
  • 网络non-structured problem;unstructured problem
  1. 利用该系统辅助解决造林体系中的非结构化问题,为其规划设计的论证决策提供有力工具及手段。

    The unstructured problem like afforestation can be solved by using this system . It offers strong tools and means for demonstrating decision of its planning and design .

  2. 然而,由于传统的关系型数据库管理系统不能较好的解决空间数据存储的非结构化问题以及与客户端GIS应用程序的连接问题,出现了中间件技术及数据库管理系统扩展模块两种解决途径。

    However , the traditional relationship database management system can 't settle the problems of non-structure issues and link of client port and the GIS application program , and to solve these problems middleware and extensive module are developed .

  3. ISDSS在解决半结构化和非结构化问题中具有较多优势,并且已经在许多决策问题中取得很好的应用效果。

    It can accomplish the semi-structure and non-structure problem .

  4. 决策支持系统(DSS)为人们提供了分析问题、构建模型、模拟决策过程和效果的决策环境,成为解决半结构化问题和非结构化问题的有效工具。

    Decision support system ( DSS ) provides a decision-making environment where we can analyze questions , construct models , and simulate the process and effects of decision ; it has been an effective and powerful tool in solving some semi-structured and unstructured problems .

  5. 由于GDSS在群体推理、定性定量结合及决策问题结构化等理论与方法的研究方面存在缺陷,目前的GDSS不能很好地解决定性的半结构化和非结构化问题;

    Owing to default existing in research of theory and method of group reasoning , integrating of qualitative method and quantitative one and structuring of decision making problems , GDSS is unlikely to solve the semi-structure or non-structure problems perfectly .

  6. 仿真结果验证了采用嵌入调整模型的CBR系统解头钢铁生产动态调度问题,即能利用CBR系统解决非结构化问题的能力,又能利用模型处理定量化调整问题的能力。

    The simulation result shows that when the CBR system combined with adaptation model is adopted to resolving iron and steel dynamic scheduling problem , it can take advantage of both the CBR system ability of dealing with non-structure problem and the model ability of dealing with quantity problem .

  7. DSS是利用模型和数据,以人机交互方式辅助决策者处理半结构化和非结构化问题的、是支持而不是代替管理者作出判断的、是提高决策的有效性而不是效率的基于计算机的系统。

    DSS supports decision makers to solve semi-structural and non-structural problems in the way of man-machine interaction by making use of models and data . It is such a computer system that supporting but not substituting decision makers to make judgments and heightening the effectivity but not efficiency of decision .

  8. 群决策支持系统(GDSS)是利用信息技术,将多个决策者个人对该领域的理解及个人判断能力结合在一起,利用结构化决策分析技术,对半结构化和非结构化问题进行求解。

    In the group decision support system ( GDSS ), personal judgement and comprehension of many decision-makers to a domain are combined by communication and computer techniques to solve semi-structure and non-structure problems using the decision analysis techniques of solving structure problems .

  9. 在一篇短文,讨论结构化和非结构化问题之间的差别。

    In a short essay , discuss the difference between structured and unstructured problems .

  10. 其系统结构对解决管理科学中非结构化问题具有普遍适用的价值。

    The structure of CDSS and the aspiration-led problem solving approach are applicable for DSS in general .

  11. 广泛收集、分析综合和抽取专家的知识和经验,采用专家系统是进行此类非结构化问题求解的主要途径之一。

    Expert system , as one of main approaches , is used to solve non-constructed problems by extensively collecting , comprehensively analyzing and extracting experts'knowledge .

  12. 在实际的流域水量分配中,常常需要处理一些不确定性的问题,水量调度专家系统能够有效地解决这类非结构化问题。

    Some uncertain factors often should be solved in practical water allocation in a river basin and water allocation expert system can effectively solve these non-structural problems .

  13. 因径流量预测中伴随着随机性、灰信息性的特点,传统的数学模型难以解决复杂的非结构化问题。

    Due to the characteristics of randomicity and gray information in forecasting runoff , the traditional models were quite difficult to solve those complex and non-structural problems .

  14. 采取回旋阶梯式和缩进式结合的方法,通过推理、人机交互,较好地解决了农业决策的半结构化和非结构化问题。

    Half structural and non structural problems in agricultural decision were solved by cooperation of wandering step and withdrawing proceeding method involving reasoning and user computer interaction .

  15. 对群体过程信息组织的非结构化问题进行了实质性探讨.对信息交互过程中的信息定义提出了一套多维定义方法。

    This paper discussed the essential of unstructured problems in information organization of group process , suggested a set of multi dimension definition method for information in communication .

