
  • 网络migrant labor
  1. 暹罗农业食品工业是一家泰国水果加工出口商,它严重依赖于移民劳动力。

    Siam Agro-Food Industry , a Thai processed fruit exporter , depends heavily on migrant labor .

  2. 我们将与城市居民比较,并以“休闲”移民劳动力移民的农村移民。

    We will compare rural migrants with urban residents and labor migrants with " leisure " migrants .

  3. 为此,一些中小型华人餐饮业相继使用廉价的新移民劳动力甚至非法入境的“黑工”。

    Therefore , some small and medium Chinese restaurants employed cheaper labor from new immigrants , even illegal immigrants in succession .

  4. 很多毕业生需要与廉价的移民劳动力竞争,特别是在服务业这一行。但他们中的绝大部分一毕业就被抢聘一空。

    Many of the graduates have to compete with cheap migrant workers , especially in service jobs , but most of them are snapped up quickly .

  5. 随着西方的不平等程度持续上升,民粹主义政治人士也就可以很方便地宣称,坐豪车的自由派人士从廉价的移民劳动力中获益&同时还能不引起社会后果。

    With levels of inequality rising in the west , it is not hard for populist politicians to argue that limousine liberals are benefiting from cheap , immigrant labour – while evading the social consequences .

  6. 随着西方的不平等程度持续上升,民粹主义政治人士也就可以很方便地宣称,坐豪车的自由派人士从廉价的移民劳动力中获益——同时还能不引起社会后果。

    With levels of inequality rising in the west , it is not hard for populist politicians to argue that limousine liberals are benefiting from cheap , immigrant labour - while evading the social consequences .

  7. 世界银行(worldbank)近日在开罗发布的一项研究报告显示,移民对劳动力输出国家女孩的教育、医疗和生育率具有积极影响。

    Migration has a positive impact on girls ' education , healthcare and fertility rates in countries that export labour , according to a study by the World Bank published yesterday in Cairo .

  8. 报告认为:移民加入劳动力大军,并不仅是意味着出现了更多的工人。

    When immigrants flow into the labor force , it is not just a matter of adding more workers .

  9. 该活动将在人口贩卖量巨大的欧洲开始,但是最终将扩展到世界其他地区。这段视频要求消费者思考自己的消费习惯,他们有可能以怎样的方式助长利用移民廉价劳动力活动。

    This video s consumers to think about their purchasing habits and how they might be encouraging the exploitation of migrants .

  10. 我们必须认识到,随着毕业生与移民加入劳动力大军,求职人数每年都将增长。

    It is critical to understand that the number of workers seeking jobs grows every year as students graduate and immigrants enter the labour force .

  11. 雇主正在把移民当作廉价劳动力使用。

    Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour .

  12. 生态移民或是劳动力输出不可避免。

    Ecological migrant or output of labors is unavoidable .

  13. 移民带来的劳动力,还是强大的新科技。

    Immigrant labor , or powerful new technologies .

  14. 而且移民在核心劳动力中占据了很大比例:比方说,有三分之一的医生与牙医是在海外获得的资质。

    And they comprise a high percentage of key workers : for example , a third of doctors and dentists qualified abroad .

  15. 发达国家在经济危机中失去了千百万的就业岗位,因此,政府对移民影响本土劳动力需求的问题显得尤为敏感。

    The economic crisis has destroyed millions of jobs in rich countries , making their governments especially touchy about the impact of immigration on the demand for indigenous labour .

  16. 这些数字凸显出英国政府所面临的窘境。他们一方面受到压力,要鼓励移民以填补劳动力短缺;一方面又面对批评,称移民给公共服务制造了压力。

    The figures highlight the dilemma faced by ministers , who are under pressure to encourage immigration to fill labour shortages but face criticism that this places stress on public services .

  17. 移民增加导致劳动力供应增加,引起工资降低。因为和土地和资本结合的劳动力数量增加,使资本和土地的边际产量增加,土地和资本的租金也将增加。

    With more labor working with capital and land , the marginal product of capital and land is higher , so rents earned by owners of land and capital would increase .

  18. 中东和北非地区移民是否在全球劳动力市场中展现了他们的潜在价值?

    Have MENA migrants been able to demonstrate their potential value in the global labor market ?

  19. 此次移民计划着重强调劳动力市场的直接需求和种族、文化纯洁性的保持。

    Given to the immediate need of the labour market and the protection of racial and cultural purity .

  20. 报告敦促德国应对人口结构方面的挑战,可采取的办法是为更多移民和女性进入劳动力大军做好准备。

    Germany was urged to respond to demographic challenges by preparing for a greater influx of immigrants and women in the work force .

  21. 开展互助合作,是推动乡村经济发展的重要办法,其是非得失应予客观评价。安置移民难民,整合劳动力资源,保证了足够的生产劳动力。

    Mutual assistance and cooperation to carry out is to promote rural economic development approach , which should be an objective assessment of the merits moving a large number of migration of refugees is to ensure sufficient production of the labor force .

  22. 而同时,“帮助离散者互助会”等移民权利组织认为,人口老龄化的欧洲将来会需要更多移民补充劳动力的不足。

    At the same time , immigrant rights groups like CIMADE argue that an aging Europe will need more immigrants in its labor force in the future .

  23. 国外学者对中国农民工养老保险问题的研究非常少,但许多学者研究了国际范围内移民的养老保险问题,这些研究通过构建模型考虑了外来移民对国内劳动力市场的冲击以及养老保险体系的冲击。

    Foreign scholars do little study on this issue , but do a lot on the issue of international migrations . By constructing models , these studies do research on the impacts of international migrations on domestic labor markets and pension system .