
  • 网络Smart China;Chinese Wisdom
  1. 墨家智慧与中国文化走向

    The Wisdom of the Moism and the Trend of Chinese Culture

  2. 愿基督徒能以智慧帮助中国作准备。

    Pray for Christians to help wisely with Chinas preparation .

  3. 中国传统文化蕴含着丰富的生态智慧,中国的传统农业是一种生态型的、环保型的产业。

    Chinese traditional culture has a very much profundity of ecologic concept .

  4. 略论诗性智慧与中国古代建筑文化

    Brief View of Wisdom in poems and Chinese Anti-architecture Culture

  5. 到了12月,传统智慧乃至中国经济增长数据都在快速蒸发。

    By December , conventional wisdom and Chinese growth data was exploding fast .

  6. 我非常自豪能够成为她们中的一员。我也非常自豪能够代表美丽智慧的中国女性参加这次比赛。

    I am proud to be one of them , and I am proud to represent beautiful and intelligent Chinese women in this competition .

  7. 中国方式承载了中国当代文化价值观,使他者重新认识中国&一个开放的、现代的、有历史沉淀和当代智慧的中国新文化形象。

    The Chinese way conveys the value of modern Chinese culture , making others understand China & an open , modern Chinese cultural image with long history and modern wisdom .

  8. 也许您还记得在讨论伊始,我说过是我称之为善解人意或真正的人类智慧赋予中国的人性类型真正的中国人难以言表的温良。

    This indescribable something which I have defined as gentleness , softens and mitigates , if it does not redeem , the physical and moral defects of the Chinese in the hearts of foreigners .

  9. 传统武术是我国的文化瑰宝,是中国五千年文化传承的主要载体之一,是勤劳智慧的中国古代人民在农耕文明下创造的一颗璀璨的明珠。

    The traditional martial arts is our country cultural treasure , is one of the main carriers for cultural inheritance , and also a radiant pearl , which is created by industrious and sapiential Chinese under the agricultural civilization .

  10. 在这期的月报中,最值得向大家推荐的就是IDC刚刚发布的思科服务白皮书:「智慧服务助力中国企业实现业务转型」。

    In this E-newsletter , I want to introduce IDC whitepaper " Enabling Business Transformation in China with Smart Services " to you .

  11. 与西方的抽象智慧相比,中国智慧主要表现为具体型。

    Compared with the western abstract wisdom , the Chinese wisdom is mainly manifested as concreteness .

  12. 五千年中华文明所凝结的道德和智慧,属于中国,也属于世界。

    The moral values and wisdom drawn from the5,000-year Chinese civilization belong not only to China but also to the world .

  13. 荣华现在把这些秘密的智慧带到中国,寄希望于中国有朝一日成为世界精神领袖!

    Jienfa now brings these secret wisdom to China in the hope that China will become the Spiritual Leader of the World .

  14. 同时,奥尼尔又谙熟东方哲学的智慧,受到中国传统文化的影响。

    At the same time , O ' Neill is also familiar with the wisdom of Eastern philosophy and influenced by Chinese traditional culture .

  15. 多元智力理论中隐含的智慧观&中国古代智力观和多元智力理论的比较

    The View of Wisdom Under the Theory of Multiple Intelligence & A Comparison Between Chinese Traditional View of Intelligence and the Theory of Multiple Intelligence

  16. 作为智慧城市在中国的应用,无线城市项目的提出旨在解决市民生活信息化问题。

    As the application of Smart City ( SC ) in China , Wireless City ( WC ) is proposed to solve the problem of citizen life informatization .

  17. 老字号,蕴含着中华民族和地方民间的传统智慧,是中国深厚商业文化底蕴的沉淀。

    Traditional brand , as the implication of the traditional intelligence of the Chinese nation and the regional area , is the precipitation of the strong business culture .

  18. 清末民初留学生的主要特点有:具有高昂的爱国主义精神和强烈的民族意识,集知识界群体智慧,开启中国走向现代化的新时代;

    The features of the returned students at late Qing Dynasty and early in the Republic of China are mainly having high patriotic spirits , strong national awareness and congregative wisdom of the intelligentsia initiating the new era of China to modernization .

  19. 他要求珍视传统文化的价值,要以儒家为主的中国传统人文智慧来解决中国人的人生问题,即以玄学来支配人生。

    So he appealed to the people to cherish the value of traditional culture , and he attempted to use Chinese traditional humanities ? intelligence ( esp. of the Confucianism ) to solve questions of life , that is , he made metaphysics govern life .

  20. 在倡导诗意设计的同时,寻找一种新的既能彰显东方智慧、发扬中国传统诗性文化又能满足现代人审美需求的设计方法。

    To excavate the potential impact of poetic thinking through the graphic design progress , we advocate poetic design and search for a new design method which can not only show eastern wisdom and promote the chinese poetic culture , but also can meet the needs of modern aesthetic .

  21. 智慧地球与感知中国&物联网的发展分析

    Smart Earth and Reading China & Analysis on Development of Internet of Things

  22. 智慧教育学对中国教育学研究的启示。

    Providing inspiration for China 's pedagogy research .

  23. 禅宗思想里蕴含着丰富的美学智慧,它是中国艺术发展的灵魂。

    There is rich aesthetic wisdom in the Zen thought , which is the soul of thedevelopment of Chinese art .

  24. 智慧说为当代中国哲学的发展做出了重大贡献,也为马克思主义哲学的中国化和中国传统哲学的现代化提供了宝贵的启示。

    On Wisdom made a great contribution to the development of contemporary Chinese philosophy , it also provided a very remarkable enlightenment to Marxist philosophy with Chinese character and the modernization of traditional Chinese philosophy .