
kǎ tè ěr
  • carte
卡特尔[kǎ tè ěr]
  1. 这些小商行已被合并为大的卡特尔。

    The small firms were absorbed into large cartels .

  2. 她是该国最大的奢侈品进口商之一NotosCom旗下百货商店部门的首席执行官。不过,希腊人对本国政界非常怀疑,不相信他们有能力降服工会和卡特尔,并实现承诺。

    But Greeks deeply doubt the ability of their politicians to face down the unions and cartels and deliver .

  3. 石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)这个卡特尔组织的日子已经屈指可数。

    The days of Opec , the oil producers ' cartel , are numbered .

  4. 与此同时,韩国公平贸易委员会(koreanfairtradecommission)针对卡特尔和滥用市场支配地位的行为启动了几十项调查指控,涉及从石油到冰淇淋的诸多行业。

    The Korean Fair Trade Commission , meanwhile , launched dozens of cartel and abuse of dominance cases , in industries ranging from oil to ice cream .

  5. 在这种背景下BP逐渐成长为国际能源巨头,位列石油卡特尔组织七姊妹之列。

    With this background , BP has grown into the tycoon in the field of world energy , becoming the member of " Seven Sisters " organization .

  6. 从莉迪亚的分数来看,门萨卡特尔IIIB测试主要测试言语推理,成年人最高分也才161。

    To put Lydia 's mark in perspective , the top adult score in the Cattell III B test , which primarily tests verbal reasoning , is 161 .

  7. 沙特阿拉伯承担了石油卡特尔欧佩克(opec)宣布的大部分减产份额。

    Saudi Arabia has shouldered the bulk of the output cuts announced by OPEC , the oil cartel .

  8. 针对这个问题,WTO、OECD等国际机构寻求一个更有效地对付卡特尔的方法。

    To this question , international organizations , WTO , OECD , and so on , seek to a more effective way to affect Cartel .

  9. 石油卡特尔组织欧佩克(Opec)昨天表示,中国5850亿美元经济刺激计划,对全球大宗商品价格十分关键。

    The Opec oil cartel yesterday said that China 's $ 585bn stimulus plan was critical for global commodities prices .

  10. 石油卡特尔组织欧佩克(Opec)已经宣布了有史以来幅度最大的减产计划。

    The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries , the oil cartel , has announced the biggest output cut in its history .

  11. 供应面没有问题,石油卡特尔组织欧佩克(Opec)必要时可立即启用逾600万桶/日的富余产能。

    Supply is not a worry , as the Opec oil cartel has more than 6m b / d of capacity to spare in a pinch .

  12. 方法采用采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和卡特尔16种人格因素问卷(16-PF),对103名海上测量船人员(以下称海测人员)进行调查。

    Methods With the self-evaluation form SCL-90 and the character factors questionnaire 16-PF , 103 sea survey crews were investigate .

  13. 方法用自编挫折承受力问卷、卡特尔16项人格问卷(16PF)对大学生进行测定。

    Methods We measured undergraduates with Frustration Tolerance Scale and Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire ( 16PF ) .

  14. 运用卡特尔16PF对边疆少数民族大学生心理健康状况调查

    The Research on Mental Health of Minority University Students in Frontier in Cattell for 16 personality factors

  15. 她还强调,东盟及其成员国的下属组织都不会像泰国上周建议的那样,寻求创建一种类似欧佩克(opec)那样操纵价格的大米卡特尔组织。

    She also stressed that neither ASEAN nor a sub-grouping of its members were seeking to create an Opec-style price-fixing cartel for rice , as Thailand suggested last week .

  16. 本研究采用《卡特尔16PF量表》对河南师范大学体育系体操专选班21名男生进行了人格测验与分析。

    In this research , Cattell 's 16 PF Questionnaire was used to analyze college students ' personality .

  17. 为了维持较高的价格,这些钾肥卡特尔会将生产控制在与需求匹配的水平上&这与石油卡特尔石油输出国组织(Opec,简称:欧佩克)在石油市场中的手法大致相同。

    The potash cartels regulate production to match demand in order to keep prices high , much in the way that Opec , the oil cartel , does in the oil market .

