
  • 网络Streaming data;stream;stream data;data stream
  1. 认识到基于Web服务的方法可能成为电子商务和信息技术的基础设施,本文首先提出了构造基于Web服务的分布式流数据查询系统。

    In this thesis , because service-based approaches have gained considerable attention recently for supporting distributed application development in e-business and e-science , the innovative work to build distributed query processing system over streaming data is firstly presented .

  2. 现有的人工免疫网络模型在针对大规模、动态、时变流数据环境(例如:Web电子商务、医学监视、传感器和金融监测等领域)时,处理代价巨大,难以保证应用系统的实时性。

    In large-scale , dynamic , time-varying streaming data environment , like web electronic commerce , medical surveillance , sensors , financial monitoring etc , the computational cost of present immune network model will increase so greatly that it can not meet the real-time needs .

  3. Web点击流数据聚类算法

    Algorithm for Clustering of Click Stream Data

  4. 基于反k近邻的流数据离群点挖掘算法

    Stream Data Outlier Mining Algorithm Based on Reverse k Nearest Neighbors

  5. 针对XML流数据的复杂TwigPattern查询处理

    Complex Twig Pattern Query Processing over XML Streams

  6. 针对XML流数据的、具有嵌套AND/OR谓词的复杂TwigPattern查询处理,提出一种新方法。

    In this paper , a novel approach for processing complex Twig Pattern with OR-predicates and AND-predicates over XML documents stream is presented .

  7. 并利用一段高速公路的交通流数据对BP神经网络进行训练,得到网络参数。

    Then , the BP neural network is trained by using traffic flow data from a section of freeway and the network model parameters can be obtained .

  8. 然后,在此基础上,对标签结构进行剪切以确定文档的剪切点,提出了基于标签的XML流数据剪切分片算法,有效地减少了节点扇出度与阈值的比较次数。

    A tag-based document fragmentation algorithm built on DOM-based algorithm was then proposed to determine document filler points by fragmenting tag structure , so as to reduce the comparisons between element fan-outs and threshold .

  9. 流数据是一种广泛存在的数据形式,如金融市场证券信息分析数据、网络传输数据、电信部门的通话记录数据、Web点击数据等。

    Data streams is a widely existing data form , such as stock information data analysis in financial markets 、 data transmission in network , call records data in telecommunications department 、 data in web click and so on .

  10. 将数据库中以二进制流数据形式存放的word文档再自动组合成一张word格式的试卷,尝试能否减轻农村中学教师出卷的工作量。

    Forming the word files saved as binary scale data in database as a piece of paper of word form , try to find whether it can reduce the work load of rural middle school teachers .

  11. 利用基于策略的网络管理PBNM(PolicyBasedNetworkManagement)的思想,提出了一种基于网络流数据分析和挖掘的方法来实现对网络安全状态的持续感知;

    According to the principle of PBNM ( policy based network management ), a method based on analyzing and mining the network traffic is proposed to be aware of the network security status . With this mechanism an access control policy is defined .

  12. 采用了基于RTP/RTCP协议并结合Winsock技术实现了实时视频音频流数据的网络传输,并在实际编程设计中对数据传输的抖动、延时、同步等具体问题作了处理。

    The related network protocols selecting RTP / RTCP and using Winsock tech in the paper . Meanwhile , some implementation problems were discussed and treated .

  13. 本文提出了一种非欧氏空间流数据聚类技术:对web流数据的分析处理使用模糊数学的方法进行聚类分析,称为模糊聚类分析。

    This text has proposed one kind is not that cluster 's technology of the datum flows in space of Europe : Flow to analyse and process to web method to use fuzzy mathematics go on cluster 's analysis data , called the analysis of fuzzy cluster .

  14. 在MATLAB环境下,根据使各交叉路口在一个周期内车辆平均延误最小的原则,通过采集的实时交通流数据,进行多次仿真实验。

    Under the MATLAB environment , the method accords to the rules which make the average vehicle delay minimize in a cycle . Large amounts of simulation were executed based on the real-time traffic flow data of a practical intersection .

  15. epfrglobal最新的资金流数据显示,资金连续第四周流入新兴市场,新兴市场股票资金上周净流入25亿美元。

    The latest fund flow data from EPFR global show that emerging market equity funds had net inflows of $ 2.5bn last week , their fourth straight week of inflows .

  16. 在本系统中,企业端和银行端之间需要字节流数据的传输。为了实现可靠的字节流数据的传输,借鉴MODEM文件传输协议,设计了自己的MODEM通讯协议。

    In order to transmit bytes stream reliably between Bank and Customer , which is required in this system , A modem communication protocol was designed , with the existing File Transfer Protocols ( FTP ) as a reference .

  17. 针对GPU的特点、流数据处理原理以及模型渲染流程,阐述了在计算机中GPU是如何进行实时三维建模及渲染的。

    In view of the GPU characteristic , the principle of settling flow data and modles ' rendering step , the topic elaborated how to carry on the real-time 3D modeling in the computer by GPU .

  18. 在模拟过程中,入流数据都是根据GPS-X软件自带的入流模型TSSCOD模型获得的。

    Inlet model is a TSS-COD model which GPS-X software has .

  19. MEDC算法通过映射流数据时间戳,快速无冗余地维护流数据的有序性;

    On account of effective use of streaming data ′ s time-stamp , MEDC can retain the sequence of streaming data quickly without redundancies .

  20. 提出了一种流数据上的频繁项挖掘算法(SW-COUNT)。该算法通过数据采样技术挖掘滑动窗口下的数据流频繁项。

    A frequent items mining algorithm of stream data ( SW-COUNT ) was proposed , which used data sampling technique to mine frequent items of data flow under sliding windows .

  21. 确定了视频结构语法挖掘框架,在镜头分割的基础上,提出改进的FSCL算法进行无监督镜头聚类,把视频流数据转化为符号序列。

    This thesis presents a framework for video structure syntax mining . Based on shot segmentation , an improved method of frequency sensitive competitive learning ( FSCL ) is put forward to achieve unsupervised shots clustering and transform video stream into symbol sequence .

  22. 面向无线传感器网络的流数据压缩技术

    Study on Compression Technique for Streaming Data in Wireless Sensor Networks

  23. 流数据中一种高效剪枝的频繁序列挖掘算法

    Efficient Pruning Algorithm for Mining Frequent Sequential Pattern Based on Stream Data

  24. 流数据聚类模型变化检测策略

    A Strategy for Detecting the Changes in Cluster Model of Data Stream

  25. GSCDS使用均匀划分的网格在线压缩数据流数据。

    An evenly partitioned grid is used to compress stream data online .

  26. 知识推理在异构信息流数据识别中的研究

    Research of Knowledge Inference in Data Recognition of Various Structure Information Fluid

  27. 交通流数据清洗的关键理论及方法研究

    Study on Key Theory and Methods for Data Cleaning of Traffic Flow

  28. 电子商务中点击流数据仓库的应用研究

    Research on the application of Click stream data warehouse in the E-commerce

  29. 基于流数据的大对象数据缓冲机制

    Buffer Strategy of Accessing Large Object Based on Stream Data

  30. 基于滑动窗口的流数据聚类挖掘研究

    Research on Clustering of Stream Data Based on Sliding Window