
  • 网络Conglomerate integration
  1. 笔者认为,我国企业必须吸取安然公司的经验教训,辩证地分析混合一体化战略对自身的适用性,并结合企业经营条件和发展现状谨慎地选择和实行此战略。

    We must draw a lesson from Enron Corporation , dialectical analysis of conglomerate integration are put forward .

  2. 诚然,企业实行混合一体化战略可以取得规模经济、优化资源配置、绕开关税壁垒等竞争优势,但同时,若利用不当它也会对企业的发展产生不利影响。

    The strategy of conglomerate integration can obtain following advantages , economies of scale , optimizing resource allocation and so on , if we made mistaken use strategies , it will be disadvantages to the development of enterprises .

  3. 金融业一体化战略包括横向一体化、纵向一体化与混合一体化。

    Integration strategy in financing industry includes horizontal integration , vertical integration and blended integration .

  4. 究其原因,主要是由安然公司实行混合一体化战略失误造成的。

    Tracing to its source was caused by strategic mistake of conglomerate integration of Enron Corporation .

  5. 本文从新的林业微观主体运行关系出发,研究了其间的横向一体化、纵向一体化、混合一体化、企业战略联盟等经济联系,并对国有林区新的林业微观主体边界及其规模扩张进行规范分析。

    From operating connection of new forestry micro-subject , this dissertation has studied its horizontal integration , vertical integration , mixed integration and enterprise strategic alliance etc. The dissertation has also analysed boundary and expansion of size of the new forestry micro-subject .

  6. 基于Unix/Windows混合平台的一体化电网综合调度自动化系统

    Electric Power Dispatching Automation System Based on Unix / Windows Associated Platform

  7. 骨水泥混合与注射一体化装置行经皮椎体成形术治疗椎体压缩性骨折

    Percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of vertebral body compression fracture with bone cement mixing and injection integrative system

  8. 混合平台的SCADA/PAS一体化系统的设计和实现

    An integrated scada / pas system based on mix platform

  9. 基于C/S和B/S混合模式上机实验一体化系统的研究

    Research about an incorporate system of experiment assisted by computer based on the compound mode of C / S and B / S

  10. 由于传统的多级分解算法易陷入局部最优解,而不是全局最优。因此,本文从整体上设计混合启发式算法求解一体化配送与集货的定位-运输路线安排问题。

    Considering that the traditional multi decomposition algorithm is easy to get into partial optimization solution , and not overall optimization solution , the study deign hybrid heuristic algorithm to solve the location routing problem model of picking-delivery as a whole .