
qiú jì
  • ball-game skills
球技 [qiú jì]
  • [skills in playing a ball game] 处理和控制球的技术

  • 球技高人一筹

  1. 我试过打高尔夫球,但是我的球技太烂了。

    I tried playing golf , but I was rubbish .

  2. 他总是吹嘘自己板球球技的高超。

    He 's always bragging about his prowess as a cricketer

  3. 他的网球和高尔夫球球技一流。

    He was outstanding at tennis and golf .

  4. 我经常跟哥哥一起踢足球,因为就我的年龄而论我的球技还算不错。

    I always played football with my older brother because I was good for my age .

  5. 他们下午都在洛蒙德湖边打高尔夫——顺便提一句,球技糟透了。

    They spent their afternoons playing golf — extremely badly , I may add — around Loch Lomond

  6. 约翰·麦肯罗将球技发挥得淋漓尽致,从而击败了吉米·康纳斯,这在比赛中前所未见。

    John McEnroe beat Jimmy Connors with the most complete display of artistry the game had ever seen

  7. 他仍是世界上最受欢迎的高尔夫球选手之一,但他的球技日不如前。

    He is still one of the world 's most popular golfers , but his game is in decline .

  8. 他的球技在他给这些希望成为明日之星的年轻人担任教练的过程中继续发挥出很大作用。

    His soccer skills continue to be put to good use in his job as football coach to young hopefuls .

  9. 分析了H.分析,G.11分赛制的乒乓球技战术战例分析

    Analysis of Tactics and Strategies by China 's Excellent Ping-Pang Athletes in the Eleven-Point Contests

  10. 姚明的不断进步的球技来自于他在NBA比赛中的出色表现。

    Yao Ming 's steady progress in skills results from his wonderful performance in the NBA matches .

  11. 第三部分……n.顶点,极点一个棒球员通常在他三十岁之前,到达球技高峰。

    Part 3 ...... acme A baseball player usually reaches the acme of his skill before he is thirty .

  12. 1988年,蔡丰安凭借出色的球技,到宾夕法尼亚的威廉波特小联盟世界系列赛(LittleLeagueWorldSeries)打比赛,他的球队击败来自夏威夷珍珠市的球队赢得了冠军。

    In 1988 , Tsai was good enough to travel to the Little League World Series in Williamsport , Pa. , where his team won the title by beating the team from Pearl City , Hawaii .

  13. 改进的AGNES算法在羽毛球技战术分析中的应用

    Implementation and Application of Improved AGNES Algorithm on Technical-tactics Analysis of Badminton Match

  14. 随著他的高超球技,球场风采,惊人的天赋和场下的品牌效应,乔丹成为了NBA在时下蓬勃发展背后具有影响力的人物。

    With his high-flying antics , court presence , astounding talent and off-court branding , Jordan was an influential force behind the NBA 's growth in popularity .

  15. 台湾一名19岁的学生IanLee说,我担心由于火箭没有尼克斯队那么多的顶级球员,这可能会阻碍林书豪的球技进一步提高。

    ' I 'm worried the Rockets don 't have as many top-rated players as the Knicks and that might hinder Jeremy from improving further , ' said Ian Lee , a 19-year-old student in Taiwan .

  16. 继2008年“欧洲杯”之后,目前奥地利又在筹办明年的“机器人世界杯”(RoboCup),届时将有500个机器人齐聚绿茵场一展球技。

    After Euro 2008 , now Austria is preparing to host RoboCup , where 500 robots take to the football field hoping to prove their mettle .

  17. 我只关注火箭队和自己的球技。

    I am just focusing on the Rockets and my game .

  18. 羽毛球技战术计算机统计及反馈系统

    Computer Statistical and Feedback System for the Badminton Techniques and Tactics

  19. 联队踢了一场球技精湛、扣人心弦的足球赛。

    United provided a fine exhibition of skilful and exciting football .

  20. 他唯一的出路就是他的球技。

    And his only way out is his skill with the ball .

  21. 现在就把你们最漂亮的球技带给大家。

    All right , so bring your best , play with flair .

  22. 排球队在圣诞节日期间球技生疏了。

    The volleyball team got out of practice during the Christmas holidays .

  23. 就球技而言,迈克尔欧文与他不相上下。

    For skill on the ball , Michael Owen runs him close .

  24. 乒乓球技战术实施中的路径依赖性分析

    Path-dependence of Table Tennis Technology and Tactics Implemented in Matches

  25. 数以百万计的球迷钦佩他的球技,动力和自信。语境。

    Millions of fans admire his athletic ability , motivation and confidence .

  26. 我希望人们喜欢我支持我是因为我的球技我的比赛。

    I hope people are with me because of how I play .

  27. 试论乒乓球技战术训练中意识的培养

    On Consciousness Cultivation of Skills and Tactics ' Training in Table Tennis Sports

  28. 11分制对乒乓球技战术的冲击

    11 - Score System Striking to the Techniques and Tactics of Table Tennis

  29. 在我传授你精湛的球技时。

    So while I subtly enhance your technical prospects .

  30. 他的球技博得热烈的欢呼。

    His basketball skill is greeted with loud cheers .