  16. 传统的计算机辅助设计软件不能有效地处理产品设计中存在的非结构化问题,计算机辅助创新设计软件应运而生。

    Traditional CAD software cannot deal with the non-structure problem effectively in the process of product design , then computer aided-innovation ( CAI ) software emerges as the times require .

  17. 本文针对军用油料调拨决策支持系统进行了较为详细的分析,运用人工智能技术,对半结构化和非结构化问题进行了量化探索。

    The article analyses in detail the decision support system of military oil allocation , and applies the artificial intelligent technology to research in quantity the half-structured and unstructured problems .

  18. 决策支持系统综合利用系统科学、运筹学、物流管理、行为科学等多种学科的理论和模型,帮助决策人员解决决策中的半结构化或非结构化问题。

    Decision support system use the theory and model in system science , operation research , logistics management , behavior science and so on to help the management to resolve the half-structural and un-structural problem .

  19. 从协同项目风险管理的特点可知他是一种半结构化和非结构化问题,而智能决策支持系统在解决这类问题上据有明显的优势。

    From the characteristics of risk management of collaborative projects , we could learn that it is a semi-structure and non-structure issue , intelligent decision support system for risk management of collaborative projects is advantaged on resolving this kind of issues .

  20. 利用案例推理技术的学习优势,结合遗传算法与禁忌算法高效的搜索机制,可望部分解决现存决策支持系统知识获取困难和检索效率低下的问题,提高其解决半结构化和非结构化问题的能力。

    It utilizes the learning advantages of case-based reasoning and the high efficiency of tabu-genetic algorithm to solve the problem of the knowledge-acquiring difficulty and the low retrieval efficiency while enhance the solving ability of the semi-structure and unstructure problems in decision support system .

  21. n皇后问题是非结构化的问题,人工智能中的搜索策略&回溯法是解决这类问题的有效方法。

    The n_ queen problem is a non-structured problem , the search principle in the artificial intelligence-the backtrack method is an effective method for sloving such problems .

  22. 群决策支持系统(GDSS)是一个基于计算机的交互式系统,利用通讯、计算机和决策技术支持群体成员对非结构化决策问题进行定义和求解。

    Group Decision Support System ( GDSS ) is a computer-based interactive system , it use communication , computer and decision technology to support group defining and solving non-structured decision problem .

  23. 通过对已有NSS系统结构、原理等方面的分析,指出NSS系统已日趋成为解决非结构化谈判问题的有力工具。

    On the basis of analysis and evaluation for the structure , function and principle of the current negotiation support systems ( NSS ), this article advances that the NSS is a convincingly tool for solving the non structured negotiation problems .

  24. 它包括数据、知识、方法和模型以及决策人员等要素,主要用来解决半结构化或非结构化决策问题。

    Its elements include data , knowledge , methods , models , and decision-makers , and mostly use to solve segmental structured and non-structured decision problems .

  25. 决策支持系统是综合利用各种数据、信息、知识、人工智能和模型技术,辅助高级决策解决半结构化或非结构化决策问题。

    Using data , information , knowledge , artificial intelligence and modeling technique , Decision-making Supporting System ( DSS ) assist resolving semi-structure or none-structure decision problems .

  26. 本论文认为空间决策支持系统是以地理信息系统为基础,以模型库驱动为核心,主要解决具有空间位置的半结构化、非结构化的问题。

    In my opinion , Spatial Decision Support System bases on GIS , treating driving of model-base as the core . With it , we can resolve the problem about half structure as well as none structure of special position .

  27. 水资源配置是一个多目标、多层次、非结构化的决策问题。

    Water resources allocation is a multi-aim , multi-hierarchy and non-structural problem .

  28. 这种方法构造的新一代面向对象的建模、仿真系统,将有效协助解决半结构、非结构化的复杂问题。

    The new generation of OOISS constructed by this method will solve the semi structured or unstructured complex problems efficiently .

  29. 地理信息系统与决策支持系统的发展,为以空间信息技术为手段,应用决策支持相关学科的理论与方法,解决半结构化和非结构化的决策问题开辟了新的研究领域。

    The development of GIS and DSS peered a new research scale for solving semi-constructed and non-constructed decision-making problems by applying theories and approaches correlating to DSS using space information technology .

  30. 决策支持系统实质上是在管理信息系统和运筹学的基础上发展起来的,主要目的是面向高层次的决策,求解半结构化或非结构化的管理问题。

    Decision Support system in fact is developing on the basis of management information system and operations research . Its main purpose is faced to high decisions . And with it we can solve half-structured and unstructured decisions in management .