  18. 尽管原油价格暴跌,但产油国的卡特尔联盟&石油输出国组织(OPEC)于去年11月保持产量稳定,实际上放弃了其调整产量以支撑油价的传统角色。

    Opec , the producers ' cartel , kept output steady in November , despite the plunge in crude prices , in effect relinquishing its traditional role of adjusting production to support prices .

  19. 有成就的教师个性中存在比一般教师更良好的个性心理特征,如卡特尔16种个性因素中的G(有恒性)、Q3(自律性)较一般教师突出。

    The successful teachers have better personality psychology characteristics than the common ones . For example , G ( Persistence ) and Q 3 ( Self discipline ) of Carter 16 Personality Factors are much more outstanding .

  20. 来自Capstone投资公司的替代性能源高级分析师卡特尔•德瑞斯克尔表示,汽车生产需要巨额资金。

    Car production takes a tremendous amount of capital , notes Carter Driscoll , a senior alternative energy analyst with capstone investments .

  21. 采用经典的卡特尔16PF人格特征测验,对298名来自上海和广州的地铁驾驶员进行职业人格特征研究。

    The Sixteen Personality Factor Test ( 16PF ) was used to investigate the personality factors of 298 metro-drivers from Shanghai and Guangzhou .

  22. 方法应用霍兰德职业兴趣问卷修订版和卡特尔16种个性因素测验(16PF)同时对陆海空军639名现役官兵进行测量。

    Methods 639 soldiers were assessed with HLD ( the developed edition ) and Cattell the Sixteen Personality Factor Test ( 16PF ) .

  23. 采用卡特尔教授编制的16PF人格测量量表,对86名研究生、95名本科生的16种人格特质因素及8种次级因素进行了调查。

    Introduces the16PF Measurement of Personality offered by Professor Cartel into the investigation on16 factors of personality and8 sub-factors of86 graduates and95 undergraduates .

  24. 石油价格去年11月加速下跌,当时,石油生产国卡特尔——欧佩克(Opec)决定不减产,这严重背离了其传统政策——为支撑油价而减产。

    Oil 's decline accelerated last November when Opec , the producers " cartel , decided not to cut output , a major departure from its traditional policy of trimming production to prop up prices .

  25. 方法:女学员组为某飞行学院22名女飞行学员,男学员组为同一飞行学院43名男飞行学员.采用卡特尔16种个性因素测验(16PF),应用DXC多项心理测评仪进行集体测试。

    METHODS : Forty three male flight cadets and 22 female cadets were examined with Cattell 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire ( 16PF ) .

  26. 方法采用防御方式问卷(DSQ)和卡特尔16种个性因素问卷(16PF)对414名海军潜水员进行团体测验。

    Methods 414 naval divers were tested in group with Defense Style Questionnaire ( DSQ ) and Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire ( 16PF ) .

  27. 方法随机选择CHB病人30例,用卡特尔16种个性因素测验量表(16PF)对病人进行人格测定;

    Methods Thirty cases of chronic hepatitis B were randomly selected . The personality test was performed on the patients using Cattell 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire ( 16-PF );

  28. 方法:采用卡特尔16PF人格测量表,对在校二年级35名护理学生和赴临床实习的三年级33名护理学生进行测试。

    METHODS : Thirty-five nursing students in grade 2 and 33 in clinical practice were assessed with 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire ( 16PF ) .

  29. 目的:验证卡特尔16种人格因素(16PF)中国版本的构念效度。

    AIM : To confirm whether the Chinese revision of the Cattell 's 16-personality factor questionnaire ( 16PF ) has a good construct validity .

  30. IEA的新预测,可能会给下个月在安哥拉首都罗安达召开的石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)会议增添忧虑。届时该石油卡特尔组织将在北半球冬季到来之前,对生产政策进行评估。

    The new forecast is likely to weigh on Opec 's meeting next month in Luanda , Angola , where the oil cartel will review its production policy ahead of the northern hemisphere winter .