
  • 网络Immigrant Cities;a city of immigrants;migrant city
  1. 上海,等于说是移民城市嘛。

    Shanghai , it 's basically a city of immigrants .

  2. 深圳是移民城市,高胆红素血症仍以G6PD缺陷为首发因素,围产因素其次。

    Because Shenzhen is a immigrant city , G-6-PD deficiency is still a chief factor , and perinatal factor is secondary .

  3. 根据星期二Mercer顾问发表的调查报告,东京已替代莫斯科成为世界上花费最多的移民城市,北京也进入前10位。

    Tokyo has replaced Moscow as the world 's most expensive city for expatriates , and Beijing has moved into the top10 , according to a global survey released Tuesday by consultants Mercer .

  4. 悉尼已成为最昂贵的澳大利亚移民城市。

    Sydney has become the most expensive Australian city for expatriates .

  5. 上海是近代中国典型的移民城市。

    Shanghai was a typical immigrant city in modern china .

  6. 移民城市萨克拉门托的历史地区

    The Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento

  7. 纽约作为国际化大都市,是一个典型的移民城市。

    New York as an international metropolis is a typical immigrant city .

  8. 温哥华在最受欢迎的移民城市中排在第三位。

    Vancouver ranked as the third most popular city .

  9. 深圳是个移民城市,但市民们都能和谐相处。

    Shenzhen is a migration city , but the citizens get along well .

  10. 三峡移民城市建设所面临的问题

    Problems in the Construction of Relocated Cities in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  11. 上海历来是一座移民城市。因此,上海人家丰富多彩。

    Indeed it has always been an immigrant city with rich and colorful living .

  12. 移民城市中建筑形态的异化

    The alienation of buildings in immigrant city

  13. 深圳是一个移民城市。

    Shenzhen is a city of migrants .

  14. 移民城市给这些家庭带来前所未有的优势和机会,也带来了他们所未预料的沉重和辛酸。

    The migration not only brings them advantages and opportunities , but also brings them heavy and bitter .

  15. 深圳作为移民城市其家庭环境特征对学龄前儿童行为发育有一定影响。

    The familial characteristic influences certainly on the behavior of preschool children in Shenzhen , which is an immigrant city .

  16. 因为北京历史上就是一个移民城市,人口构成变化很大。

    According to history , Beijing is a city of immigration , the change in composition of population is huge .

  17. 由于搬迁移民城市短期之内的迅速建设完成,城市开放空间没有能够实现有机的形成和增长。

    Because the construction of these towns has been finished in a short time , the urban open space systems have not formed or increased organically .

  18. 移民城市农民房居民区儿童麻疹疫苗漏种情况与发病的关系

    Study on Relationship between Characteristics of Missing Immunization for Measles Vaccine and the Incidence of Measles among Children in Residential Areas for Farmers Housing in Immigrant City

  19. 两座机场都是这两座城市未来成为移民城市的预表,从纽约中央火车站到巴黎火车站大厅。

    Both are part of a vision of a mobile society , one that extends back through Grand Central Terminal to the great train halls of Paris .

  20. 每一个方案都实实在在地证明了识字对生活环境迥异(从乡村环境到移民城市社区)的妇女产生的深远而积极的影响。

    Each is tangible proof of literacy 's profound and positive influence on women living in very different circumstances – from rural environments to immigrant urban communities .

  21. 上海是公认的移民城市,近代以来,上海人口中,外籍人口占75%-85%。

    It is well-accepted that Shanghai is an immigrant city . In latter-day years , 75 85 percent of the population of Shanghai comes from the foreign nationality .

  22. 重庆文化是重庆人的生活方式和价值观念的反映,重庆是一座典型的移民城市,重庆文化又是一种移民文化。

    Chongqing culture reflects ChongQing people 's mode of living and sense of values . As a typical city of immigrants , its culture is that of immigrants .

  23. 青岛具有港口城市、品牌城市、旅游城市、海洋科技城市及奥运城市五大特点,是一座年轻的移民城市。

    Qingdao is now building itself to the port city , the brand city , the traveling city , the sea science and technology city and the Olympic Games city .

  24. 作为一个移民城市,民国时期的上海无疑是中国最富饶的文化中心,多种文化在此碰撞与交流。

    As a immigration city , with a lot of cultures communication and collision , Shanghai was undoubtedly a cultural center of China , back to the period of the Republic of China .

  25. 作为移民城市的深圳,其城中村与城市发展的矛盾尤为突出,既具有中国一般城市城中村的共性,又强烈地体现着自身的特色。

    Shenzhen , as an immigrated city , has prominent conflict between village-in-city and city development . It not only has the commonness of most Chinese village-in-cities , but also incarnates the features of itself .

  26. 周二发布的一项调查显示,东京又重新荣获全球最贵移民城市的称号,而欧元区危机让许多欧洲城市的生活花费都降低了。

    Tokyo has regained the unenviable title of the world 's most expensive city for expatriates , while the eurozone crisis has made many European cities cheaper , according to a survey published on Tuesday .

  27. 深圳是我国最早建立和最具代表性的经济特区,经过20多年的艰苦创业,这座移民城市的综合经济实力已跃居全国大中城市的前列。

    Shenzhen is the first and most typical especial economy region . During the past 20 years of struggling , the city is mainly composed of immigrants , and its economy is on top of all of the big-middling cities of China .

  28. 移民型城市生态人居环境评价与优化研究

    Evaluation and Optimization of the Ecological Human Settlement in an Immigration City

  29. 近代牡丹江地区移民与城市化进程

    On the Immigration and Urbanization Process of Modern Mudanjiang Region

  30. 西南山区水电移民新城城市意象重塑研究

    Research of City Image Remodel of the Hydropower Migrant Town in Southwest Mountainous Area