a Jonathan Franzen wearing a popular fiction hat .

  2. 也许可以从流行小说里得到一些启发,也有些人宣称大蒜是一种可以用来对付蚊子很好的防虫剂。

    Perhaps taking inspiration from popular fiction , there are also those who swear by garlic as an excellent repellent against the winged bloodsuckers .

  3. 当时人们用“Romans”语言来写包括骑士时代或宫廷式爱情故事在内的各种流行小说,而这些故事后来就被称为romances了。

    " Romans " were used to write popular stories involving chivalric or courtly love , and such tales became known as romances .

  4. 作为一个杰出的流行小说作家他在年轻人中十分受欢迎。

    He stands alone as a popular writer among the youth .

  5. 40年代的流行小说是一个独特的文学现象。

    The popular fictions in 1940s are unique in literature .

  6. 他喜欢古典小说胜过流行小说。

    He prefer classical novels to pop ones .

  7. 为什么流行小说评价如此糟糕?

    Why are popular novels so terrible ?

  8. 人们听爵士乐,阅读流行小说,酗酒,提倡性自由。

    People listened to Jazz , read popular novels , drank excessively , and advocated free sex .

  9. 我们都有自己的兴趣爱好,并且,如同对流行小说类以及非小说类的看法一样,对于技术性材料也确实是这样的。

    We all have favorites , and this is just as true for technical materials as it is for popular works of fiction and non-fiction .

  10. 甚至是被某些批评家视为通俗流行小说的处女作《收藏家》,也处处体现了深邃的道德寓言性。

    Even his first novel The Collector , which is considered as a piece of popular writing by many critics , embodies profound moral significance .

  11. 调查结果显示心理、教育、社交励志类书籍成为大学生最喜爱的书籍,时尚娱乐书籍以及流行小说紧随其后,成为大学生不可缺少的娱乐佳品。

    Survey results show that psychological 、 education social and inspirational books are students favorite books , followed by fashion 、 entertainment books and popular novels .

  12. 学习英语的方法:多写、听、说、用英语,原汁原味的看荷里活电影电视,多看些英文流行小说。

    Ways to learn English : write , listen , speak and use English more ; watch Hollywood movies and TV shows , read English popular fictions etc.

  13. 如果你强迫自己读一些完全随机选择的非流行小说(我曾经当过一个文学奖的评委,所以我确实这么干过),你会发现它们中的大多数,都非常的糟糕,就跟流行小说的表现一样。

    If you force yourself to read unpopular novels chosen essentially at random - I 've been on a jury for a literary prize , so I 've actually done this - you find that most of them , just like the popular ones , are pretty bad .

  14. 蜡工也算是一种艺术,正如今日某些流行的小说那样。

    This too betrays a kind of art , as do certain popular novels of today .

  15. 例如,淘宝在线客服的“花名”,就取自中国流行武侠小说中的人物。

    For instance , the screen names of online moderators were derived from characters in popular Chinese kung-fu novels .

  16. 根据红楼梦,一个流行的中文小说在清代集梦,孔雀羽毛也使用。

    According to The Dream of the Red Chamber , a popular Chinese novel set during the Qing Dynasty , peacock feathers were also used .

  17. 《芈月传》是基于一个流行的网络小说翻拍的,它讲述了芈月交织着政治、战争和浪漫爱情的一生。

    The Legend of Miyue is based on a popular online novel which tells the story of Mi Yue and her life entwined with politics , war , and romance .

  18. 改编自一部流行的中国小说,《狼图腾》,由让·雅克·阿诺导演,讲述了一个年轻人对内蒙古草原上狼群的迷恋。

    Based on a popular Chinese novel , Wolf Totem tells of a young man 's obsession with wolf packs in the Inner Mongolia grasslands . It was directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud .

  19. 与当时黑人文学流行的抗议小说传统相反,《阳光下的葡萄干》努力呈现黑人人民乐观,积极的生活态度。

    It breaks away from the traditional " protest novels " which was popular among black writers at that time ; A Raisin in the Sun presents the positive and optimistic attitude of black people .

  20. 迪恩最深爱的书是他高中时看的一本很流行的经典短篇小说--安东尼·德·圣·埃克苏佩里所著的《小王子》。

    Dean 's favorite book was one that he read in high school , which was the classic and beloved novella The Little Prince , by Antoine de Saint-Exupery .

  21. 大众文化特指20世纪以来由文化产业制作的诸如电影、广告、流行音乐、通俗小说、电视节目等文化产品。

    The mass culture specifically refers to the cultural products produced by the industry of culture since the twentieth century , such as films , advertisements , popular music , common novels , and TV programs .