
  • 网络mobile payment;apple pay;NFC;M-Payment
  1. 华北地区的天津市将从明年起禁止企业事业单位等收集个人生物信息。人脸识别如今已被广泛应用于移动支付、考试甚至公共卫生间等场所,这种无序使用状况引发公众担忧。

    North China 's Tianjin municipality will prohibit businesses and institutes from collecting personal bioinformation starting next year , amid heightened public concerns over the uncontrolled use of facial recognition , now employed in mobile payment , test-taking , and even public restrooms .

  2. 基于SOA的第三方移动支付平台的设计

    Design of third-party mobile payment platform based on SOA

  3. 移动支付公司Square首席技术官基思•拉伯斯表示,Square将涉足支付以外的领域。

    Square coo Keith rabois explains how the popular company will move beyond payments .

  4. 移动支付平台Square肯定是其中之一。

    Square is definitely one of them .

  5. 联合创始人,Twitter公司;联合创始人兼CEO,移动支付公司Square

    Co-founder , twitter , founder and CEO , square

  6. 苹果还扩展了移动支付服务Applepay,推出了针对部分商家的顾客忠诚度和奖励项目。

    Apple expanded Apple Pay , its mobile payments service , to include a loyalty and rewards programs for some merchants .

  7. 基于RFID技术的GPRS移动支付系统

    The GPRS Mobile Payment System Based on RFID

  8. 凭借谷歌钱包,谷歌运用近场通讯技术(near-fieldcommunication)在移动支付市场稍许占得先机。

    With Google wallet , Google had an early lead in the market for mobile payments using near-field communication .

  9. 昨天,ApplePay在中国正式上线,跻身移动支付市场,中国支付市场已达3.6亿人,竞争激烈。

    Yesterday , Apple has launched Apple Pay in China , entering a mobile payment market with about 360 million users and fierce competition .

  10. 这些密码不仅仅可以用来打开谷歌邮箱,还能使用其他谷歌服务,如GoogleDrive云储存服务、移动支付系统谷歌钱包等。

    The passwords not only give access to Gmail , but other Google services such as Drive and the mobile payment system Google Wallet .

  11. 基于J2ME的移动支付安全方案研究

    Research on Security Protocols for Mobile Payment System Based on J2ME

  12. 面对诸多紧随其后的对手,日益严峻的竞争促使迅速成长的移动支付新贵Square不断强化自己的管理队伍。

    Square , the fast-growing mobile payments startup , is beefing up its management ranks as it faces intensifying competition from a number of well-heeled rivals .

  13. 但Square公司的表现也毫不逊色:该公司在去年处理了总计40亿美元的移动支付款项,主要源自往往被贝宝公司忽略的小型实体零售商。

    But square also says it processed $ 4 billion in payments last year , largely from small brick-and-mortar retailers that PayPal has tended to overlook .

  14. 移动支付(MobilePayment)以其方便易行、支付成本低等优点受到消费者的欢迎,并逐渐成为一种流行的支付方式。

    Low in cost and well in convenience , the Mobile Payment receives more and more welcome from the consumer and gradually becomes a popular way of payment .

  15. Square是目前炙手可热的移动支付新创公司,其年信用卡交易处理额目前已达50亿美元,与一年前相比,增加了25%。

    Hot mobile payments start-up square now processes $ 5 billion worth of credit card transactions a year , a % 25 increase from the year before .

  16. WAP移动支付体系结构研究

    System of Mobile Payment Based on WAP

  17. 最后,对BPEL技术在移动支付系统的应用进行了展望。

    Finally , the application of the BPEL technology in the motion payment system is prospected .

  18. 一种基于WAP和WPKI的移动支付安全性方案

    A Security Mobile Payment Plan Based on WAP and WPKI

  19. 但eBay复兴的最大功臣,无论过去还是现在,都是它的移动支付服务贝宝(PayPal)。

    But the real star was and still is PayPal , the online payment service .

  20. 是否接受Applepay及其他移动支付技术通常取决于收银支付终端使用的技术,比如在车站收银处,消费者可以刷卡。

    Accepting Apple Pay and some other mobile payment technologies usually relies on technology inside the payment terminals at registers , like at the stations where a consumer swipes a credit card .

  21. 并探讨了公钥加密算法椭圆曲线ECC和无线公钥基础设施WPKI在移动支付中的应用前景。

    The implementation of ECC and WPKI in the mobile payment is also discussed .

  22. OTA实现移动支付,给需要的参考,有点用处。

    OTA realization of mobile payment , a reference to the need for a little useful .

  23. 鉴于我们仍在评估移动支付可选方案,RiteAid目前不会接受Applepay,RiteAid称。

    Given that we are still in the process of evaluating our mobile payment options , Rite Aid does not currently accept Apple Pay , the company said .

  24. 周二,发展迅速的移动支付新创企业Square推出支架式硬件设备Stand,iPad装在Stand上,就能变成一款台面销售终端系统。

    On Tuesday , fast growing mobile payments startup square introduced stand , a hardware device that cradles an iPad , turning it into a countertop point of sale system .

  25. 基于NFC技术的移动支付系统的硬件设计研究

    Hardware Design Study of NFC-based Mobile Payment System

  26. 移动支付作为其关键环节,将获得越来越多的关注,与此同时,3G技术也为手机在线安全支付的实现提供了可能。

    Mobile payment will also gain more and more attention as a key link . Simultaneously , 3G technology enables mobile phones to complete secure online payments .

  27. 阿里巴巴的移动支付服务——支付宝(Alipay)也被越来越多的食品店接受。

    Alipay , Alibaba 's mobile-payment service , is also increasingly accepted at food shops .

  28. 总部在旧金山的Square公司于2010年推出面向iPhone和安卓手机的信用卡读卡器,自此在移动支付市场获得了稳固的地位。

    Square , a San Francisco-based company , has built a strong position in this market since it launched a credit card reader for iPhones and Android-based mobile phones in 2010 .

  29. 根据移动支付的应用需求,将ECC算法和PKI体系引入到移动支付系统的设计中。

    According to the application of mobile payment , the ECC algorithms and PKI system was involved in the design of mobile payment system .

  30. 同时由于MPP的引入,使该方案又有比较轻巧的构架,能满足移动支付设备资源有限的需要,并且具有更好的规范性。

    And the importing of MPP brings the scheme a simple architecture that fits for the wireless environment well .