
  • If you are the one;Take Me Out;If You Are the One (2008), a Chinese comedy directed by Feng Xiaogang;You Are My Only
  1. 44岁女士寻觅年龄相仿、体贴诚实的男士为友,共享快乐。非诚勿扰。

    44-year-old woman seeks caring , honest male of similar age for friendship and fun . Genuine replies only

  2. 他更喜欢《非诚勿扰》。他说:这个节目更具争议性,冲突更激烈。

    He prefers If You Are the One because It 's more controversial .

  3. 因此,今天下午我们观看了《非诚勿扰》。

    So we watch the 《 If You Are The One 》 this afternoon .

  4. 报名参加结业晚会南大版“非诚勿扰”的男女嘉宾也是来自南京各大高校。

    Participants of Saturday 's dating show also came from various universities in Nanjing .

  5. 优酷还记得在乡下和非诚勿扰祖父母一起生涯小三那些年吗?

    Do you remember the years when he lived in the countryside with his grandparents .

  6. 星海电影院正在放映《非诚勿扰》。

    The film " I Hope You Are the One " is on at Xinghai Cinema .

  7. 在此很真诚的想找一个想结婚的真诚的女孩,非诚勿扰。

    In this very sincerely would like to find a girl to marry a sincere , non-shing disturbance not .

  8. 文章最后,笔者还对《非诚勿扰》的发展趋势做了个人角度上的分析和预测。

    At last , the paper makes a perspective judgement and personal analysis for the future of You Are The One .

  9. 文章从时下流行的电视相亲节目《非诚勿扰》中选取样本。

    This article take example from the most popular TV speed dating show in China , If You are the One .

  10. 而品牌化,正是本文借由江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》节目作为案例,以婚恋交友类节目为对象,所分析、研究和探讨的核心问题。

    This thesis uses " If You Are The One " for a case and TV dating shows as a platform .

  11. 这一点,《非诚勿扰》就是个很好的例子:剧中,舒淇本是一名空姐,因此出现航空公司的广告也就不足为奇了。

    For example , Shu Qi is originally an air hostess in If You Are the One , and there are airline ads.

  12. 《非诚勿扰》女嘉宾气质特征的呈现仍然迎合了传统观念对女性形象的期待。

    If you are the one " temperament " female guests appear still to look forward to the traditional concept of women .

  13. 研究结果显示:《非诚勿扰》对女嘉宾职业的呈现呈多元化和非刻板化。

    The results show : " if you are the one " presented to the female guest occupation shows diversity and non stereotyped .

  14. 一时间,全社会对于《非诚勿扰》甚至与相亲相关的事物都投入了巨大的关注和热情。

    For a time , the whole society have invested a great concern and enthusiasm to You Are The One and blind date .

  15. 江苏卫视的相亲类节目《非诚勿扰》以其新颖的节目形式和丰富的节目内容获得了空前的高收视率。

    Jiangsu satellite TV dating shows " if you are the one " for its innovative program form and content received high ratings all-time .

  16. 现实生活的你,会通过《非诚勿扰》这种相亲节目找到自己的另一半吗?

    Are you going to find your true love through the program of " If you are the one " in your real life ?

  17. 公司单身活动往往以中国热门电视节目《非诚勿扰》为蓝本,安排各种游戏和测验以打破尴尬场面。

    Corporate singles events tend to be modelled on the hit Chinese TV show If You Are the One with games and quizzes to break the ice .

  18. 《非诚勿扰》在创新的同时也注重节目的文化内涵和服务功能,使得节目实现了由模仿性制造到品牌化创造的升级。

    Simultaneously the director pays attention on the culture and service in the program . After these the program got the upgrading from imitating to brand making .

  19. 因为以《非诚勿扰》为代表的系列相亲节目,确实是把收视率这件事弄得令人尴尬的高了;

    However , the ratings of If You Are the One , which is representative of these programs , are high enough to make one feel embarrassed .

  20. 自2008年中国喜剧大片《非诚勿扰》在此取景拍摄之后,中国游客便蜂拥到这里来参观。

    The Chinese have flocked to this area since it provided some of the settings for a2008 Chinese blockbuster comedy ," If You Are The One " .

  21. 首先,对《非诚勿扰》中女嘉宾的社会职业身份和女嘉宾的气质特征的呈现情况进行了内容分析。

    Firstly , the present situation of temperament on " if you are the one " in the female guest social occupation identity and female guests were content analysis .

  22. 《非诚勿扰2》更是破了中国电影6亿票房的记录,使他成为中国商业电影“票房之王”。

    " If You Are the One II ," which brought in600 million yuan at the box office , established him as the king of the Chinese box office .

  23. 本文的研究想法主要来源于以下两点思考:一是《非诚勿扰》节目的高收视率和高网络关注度现状。

    This research mainly come from the following two ideas : for one thing , the program " You Are the One " keeps high audience rating and network attention .

  24. 论涉外商务谈判中对语用学合作原则的故意偏离电影《非诚勿扰》经典幽默对白析赏&从故意违反会话合作原则角度

    On the Intentional Betrayal of the Cooperative Principle in International Business Negotiations A Study of Humor in If You Are the One & From the Perspective of the CP Maxims Flouting

  25. 《非诚勿扰》作为当下电视婚恋节目的代表,结合社会实际,立足生活,其影响力是颇大的。

    As the current representative TV dating show ," If you are the one " combines the reality of society , based on life , the influence is covering a wide range .

  26. 本文力图运用费斯克生产者式文本理论解读《非诚勿扰》征婚类节目和微博盛行的原因。

    This paper tries to type text using Fiske theoretical interpretation of the producer , " You Are the One " marriage type of program and the reasons for the prevalence of micro-blog .

  27. 《画壁》被认为是热门电视节目《非诚勿扰》的电影版:仙女们评点她们的男子,而男性们则要挑选他们最中意的妻子人选。

    Mural is considered the cinematic version of the popular TV program If You Are the One : fairies make comments about their pals and the male counterparts pick their favorite wife candidates .

  28. 《非诚勿扰》由中国著名导演冯小刚指导,葛优和舒淇主演,是2010年推出的贺岁电影。

    " if you are the one " was directed by famous Chinese director Feng Xiaogang . It 's a New Year 's film for greeting the year of2010 and achieved great success .

  29. 在冯导最近的一部爱情喜剧片《非诚勿扰》中,葛优依旧是男一号,该片在去年大受欢迎同时也摘得了国内票房总冠军。

    Ge is also Feng 's leading man in his latest romantic comedy , last year 's hugely popular If You Are the One , which became the highest grossing movie in China .

  30. 2010年,国内电视荧屏上以江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》栏目为代表的婚恋交友节目迅速升温。

    The love and marriage dating shows has been rapidly developed in the domestic television screen in 2010 , as the representative of the " You Are the One " of Jiangsu TV .