
  • 网络Raffles;Raffles Hotel;Sir Stamford Raffles;Raffles Place;N. rafflesiana
  1. 还闯入了莱佛士大酒店(RafflesHotel)里的一场婚宴。

    we crashed a wedding reception at the Raffles Hotel .

  2. 我们从古代钟楼的楼梯上跳下来,从鼓楼出来横穿马路;还闯入了莱佛士大酒店(RafflesHotel)里的一场婚宴。

    We jumped down the stairs of the ancient Bell Tower , across the street from the Drum Tower ; we crashed a wedding reception at the Raffles Hotel .

  3. 1819年,托马斯・史丹福・莱佛士(SirThomasStamfordRaffles),一名英国东印度公司的官员,和柔佛苏丹签定一项条约,将新加坡作为一个贸易局和殖民点。

    In1819 , Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles , a British East India Company official , made a treaty with the Sultan of Johore and established Singapore as a trading post and settlement .

  4. 新加坡国立大学的前身是莱佛士学院(RafflesCollege),新加坡开国之父李光耀的母校;李光耀因推动了高效率政府和完美的公共服务而备受赞誉,这给在新加坡学习公共政策增添了吸引力。

    The campus was once home to Raffles College , the alma mater of Mr Lee , Singapore 's founding father , who is credited with driving the efficient government and faultless public services that add to the draw of studying policy in the city-state .

  5. 之前,史丹福?莱佛士把它叫作什么?

    What was the name given to it by Stamford raffles ?

  6. 今年4月,中集莱佛士收购了山东省另一家造船厂三联龙口。

    In April CIMC Raffles bought Sanlian Longkou , another shipyard in Shandong Province .

  7. 就读于英校莱佛士书院,他是那里的高材生。

    He studied at Raffles College where he proved to be a top student .

  8. 随着北京饭店莱佛士的盛大开业,富有传奇色彩的莱佛士的殷勤待客之道现已盛情扎根中国。

    With the opening of Raffles Beijing Hotel , the legendary Raffles hospitality has now arrived in China .

  9. 2011年,莱佛士初院一共有59名学生成功录取了牛津大学和剑桥大学,这个数目大大超过了新加坡任何一所。

    A total of59 Rafflesians were offered a place in Oxbridge in2011 , vastly outnumbering their peers from other schools in Singapore .

  10. 随着第一家医疗中心在上海的开幕,莱佛士医院独特的优质医疗服务在全中国都能享受到。

    With the opening of our first medical centre in Shanghai , RafflesMedical 's unique brand of quality healthcare is now available in China .

  11. 优越的地理位置,中环广场办公楼享有接近珊顿道和重要的商业场所,如新达城对流中心,莱佛士坊。

    Strategically located , Central Square Office enjoys close proximity to important business venues such as Suntec City Convection Centre , Raffles Place and Shenton Way .

  12. 1822年,斯丹福·莱佛士爵士在新加坡福康宁的政府山上建立了第一个新加坡“植物学实验园”。1859年,这个建筑区迁到现在的地址。

    In 1822 , Sir Stamford Raffles had built up Botanic Gardens at the base of Government Hill and the gathering was moved to its present site at 1859 .

  13. 试析莱佛士的爪哇农业观&以《爪哇史》为中心原来他们是从莱佛士1819年登陆新加坡那时候算起。

    Analysis of Raffles View on Agriculture in Java The answer is very simple . To them , the history of Singapore began in 1819 - when Stamford Raffles landed here .

  14. 在加入青岛海尔洲际之前,他曾担任过莱佛士国际酒店管理集团旗下的北京瑞士酒店总经理并同时任职于中国华夏瑞士酒店管理公司;

    Prior to him joining InterContinental Qingdao , Arno had worked with Raffles International as the general manager of Swiss ô tel Beijing and that of Huaxia Swiss ô tel Management Ltd.

  15. 1819年,任职于英国东印度公司的斯坦福•莱佛士与柔佛苏丹签订条约,获准在新加坡建立交易站和殖民地。

    The British East India Company established a trading post on the island in1819.The main settlement up to that point was a Malay fishing village at the mouth of the Singapore River .

  16. 英国人的书讲的都是莱佛士如何“智取”新加坡,但是,如果深入了解,我们就会发现故事其实有另一个版本。

    Books published by the British all tell of how Stamford Raffles " took Singapore by strategy ", but probe further and we will find that there is another account of what happened .

  17. 2009年金融危机爆发后,造船业遭受重挫,烟台莱佛士市值惨遭腰斩,章立人的个人财富也缩水至1.6亿美元。

    In2009 , as the shipping industry took a hit in the wake of the financial crisis , Yantai 's market value halved and Chang 's fortune got knocked down to $ 160 million .

  18. 我们无意抹煞莱佛士与英国人对新加坡的开发所做的贡献,但我们要说,那不是我们历史的全部。

    The intention here is not to write off the contributions of Stamford Raffles and the British in developing the island , but to make the point that this account of our history is incomplete .

  19. 美溪海滩曾被《福布斯》杂志评为“全球最奢华海滩”之一。迷人的海滩让冲浪者和日光浴粉丝们尽享风光无限的天然世外桃源。海滩上还有很多高档酒店,比如莱佛士和凯悦酒店,有些已经营业,有些即将开张。

    Once listed in Forbes Magazine as one of the ' World 's Most Luxurious Beaches ' , the stunning sands of My Khe Beach offer surfers and sun seekers a gloriously unspoilt hideaway with a host of big brand hotels such as Raffles and Hyatt opening or due to open very soon .