
  • 网络Global Enterprise;global corporation
  1. 全球性企业的风险管理挑战是如何将造成风险不同的因素隔离开来。

    The challenge for risk management in the global corporation is to isolate the factors for which risks are different .

  2. 从教科书的范例与课堂中的案例讨论转向现实世界,不是为一个资源丰富的全球性企业,而是为一家想法很多、顾客很少且没有钱的小型创业企业制定计划是一个巨大挑战。

    It was a huge challenge to move from textbook examples and classroom case discussions to the real world , to develop a plan not for a global corporation with lots of resources but for a tiny start-up with lots of ideas , few customers and no cash .

  3. 在最近发布的《联想之道》(TheLenovoWay)一书中,康耶丝和乔健分享了自身的经历,同时也介绍了联想发展成为一家真正的全球性企业前所走过的道路。

    Conyers and Qiao outline both their personal journeys along side Lenovo 's path to becoming a truly global company in the recently released book The Lenovo Way .

  4. 汇丰(HSBC)的类似研究发现,与去年相比,计划在跨境交易中使用人民币的全球性企业数量降低。

    Similar research by HSBC found fewer global companies planning to use the renminbi in cross-border transactions compared with last year .

  5. 北京方面曾利用《反垄断法》,强制要求开展并购交易的全球性企业出售在华资产,或是阻止它们收购本国企业例如可口可乐(Coca-Cola)收购汇源的案例。

    Beijing has used the anti-monopoly laws to force global companies engaged in mergers and acquisitions to sell mainland assets or , in the case of Coca-Cola , to block an acquisition of a local company .

  6. 随着TRW在中国的飞速发展,我们诚邀优秀有志之士加盟TRW大家庭。我们为欲在全球性企业寻求成功职业生涯的员工提供良好的福利待遇、培训和职业发展机会。

    We offer attractive fringe benefits , excellent training opportunity and career development to all professionals who desire to pursue a successful career life in a global wide working environment .

  7. 例如在一个全球性企业上部署。

    For example , in the deployment of a global enterprise .

  8. 作为一家全球性企业,我们总是不断审视自己的各种选择。

    As a global player , we always review our options .

  9. 中国企业正在成为全球性企业,也成为我们的优秀客户。

    Chinese companies are becoming global companies and good clients for us .

  10. 但经济收缩影响的不止是有亚洲业务的全球性企业。

    But the contraction is not just affecting global employers with Asian operations .

  11. 他们当中的多数企业是在中国进行商业活动的全球性企业。

    Most of them are global enterprises with a new presence in china .

  12. 对一家全球性企业来说,在英国以外支付员工薪酬十分简单。

    It is easy for a global business to pay them outside the UK .

  13. 美国科技巨头都已经是全球性企业了。

    US tech titans are already global companies .

  14. 考虑到早先日韩两国全球性企业的兴起,这种说法显然并不正确。

    This is not true , given the earlier emergence of Japanese and South Korean global companies .

  15. 这可能不是日本的做事风格,但对于一家全球性企业而言这不是借口。

    This may not be the Japanese way , but that is no excuse for a global company .

  16. 它将充当“破产法庭”,应对规模超过一定水平的全球性企业的金融重组。

    It would act as " bankruptcy court " for financial reorganisations of global companies above a certain size .

  17. 戴维拥有担任私募股权所有和公开市场所有的全球性企业领导的广泛职业经历。

    Dave has had an extensive career as the leader of global scale businesses under both private equity and public ownership .

  18. 因此管理规范的全球性企业一般都拥有比较规范、系统的企业培训体系,他们甚至成立了企业大学来培养企业所需要的人才。

    Most global enterprises have normative training systems . They even form their own enterprise university to cultivate the talents needed .

  19. 根据对环境敏感性的不同,我们将全球性企业划分为全球响应型企业和国别响应型企业。

    According to the different sensitivity to the environment , we divide the global businesses into two groups : the global response business and national response business .

  20. 更重要的是,警告信号明确无误:谷歌及其他全球性企业不能永远依赖过去的商誉作为前进的动力。

    More important , the warning signs are clear : Google , and other global companies , cannot rely forever on past goodwill to keep them going .

  21. 就像他经常赞扬普通民众而抨击华尔街投机者一样,他也经常对中小企业表现得热情洋溢,而对全球性企业予以蔑视和斥责。

    Almost as often as he praises main street and denounces Wall Street speculators , he proclaims enthusiasm for small and medium-sized employers while disdaining or berating global enterprises .

  22. 而第二批目标可能是在中国拥有大规模成功业务的企业。中国消费者正目睹许多全球性企业自身获得成功增长。

    The second wave could be companies with big and successful operations in China itself , where local consumers are witnessing the successful growth of many global companies themselves .

  23. 在经济迅速发展的21世纪,面对激烈的全球性企业竞争,应采取何种管理方式是摆在当前木材加工企业面前的一个重要课题。

    Facing rapid economic development of the 21 st century and fierce global competition among enterprises , wood industry enterprises have to decide what management model they should take .

  24. 在大多数成功的全球性企业中,首先是自本国的员工更有希望成为管理者,这些人有一天能胜任更高的职位。

    In most successful global companies , a priority for executives from the home country is to prepare local managers who may one day accede to senior jobs at headquarters .

  25. 墨斐正在努力扭转局面,他拿出了一项全面品牌重塑计划,将观致定位为一家中国公司,而不是一家独特的全球性企业。

    Mr Murtaugh is trying to turn things round by launching a wholesale rebranding to put the focus on Qoros as a Chinese company , rather than a cosmopolitan curiosity .

  26. 我们拥有独特的全球性企业文化和现代的充满活力的工作环境。不管过去几天发生过什么,我发现公司的文化是开放而坦诚的。

    We have a unique global culture , a modern dynamic environment , and despite what has happened in the past few days , I find the culture open and straightforward .

  27. 就本质而言,通过对过去行为的详尽分析来预测未来表现,算不上特别新潮的实践。但今天的不同之处在于,这个流程可以实现自动化,实时监控一家全球性企业的运营状况。

    There 's nothing inherently new about using detailed analysis of past behavior to predict future performance , but the difference today is that the process can be automated and monitored across a global business .

  28. 例如,威达信(marsh&mclennan)两年前对在亚洲拥有业务的全球性企业进行调查时发现,仅有五分之一的企业拥有防范自然灾害或恐怖主义袭击的业务连续性规划。

    When marsh & McLennan surveyed global companies with operations in Asia two years ago , for example , they found only a fifth had business continuity plans to guard against natural disasters or terrorist attacks .

  29. 但让我们进一步阐释这个观点:除了形式上的贸易协定,全球性企业最迫切关心的,是政府采购、竞争政策、产品安全规定和知识产权法等问题。

    But take the point further : the most pressing concerns of global firms , beyond formal trade rules , are issues like government procurement , competition policy , product safety rules and intellectual property law .

  30. 能在这个新的世界秩序中取得成功的,将是那些信既拥抱传统的领导力概念如公司内辅导计划和接班人计划等,又能熟练地运用新的全球性企业语言的组织。

    Those who will succeed in this new world order will be those that embrace the traditional concepts of leadership , such as mentorship and succession planning , while also being fluent in a new global , corporate language .