
  • 网络Harlem;Spanish Harlem
  1. 司机:上城区?你正朝哈林区去呢!

    Cab driver : uptown ? You headed into harlem !

  2. 实时犯罪中心追踪到奥蒂兹在哈林区的一间废弃学校里。

    The RTCC tracked Ortiz to an abandoned school in Spanish Harlem .

  3. 你有没有哈林区这边公立学校的名单?

    do You Have A List Of The Public Schools In Harlem ?

  4. 他在哈林区的一所废弃学校里。

    He 's at an abandoned schoolhouse in Spanish Harlem .

  5. 但是哈林区的其他人很生气。

    Others in Harlem are angry about it .

  6. 在地铁里在哈林区哪儿都行

    OK , in the subway , in fucking Harlem , everywhere , OK ?

  7. 不过有很多住在哈林区的人说,这些不是真正的哈林摇摆舞。

    But this is not the true Harlem Shake , say many in Harlem .

  8. 瓜地马拉的农民或哈林区的失业者却显然没有办法这样做。

    The peasants of Guatemala or the unemployed in Harlem are in no position to do so , obviously .

  9. 无论哪种方式,如果你想生还。你就将不得不在哈林区成为最有影响力的男子。

    Either way , if you want to survive . you 'll have to become the most influential man in Harlem .

  10. 斯潘瑟位于哈林区的公寓已经被封锁,工作人员分发了有关该疾病的传单。

    At Dr. Spencer 's apartment in Harlem , his home was sealed off and workers distributed informational fliers about the disease .

  11. 钢琴都离开地面了,这位钢琴技师说道,他住在曼哈顿东部的哈林区。

    They flew off the ground , said the piano technician , who also lives in the building in Manhattan 's East Harlem .

  12. 2013年3月13日,44岁的瓦肯海姆用背带把10个月大的儿子绑在胸前,从哈林区八楼的公寓窗户跳楼身亡。

    On March 13 , 2013 , Ms. Wachenheim , 44 , strapped her 10-month-old son to her chest in a baby carrier and leapt to her death from the eighth-floor window of her Harlem apartment .

  13. 有意思的是,虽然跑了很多地方,但这次在纽约去西班牙哈林区的时候,我没有走佩勒姆湾高速公路,也没能找到去科尼岛的桥梁。

    Funny , after all that running about , this time in New York I did not venture on the Pelham Bay Express , when going into Spanish Harlem , nor seek out a bridge to Coney Island .

  14. 所以,我的很多学生知道,你不能再回到哈林儿童区了,因为Geoff那个家伙在到处找你。

    So a bunch of my kids know you can 't come back to Harlem because Geoff is looking for you .

  15. 现在哈林儿童区的中学生的辍学率是多少呢?

    So what is the high school dropout rate at Harlem Children 's Zone ?

  16. 嘻哈音乐史学家A-tone认为:“它们只是名字相同,仅此而已。”最初的哈林摇摆舞诞生于30年前的哈林区篮球场上,是由已故的阿尔伯特·利奥波德·博伊斯(AIB)在嘻哈音乐早期最先发明的。

    A-tone , a hip-hop historian , says " they share the name but that 's it . " The original dance was created by the late Albert Leopold Boyce ( Al B ) on Harlem 's basketball courts three decades ago in the early days of hip hop .