
  • 网络presenter;TV program host;TV host;TV presenter
  1. 她是高薪电视节目主持人。

    She 's a highly paid TV presenter .

  2. 很多人认为当电视节目主持人是一件刺激的事情。

    Most people think being a television presenter is exciting

  3. 那样,她就成了首个怀孕期间一直上班的电视节目主持人。

    That makes her the first TV presenter to work the full term of her pregnancy

  4. 演员莉兹·赫利、英国电视节目主持人梅兰妮·赛克斯以及超模海蒂·克鲁姆均属这一群体。

    Actress Liz Hurley , TV presenter Melanie Sykes and supermodel Heidi Klum are all members .

  5. 营养专家、电视节目主持人克里斯蒂安·杰森博士说:蘑菇含有丰富的维生素B,这是健康的食谱所需要的。

    Dr Christian Jessen , the nutrition expert and TV presenter , said : Mushrooms are an excellent source of B vitamins which are needed for a healthy diet .

  6. 黑白电视机上,埃德·沙利文(EdSullivan,美国娱乐作家和电视节目主持人)正向嘉宾们表示欢迎。

    Ed Sullivan welcomed guests on a black-and-white TV .

  7. 各种平板电脑和iPad现在已经成了新闻广播员和电视节目主持人常用的道具,在他们对着镜头侃侃而谈时,手里一般都会拿着这个。

    Tablet computers and iPads have become something of a regular prop held by newsreaders and television presenters while they talk to camera .

  8. 与此相关的是,克林顿宣布任命喜剧演员和电视节目主持人艾伦·德杰尼勒斯(EllenDeGeneres)担任提高全球对艾滋病认识的特使。

    In a related matter , Clinton announced the appointment of comedian and television host Ellen DeGeneres as a special envoy for global AIDS awareness .

  9. 《何处藏身》被运动员兼电视节目主持人TanniGrey-Thompson(泰尼·格雷-汤普生)选为她的威尔士优选书籍。

    The Hiding Place was chosen by athlete and TV presenter Tanni Grey-Thompson as her Welsh book of choice .

  10. 前电视节目主持人、韩国总统候选人郑东泳(chungdong-young)在民意调查中选票或许落后,但他的一项竞选承诺却非常引人注目。

    Chung Dong-young , a former television anchorman and candidate to be president of South Korea , may be behind in the opinion polls but one of his campaign commitments is eye-catching .

  11. “如果没有健康,你便一无所有”,这是一个被绝大多数人所认同,同时也是被著名电视节目主持人HeidiDugan所认可并且实践的一种观念。

    It has always been agreed upon by the vast majority , that if you don 't have your HEALTH , you have nothing ; an idea recognised and practiced by television personality Heidi Dugan .

  12. 论电视节目主持人立体形象塑造

    On Stereoscopic Image Creation of a Chairman of a TV Program

  13. 在短短的30年间,电视节目主持人获得了长足的发展。

    In just 30 years , hosts have gained great development .

  14. 试论电视节目主持人的服饰选择三原则

    On the three principles of attire choosing for TV show hosts

  15. 声乐艺术在电视节目主持人中的应用研究

    Vocal Music Art in Television Program Director 's Applied Research

  16. 电视节目主持人极力推荐她的新唱片。

    The TV compere gave her new record a plug .

  17. 浅谈电视节目主持人的个性形象构成要素

    A Brief Study of Constituent Elements of TV Hosts ' Personalized Image

  18. 我不能忍受那个电视节目主持人不自然的笑容。

    I cannot stand the TV host 's plastic smile .

  19. 一个电视节目主持人要站住脚可不容易。

    It is not easy to get a foothold as an anchorman .

  20. 维多利亚在她的新片里扮演一位妄自尊大的电视节目主持人。

    In her new film , Victoria plays a prima donna television presenter .

  21. 她是很受欢迎的中文电视节目主持人。

    She is a popular Chinese television show host .

  22. 分众化时代电视节目主持人个性化浅议

    On the Individuality of TV Anchorperson in the Times of Different TV Audience

  23. 继续报道猝死的著名电视节目主持人,康妮·普林斯。

    Continuing into the sudden death of the popular TV personality Connie Prince .

  24. 我是电视节目主持人。

    Benidick : I am a host of TV .

  25. 她是个电视节目主持人,曾经当过记者。

    She is a elevision presenter and one-time journalist .

  26. 第三章:记者型电视节目主持人的作用。

    Chapter Three : The Role of Journalist Anchorman .

  27. 他的职业生涯是以当电视节目主持人开始的。

    He started his career as a TV compere .

  28. 论不同盈利模式下电视节目主持人的媒介角色

    The Evolution of TV Anchors ' Media Roles Based on Different Profit Patterns

  29. 论文化的多元化与电视节目主持人的素质

    Discussing the Diversification of the Culture and the Character of Television Program Host

  30. 电视节目主持人的个性风格对于电视节目的成败有着举足轻重的影响。

    TV presenters personal style plays a very important role in TV programs .