
  • 网络Kabira
  1. 卡比拉似乎希望局势看起来更加糟糕。

    Mr Kabila seems to have come out of it all looking worse .

  2. 卡比拉总统希望此举能够削弱恩昆达的实力。

    Mr Kabila hoped this would weaken Mr nkunda .

  3. 就像预期的那样,现任总统约瑟夫?卡比拉遥遥领先于他的竞争对手。

    As expected , the incumbent president , Joseph kabila , was far ahead of his rivals .

  4. 刚果总统卡比拉也许要答应恩昆达将军直接谈判的要求,原因很简单,因为图西叛军在军事上占有优势;

    Congo 's President Kabila may have to meet General Nkunda 's demand for direct negotiation , simply because the Tutsi rebels are militarily dominant ;

  5. 而总统则指责说本巴通过向他在河边的位于卡比拉办公室以南的家中派遣武装人员来挑起冲突。

    The presidency accuses Mr Bemba of provoking the violence by bringing armed men into his riverside house , just down the road from Mr Kabila 's office .

  6. 齐塞凯迪说,不论现实与否,选举的日期是强制性的,选举委员会没有选择,因为卡比拉总统的任期12月就要结束。

    Realistic or not , Tshisekedi says the date of the election is obligatory and the electoral commission has no choice because President Kabila 's mandate ends in December .

  7. 忠于叛军头目恩孔达的反对派军队大举入侵了以前由卡比拉总统的刚果军队占有的东部城镇戈马附近的领地。

    Rebel forces loyal to renegade leader Laurent Nkundu have made serious inroads into territory previously held by the Congolese army of President Joseph Kabila around the eastern town of Goma .