
  • 网络the Hudson;The Hudson River
  1. 我们为出色完成工作感到自豪,并赞扬萨利萨伦伯格(sullysullenberger)这样的人在哈德逊河将飞机迫降成功后,萨伦伯格两次查看机舱是否有乘客仍未撤出,然后才最后一个撤离。

    We take pride in jobs well done , and we celebrate people such as sully Sullenberger who , after ditching his plane in the Hudson River , checked the cabin twice for remaining passengers before being the last to evacuate .

  2. 这架飞机是于一月份在哈德逊河降落的。

    The plane landed in the Hudson River in January .

  3. 比尔·凯思(BillKeith),29岁,来自俄亥俄州的哈德逊河流域,在将别人都吸引到自己身边来,他有绝招。

    Bill Keith , 29 , from Hudson , OH , has a knack for charming everyone around him .

  4. 来诺克斯街到哈德逊河的一切。

    Everything from Lenox avenue to the Hudson river .

  5. 伯戈因率军向南逼近,沿哈德逊河行军。

    Burgoyne pushes south , following the Hudson River .

  6. 在《搭了架子的哈德逊河》里,她好象在搜索一个并不存在的标准。

    In Hudson River Bracketed it is as if she gropes for a non-existent norm .

  7. 于是这架飞机被迫降落在哈德逊河。

    It landed on the Hudson River .

  8. 有没有人想知道为什么这被称为“哈德逊河上的奇迹”?

    Is it any wonder why this was called " The Miracle on the Hudson ? "

  9. 但降落在哈德逊河只是解决了第一个同时也是最大的问题。

    But landing in the Hudson only solved the first and biggest problem of the day .

  10. 一个从前住在哈德逊河流域和哈斯托内克东部的属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。

    A member of the Algonquian people formerly living the Hudson valley and eastward to the Housatonic .

  11. 为了留下他们的到达痕迹,克林顿州长向哈德逊河倒入了来自伊利湖的湖水。

    To mark the arrival , Governor Clinton dropped some water from Lake Erie into the Hudson River .

  12. 因为这是一架美国航空公司的飞机,你会看到就在那里,它在哈德逊河上。

    A U.S. Airways plane , you see it right there , it 's in the Hudson River .

  13. 在帕利塞德是一排陡峭的悬崖上下游西侧哈德逊河。

    The Palisades are a line of steep cliffs on the lower west side of the Hudson River .

  14. 坐落在新泽西州赫博肯市哈德逊河两旁的学校也有过类似的沉痛教训。

    Schools across the Hudson River in Hoboken , N.J. , learned a similar lesson the hard way .

  15. 眨眼间,曼哈顿周围的河水就涨了三英尺多高,淹没了哈德逊河和东河沿岸的低地。

    It happened in the blink of an eye . The waters around Manhattan rose more than three feet .

  16. 自我们上次看到他(最后一个镜头是他在哈德逊河漂流)已有12年之久了。

    It 's been 12 long years since we last saw him , floating around in the Hudson River .

  17. 周一遭遇风暴引发的14英尺大浪后,工程人员仍在对哈德逊河与东河下面的一些隧道进行排水。

    Some tunnels under the Hudson and East rivers were still being drained after a 14ft storm surge on Monday .

  18. 尽管飞机引擎受损,可是飞行员设法在哈德逊河安全降落。

    Although the plane ` s engines were damaged , the pilot managed to land safely in the Hudson River .

  19. 令威尔根博士感兴趣的物种是生活在纽约境内哈德逊河中的大西洋鳕鱼。

    The species of interest to Dr Wirgin is the Atlantic tomcod of the Hudson river in upstate New York .

  20. 我们驾船航行在哈德逊河上,徜徉在布莱恩特所吟唱的芳草依依的岸边。

    We sailed on the Hudson River and wandered about on its green banks , of which Bryant loved to sing .

  21. 如果纽约和伦敦也曾推行类似的政策,哈德逊河和泰晤士河早已不复存在。

    If similar policies were pursued in New York and London , the Hudson and Thames Rivers would be long gone .

  22. 就像克林顿州长和克林顿太太所做的一样,这个组织从纽约州的布法罗出发,到达哈德逊河。

    As Governor and Missus Clinton had done , the group traveled from Buffalo , New York to the Hudson River .

  23. 三台电脑,一台老式文字处理器,面朝西北,望出去是鳞次栉比的高楼屋顶,一直延伸到哈德逊河。

    Three computer screens and an old word processor looked out , north-west , over a thousand roofs towards the Hudson River .

  24. 九月下旬,他在横跨新泽西和纽约的哈德逊河的一座桥上跳下结束了自己的生命。

    In late September he jumped to his death from a bridge over the Hudson River between New Jersey and New York .

  25. 不出人所料,纽约旅游行业的官员们正在努力把游客从哈德逊河对岸的酒店吸引过来。

    New York tourism officials , not surprisingly , are striving to draw visitors to hotels on the other side of the Hudson .

  26. 所以我们姑且称之为埃尔·斯蒂福,扣动扳机,让萨利将这一年迫降在哈德逊河上。

    So let 's just call it an El Stiffo , pull the trigger and have Sully ditch the whole year in the Hudson .

  27. 萨伦伯格说,即便飞机在哈德逊河上方的那些可怕时刻,他的思维也很有条理,没有想到家人。

    Able to compartmentalize his thinking , even in those dire moments over the Hudson , Sully says his family did not come into his head .

  28. 伊利运河始自伊利湖的布法罗市,结束于哈德逊河的奥尔巴尼市和特洛伊市,横跨整个纽约州。

    The Erie Canal crossed the state of New York from the city of Buffalo on Lake Erie to Albany and Troy on the Hudson River .

  29. 在哈德逊河和艾瑞里河之间有相当水平的自然优势留下的航线,这个航线穿过在阿巴拉气压山的仅有的空隙。

    It had the natural advantage of a comparatively level route between the Hudson River and Lake Erie , through the only break in the entire Appalachian Mountain chain .

  30. 主卧套房含两个浴室,两个衣帽间,一个休息区域,并且看得到哈德逊河的风景。

    Hardwood floors run throughout the apartment . The master suite has two baths , two dressing areas and a sitting area and offers views of the Hudson River .