
  • 网络chaos;Scientific Chaos;Chaology
  1. 混沌学:教学设计新思维初探

    Theory of Chaos : Probing the New Idea of Instructional Design

  2. 混沌学与思想政治教育探讨

    An Inquiry into the Study of Chaos and Ideological and Political Education

  3. 第二章介绍混沌学的基础知识。

    Elementary knowledge of chaology are introduced in the second chapter .

  4. 该技术将遗传算法或混沌学分别与交织器设计相结合。

    The genetic algorithm and chaos were integrated with interleaver design separately .

  5. 婴儿痉挛症脑干信息传导障碍的混沌学研究

    Chaotic characteristic of brainstem information conductive obstruction in infantile spasms

  6. 现代混沌学为本体非决定论提供了科学证据吗?

    Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism ?

  7. 应用红外光谱和混沌学分析变压器油的老化特性

    Analyze Aging Characteristics of Transformer Oil Based on Infrared Spectroscopy and Chaos Theory

  8. 混沌学研究对数学发展的影响

    Influence of Chaos on the Development of Mathematics

  9. 基于混沌学的序列密码生成算法

    Research of sequence cipher algorithm based on chaos

  10. 混沌学及混沌电子学的发展

    The Development of Chaotic Dynamics and Chaotic Electronics

  11. 混沌学的历史和现状

    The history and present situation of chaology

  12. 地面机械系统的混沌学研究初探

    Pilot Study of Chaos on Terrain-machine System

  13. 冲击地压的混沌学模型及预测预报

    Forecast and chaos model of rockburst

  14. 混沌学的哲学思考

    Philosophical Thought of Chaos

  15. 混沌学是一门多学科交叉互通的学科,所以混沌控制理论可以在各个不同学科中得到广泛的应用。

    Chaos is an emerging interdisciplinary subject so that the chaos theory is widely used in many areas .

  16. 混沌学是非线性科学的一个重要分支,密码学是信息安全领域的重要学科。

    Chaos is an important subdiscipline of nonlinear science . Cryptology is an important field of information security .

  17. 论认识的主体性与客体性&从相对论、量子力学到混沌学、分形理论

    On the Subjectivity and Objectivity of Cognition & From the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics to chaos and fractal theory

  18. 虽然混沌学的研究已经经历了数十年,但是对于混沌控制理论的研究却仍然处于初级阶段。

    Although it has gone through decades to study chaos theory , chaos control theory is still at the beginning stage .

  19. 伴随计算机等技术的飞速发展,混沌学已发展成为一门影响深远、发展迅速的前沿科学。

    With the rapid development of computer technology , the chaos has developed to be an influencial pioneering science which develops rapidly .

  20. 混沌学自诞生以来,在信号处理、保密通信、物理学、化学、经济学和社会科学等领域得到了广泛的研究和应用。

    It is applied in many fields such as signal processing , secure communication , physics , chemistry , economics and so on .

  21. 混沌学中的内在随机性对经济发展道路多样性的启示:欧洲中心论的局限

    The Enlightenment of " Inherent Randomness " of Chaos Theory to the Diversity of Economic Development Paths : Limitation of the Eurocentric Approach

  22. 随着对混沌学的深入研究,越来越多的科学研究表明很多微弱信号湮没在具有混沌行为的背景信号里。

    By thorough study of chaos , more and more researches show that a lot of weak signals are embedded in the strong chaotic noise .

  23. 混沌学的创立,促进了整个现代科学的迅速发展,使人们对于复杂的现实世界有了新的认识。

    The foundation of Chaos has promoted the rapid development of modern science , and makes people have a new understanding of the complex real world .

  24. 混沌学的诞生使不同科学领域得到了飞速的发展,尤其在生物学领域有着广泛的应用。

    Different discipline fields have obtained rapid development since the birth of chaos , especially in the field of biology where has a wide range of applications .

  25. 基于混沌学原理产生随机数,不仅随机数序列内部有随机性,而且随机数序列本身也具有随机性。

    The random sequence is created basing on the Chaos principle . There is not only randomness inside the random sequence but also in random sequence itself .

  26. 可以看到汉语语音中蕴涵着丰富的混沌学信息,是介于周期性确定信号和随机性不确定信号之间的一种信号。

    We can see the ample chaotic information in Chinese speech , and Chinese speech is a non-linear system between deterministic periodic signal and indeterministic stochastic signal .

  27. 本文不同意现代混沌学为本体非决定论提供了科学证据的观点,提出了现代混沌学与本体决定论相容的观点。

    This paper refutes a prevalent standpoint that modern chaos furnishes scientific evidence to ontological indeterminism , and advances that modern chaos and ontological determinism are compatible .

  28. 从混沌学的初值敏感性理论,阐明了旅游研究应以游客为初始路径的观点。

    It is expounded that the tourist is the initial way in the study of tourism from the view of the sensitivity of initial way of chaos theory .

  29. 混沌学在非线性科学领域中具有重要的地位,近年来约瑟夫森结及其效应也是在混沌领域中人们研究的热点。

    Chaos has an important position in the field of nonlinear science , Josephson junction and its effect is also hot spots in the chaotic field in recent years .

  30. 蝴蝶效应是气象学家,同时也是首位提出混沌学的数学家洛伦兹提出来的。这位气象学家制作了一个电脑程序,可以模拟气候的变化。

    The concept of the butterfly effect is attributed to Edward Norton Lorenz , a mathematician and meteorologist , who was one of the first proponents of chaos theory .