
  • 网络lake;lexy;LIK
  1. 公司积极开展对外交流与合作,是德国莱克(LIK)阀门的中国总代理,并代理销售日本KITZ(北泽)阀门、日本VENN(阀天)阀门、美国LEO(力沃)阀门;

    The company has actively conducted exchanges and cooperation , the German LIK valve distributor in China , and sales agent in Japan KITZ valves , Japan VENN valve , YSA LEO valve .

  2. 德国莱克阀门(国际)有限公司忠心欢迎中国客户同我们在中国各地的代理商及分支机构联系。

    Germany Lik valve ( Hong Kong ) Ltd welcomes Chinese customers to contact with our agents and branches in China .

  3. 莱克先生是共和党竞选机器中一枚重要的螺丝钉。

    Mr Lake was an important cog in the Republican campaign machine .

  4. 科泽莱克不带一丝顾影自怜地表达了自己的凄凉悲怆之感。

    Kozelek expresses his sense of desolation absolutely without self-pity .

  5. 莱克图尔是个熙熙攘攘的集镇,第一次去热尔观光从那里开始再好不过了。

    Lectoure is a bustling market town and the best jumping-off point for a first visit to Le Gers .

  6. 另外一个詹姆斯住在湖边,他就成了詹姆斯?莱克(Lake的音译,意思是湖)。

    Another James lived by a lake . He became James Lake .

  7. 莱克多巴胺酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)的建立酶联免疫吸附试验在食品检测中的应用

    Development of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Ractopamine ; Application of ELISA Method in Food Detection

  8. 的确如此,艾达・莱克(IdaLyke)就因为被自己的猫咪西尔维斯特(Sylvester)咬伤而感到自责。

    Indeed , Ida Lyke blames herself for the bite she got from her cat Sylvester .

  9. VioletLake是创立已五年的一个伦敦品牌,其设计师厄休拉・莱克(UrsulaLake)说:“英国人在泳衣选择上相当谨慎。”

    The British can be quite timid about their swimwear choices , ' said Ursula Lake , who designs the five-year-old , London-based line Violet Lake .

  10. 当日晚些时候,这位30岁的女演员和她的丈夫贾斯汀丁伯莱克(JustinTimberlake)一起出现在意大利的机场。

    Later in the day , the 30-year-old actress and her husband Justin Timberlake were spotted together at an airport in Italy .

  11. 经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)的美国分析师约瑟夫•莱克(JosephLake)表示:这是自2011年以来的最快季度增速,证实美国经济已自今年第一季度与天气相关的萎缩中强劲反弹。

    This was the fastest quarterly rate since 2011 , confirming that the US economy bounced back strongly from the weather-related setback in the first quarter , said Joseph Lake , US analyst for the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  12. 在最佳实验条件下,采用DPV对莱克多巴胺以及异克舒令、利托君和非诺特罗进行了定量测定。

    Under the optimum conditions , quantitative determination for ractopamine , isoxsuprine , ritodrine and fenoterol was carried out by DPV .

  13. 莉齐•玛丽•莱克尼斯是本榜上最年轻的女企业家,她运营着一家名叫“莉齐玛丽美食汇”(LizzieMarieCuisine)的网站,主要为网友提供一些做饭小贴士、产品评论和菜谱。

    Lizzie Marie likness , the youngest on our list , runs Lizzie Marie cuisine , a site that offers cooking tips , product reviews , and recipes .

  14. 为他们提供咨询的家庭法律独立顾问安格拉•莱克-卡罗尔(AngelaLake-Carroll)说,这种情况远算不上异乎寻常。

    Angela Lake-Carroll , an independent family law consultant who advised the couple ( their names have been changed ), says such situations are far from unusual .

  15. 除此之外,与HPLC-UV-FLD联用实现了对克伦特罗,莱克多巴胺和沙丁胺醇三种药物残留的同时检测。

    Besides , IAC coupled with HPLC-UV-FLD carried out detection of clenbuterol , ractopamine and salbutamol simultaneously .

  16. 莱克多巴胺在P0.05水平下显著降低肌肉亮度值、红度值、白度值及糖酵解潜力水平,增加IIX型肌纤维横截面积和剪切力值,极显著降低嫩度(P0.001)。

    Ractopamine significantly decreased muscle brightness value , the red value , whiteness and glycolytic potential ( P0.05 ); significantly increased IIX muscle fiber cross-sectional area and shear force ; ractopamine extremely significantly decreased tenderness ( P0.001 ) . 3 .

  17. ThalmicLabs首席执行官斯蒂芬•莱克(StephenLake)称,幻灯片演示将是大众市场购买Myo的“入门”原因——而不只是那些想要轻击手指即可开灯或者消失于虚拟世界的极客会购买。

    Stephen Lake , Thalmic Labs " chief executive , says presentations will be a " gateway " reason for the mass market to buy Myo - not just the geeks who want to click their fingers to turn lights on or to disappear into virtual worlds .

  18. 此外还成功制备了一种能够同时分离富集克伦特罗,莱克多巴胺和沙丁胺醇三种药物的免疫亲和柱,并与HPLC-UV-FLD联用实现了对三种药物残留的同时检测。

    In addition , an immunoaffinity column ( IAC ) coupled with HPLC-UV-FLD that can detect clenbuterol , ractopamine and salbutamol simultaneously was developed .

  19. 综述了莱克多巴胺(RCT)的化学结构、理化特性、构效关系、毒性作用、在动物体内的代谢残留及其免疫学检测技术研究进展。

    In this paper the research progress in the chemical structure , physical and chemical characteristics , relation of structure and effect , toxicity , metabolic resides of ractopamine in animal body and the immunological detection technology of residue was reviewed in detail .

  20. 现居明尼苏达州克莱尔蒙特(Claremont)的莱克也曾参与梅奥诊所的那项研究。在莱克将打架斗殴的西尔维斯特与另外一只猫拉开以后,她试图将他抱起来,他却紧紧揪住了莱克的右手根部。

    After she broke up his fight with another cat , Ms. Lyke , who lives in Claremont , Minn. , and was also part of the Mayo study , tried to pick him up . He latched onto the bottom of her right hand .

  21. 赛德莱克小姐,有人想见您。

    Miss cedrac , there 's someone here to see you .

  22. 莱克博士给我父亲写了一封非常友好的信。

    Dr Lake wrote a very pleasant letter to my father .

  23. 莱克多巴胺人工抗原的光谱表征及免疫鉴定研究

    Study on spectral and immune identification of artificial antigen of ractopamine

  24. 我叫粟克。由莱克,本公司的经理。

    My name is Jack Black , manager of the company .

  25. 莱克同时命令斯奇林接受禁酒和心理健康方面的咨询和治疗。

    Lake also ordered Skilling to undergo alcohol and mental-health counseling .

  26. 莱克多巴胺是一种肾上腺素兴奋剂,用以提高瘦肉率。

    Ractopamine is an adrenal stimulant used to make pork more lean .

  27. 莱克多巴胺的毒性及其残留免疫学检测技术研究进展

    Research Advances in Toxicity and Immunological Detection Technology for Ractopamine

  28. 莱克多巴胺及磺胺二甲基嘧啶免疫学快速检测技术研究

    Studies on Immunological Rapid Detection Technique of Ractopamine and Sulfamethazine

  29. 我想和你谈谈凯莉。莱克的案子。

    I 'd like to discuss the Kelly Riker case .

  30. 莱克因而严重感染,最终不得不入院治疗。

    Ms. Lyke ended up in the hospital with a serious infection .