
hénɡ xiànɡ yī tǐ huà
  • horizontal integration
  1. 在这种背景下,横向一体化(HorizontalIntegration)思想兴起,并成为国际管理学和企业界的热门话题和新的追求,供应链管理是其中的一个典型代表。

    In the background , horizontal integration is emerging , and becomes hot topic of management and business arena . Supply chain management is a representative of this thought . Supply chain management is an integrated thoughts and ways .

  2. 单边R&D时横向一体化的效应

    Effects of horizontal integration with unilateral R & D

  3. 本文进行的物流MIS设计,考虑到现代物流横向一体化的管理特点,对涉及到多个企业之间合作的物流过程进行分析、优化。

    In the paper , the logistics MIS design improve the logistic process involving many enterprise in the consideration of the dynamic cooperation under by the modem logistics horizontal integrate management thought .

  4. 文章的第五部分利用SWOT矩阵进行了战略分析,并结合企业、市场的实际进行了战略选择,最终为企业制定了以横向一体化为核心内容的增长型发展战略。

    In the fifth part , this paper makes strategic analyses by using SWOT matrix , makes strategic selections on the basis of the practice of the company and the market , finally works out growing developing strategies with the core content of lateral integration for the company .

  5. 基于高涨的原材料价格和低迷的销售价格,XR公司拟采取防御型而不是进攻型战略,应花更大的精力致力于新产品的开发储备和横向一体化。

    Because of the rising prices of the materials and the falling prices of sale price , the company intends to adopt defensive strategies rather than offensive ones , devoted to development and stocking of the new products and horizontalization .

  6. 我国报业集团从纵向一体化和横向一体化两个方面实施一体化战略,取得了一定成效。

    Implementing Integration strategy from vertical and horizontal aspects makes some effect .

  7. 金融业一体化战略包括横向一体化、纵向一体化与混合一体化。

    Integration strategy in financing industry includes horizontal integration , vertical integration and blended integration .

  8. 当产业集群处于横向一体化的专业化分工发展阶段,其与会展经济之间存在非耦合的一面。

    And non-coupling relations exist between them when industrial cluster is in a certain development phase .

  9. 激烈变化的商业环境中,供应商管理成为企业横向一体化发展中一个非常重要的环节。

    The drastic changing business environment turned the supplier management to a very important part of enterprise horizontal integration .

  10. 这三方面的内容可以归结为港口的纵向一体化与横向一体化战略。

    These three aspects can be sum up as the ports ' lengthways incorporating strategy and the transverse incorporating strategy .

  11. 针对一个双寡头模型,研究其中一个企业从事成本降低型R&D时横向一体化的效应。

    This paper analyzes the effects of horizontal integration under a duopoly model with one firm engaging in cost reducing R & D.

  12. 企业为适应时代发展,逐渐把关注重点转向横向一体化为核心思想的供应链管理模式。

    And the enterprises are gradually turning their focus to the core idea of " horizontal integration " of supply chain management .

  13. 并提出了建立合作竞争的市场机制有基于横向一体化、基于纵向一体化、基于区域经济的三种模式选择。

    And the establishment of cooperative competition in the market is based on horizontal integration , vertical integration or the regional economy .

  14. 通过横向一体化来减少现有的竞争者,将行业从分散竞争状态逐渐转变为对峙状态。

    They also can lessen existing rivals by crosswise unify , and change the industry from the state of dispersed competition to confronting state .

  15. 考虑单向替代的两产品情况,比较分析了在横向一体化和纵向一体化条件下,由一个制造商和一个零售商组成的供应链企业的收益问题,并进行了数值仿真,得到了一些有益的结论。

    Considering two products with one-way substitution , the paper compares the business profits between horizontal integration and vertical integration and takes numerical analysis .

  16. 金融业内部融合是拓展多元化业务领域的横向一体化结果,而产融结合是这种横向一体化的自然延伸。

    Within the financial industry convergence , horizontal convergence results are diversifying business areas , the convergence is a natural extension of this horizontal convergence .

  17. 以往纵向一体化的管理模式已不适应高密度发射任务的需要,走横向一体化发展之路已势在必行,而供应链管理成为新的一种管理模式正是适应着新形式的发展。

    Vertical integration model no longer adapts to high-density launch needs . Horizontal integration is necessary . Supply chain management as a new model is an adaptation .

