
  • 网络liusha river;Flowing Sand River
  1. 流沙河的诗具有典范的现实主义特色。

    Liu Shahe 's poems possess the features of realism .

  2. 那怪自知不是他们的对手,径钻入流沙河里。

    Knowing he could be no match for them , the monster escaped into the river .

  3. 在这种气候下过日子,荷西跟我只有扮流沙河里住着的沙和尚,一无选择其他角色的余地。

    Live under such weather , Hexi and I have to dressed like monk SA who live in sand sliding river , and have no chance to choose other character .

  4. 因在瑶池会上打破玻璃盏被玉帝贬在流沙河的沙悟净,把唐三藏掠进水府欲吞吃。

    Sha Wujing who is punished in Liushahe River by the jade emperor because he has broken glaze glasses in the peach banquet and caught Tang Sanzang and wants to eat him .

  5. 流沙河是伴随着新中国一起成长起来的诗人,也是一位在创作道路、诗歌观念和艺术风格方面独具个性的诗人。

    Liu Shahe is a poet that grew up with the founding of New China , and also a poet that has the particular personality on the creating road , the verse idea and the art style .

  6. 与他们同行的还有猪八戒(许克家[音译]饰)和沙僧(董伯瑞[音译]饰)。根据节目单上的介绍,前者是一个福斯塔夫式的健壮的道家神仙,后者是一个被流放到流沙河的大将。

    They are accompanied by Pigsy ( Xu Kejia ) , a lusty Falstaffian Daoist sage , according to the program note , and Sandy ( Dong Borui ) , a disgraced general who has been banished to a river of sand .