  18. 在供应链管理环境下积极培育企业核心竞争力,实施企业业务外包策略是架构横向一体化管理模式的战略选择。

    The strategic choice of horizontal integration management mode is to cultivate enterprise core competence under the environment of Supply China Management , and carry out outsourcing strategy .

  19. 在这种情况下,企业开始借助外部资源快速响应市场需求,于是出现了横向一体化的思维方式。

    In that case , the enterprises start to ask for exterior resources to respond to the market needing quickly , hence , the thought of Horizontal Integration appears .

  20. 随着经济全球化的深入,市场竞争不断加剧,企业管理开始由纵向一体化向横向一体化发展。

    With the globalization of economy development with the globalization of economy development , market is increasing competition . The development begins from vertical integration of to crosswise integration .

  21. 阐述并论证了供应链管理是一种比垂直一体化、横向一体化更为先进的生产组织形式。

    Elaborately combining the argument of supply chain management is a kind of form belongs to the perpendicular integral , than the horizontal integral the more advanced production organized form .

  22. 福利经济学征收税、费理论和信息经济学的纵向、横向一体化理论释明了生态补偿的政府路径。

    Such theories of Welfare Economics as levying taxes or fees and Information Economics by it 's vertical integration or horizontal integration have deciphered the government 's path of ecological compensation .

  23. 提出可以采用前向一体化、后向一体化和横向一体化等企业发展战略,抓住入世带来的有利机遇,克服入世带来的不利影响。

    This article proposals that agriculture enterprises can seize the opportunities and overcome the threats which WTO bring about by adapting strategies such as forward integration , backward integration and horizontal integration .

  24. 根据制造企业的零售成本、市场销量及零售价的关系,比较了在横向一体化和纵向一体化条件下,由一个制造商和一个零售商组成的供应链的企业利润问题;

    According to the relations among the retailing cost , market demand and retailing price in the supply chain , the enterprises ' profits between horizontal integration and vertical integration are compared .

  25. 此外,从纵向一体化转向包含合同制造的横向一体化运营的供应链重构过程,也加剧了供应链上下游之间的信息不对称性以及关键部件的产能竞争。

    In addition , the supply chain operations remodeling process from vertically integrated to horizontal integration also exacerbates the information asymmetry between supply chain members , as well as the competition of key components supply .

  26. 横向一体化思想的兴起形成了一条从供应商到制造商再到分销商的贯穿所有企业的链&供应链,从而产生了供应链管理。

    The coming concept of horizontal integration has shaped a chain which is through all the enterprises that from suppliers to the manufactories , and to the retail-supply chain , finally produced the supply chain management .

  27. 在对中国石油建设企业跨国经营战略演变进程进行研究的基础上,本文提出了横向一体化战略和本土化战略,为跨过经营的战略选择提出了建议。

    On the basis of research on evolvement course of china petroleum construction enterprises transnational operation strategy , this thesis proposes horizontal integration strategy and localization Strategy , make suggestions for selection of transnational operation strategy .

  28. 认为实现规模循环经济效益是公司增长的重要动因之一,横向一体化、闭环一体化和基于产业生态联系的多样化是基于循环经济的公司增长战略与方法;

    The scale circular economic benefit is thought as one of important motive forces of company growth and horizontal integration , closed - loop integration and diversification on industrial ecological relationship will be strategies and methods of company growth .

  29. 为获绕教ㄍ?绻婺?平台企业可以实行低价、差异性服务和横向一体化策略,吸引和巩固平台一边用户群体,进而通过交叉网络外部性这一市场特征来实现平台双边用户群体的扩张。

    In order to obtain the size of the network platform , enterprises can carry out low-cost and different-service strategy , attract and consolidate the unilateral customers , and finally achieve the expansion of bilateral customers through the cross-network externalities .

  30. 该问题属于中观决策分析层面,这是与物流研究的微观操作层面(如配送中心选址和仓库布局等)和宏观战略层面(如从纵向一体化发展转向横向一体化发展的战略等)对应的。

    The problem is a middle-level decision making analysis , which is between the microcosmic control level ( such as location choosing ) and the macrocosmic strategy level ( such as integrative developing strategy change from vertical to horizontal ) .