
  • 网络Jiangsu TV;JSTV
  1. 4月19日,根据韩国SBS电视节目《我们结婚了》改编的真人秀节目《我们相爱吧》在江苏卫视首播。

    We Are in Love , which premiered on April 19 on Jiangsu TV , was adapted from Seoul Broadcasting System ( SBS )' s We Got Married .

  2. 2010年,国内电视荧屏上以江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》栏目为代表的婚恋交友节目迅速升温。

    The love and marriage dating shows has been rapidly developed in the domestic television screen in 2010 , as the representative of the " You Are the One " of Jiangsu TV .

  3. 江苏卫视曾希望下个月能够播出的歌唱选秀节目全能星战(CelebrityBattle)是被叫停的节目之一。

    Celebrity Battle , a singing competition show that Jiangsu had hoped to run next month , is among those halted .

  4. 江苏卫视曾希望下个月能够播出的歌唱选秀节目“全能星战”(CelebrityBattle)是被叫停的节目之一。

    Celebrity Battle , a singing competition show that Jiangsu had hoped to run next month , is among those halted . '

  5. 而品牌化,正是本文借由江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》节目作为案例,以婚恋交友类节目为对象,所分析、研究和探讨的核心问题。

    This thesis uses " If You Are The One " for a case and TV dating shows as a platform .

  6. 江苏卫视的相亲类节目《非诚勿扰》以其新颖的节目形式和丰富的节目内容获得了空前的高收视率。

    Jiangsu satellite TV dating shows " if you are the one " for its innovative program form and content received high ratings all-time .

  7. 刘宇哲说,这确实影响了江苏卫视的竞争力,因为我们为创作和筹备这个节目付出了很多努力。

    It really affects the competitiveness of my channel , since we took so much effort to create and prepare this show , ' said Mr. Liu . '

  8. 本文以江苏卫视为例,分析江苏卫视如何通过定位情感特色探索自身的发展之道。

    This article take the Jiangsu satellite TV station as an example , through analysis the positioning of emotional characteristics of Jiangsu satellite TV to explore its way of development .

  9. 江苏卫视的制片人们也请来了江苏省委党校的心理学教授黄菡,作为顾问为在场嘉宾提供情感建议。

    Producers at Jiangsu TV , which broadcasts the show by satellite , also introduced a counselor named Huang Han , a psychology professor at the provincial Party school , to give relationship advice .

  10. 其次,将江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》作为个案,分析其受到广大受众观众关注的原因,以及该节目取得成功的受众策略。

    Secondly , the jiangsu TV " blame sincere not faze " as an example to analyze its audience by a wide audience , the reasons and the attention of the audience strategies successful programs .

  11. 江苏卫视品牌推广部门负责人刘宇哲说,中国的热播电视节目通常与人们的日常生活有关,而不要求太多的参与或收看。

    ' Hit TV shows in China are usually those concerning people 's daily life while not requiring much to join or watch , ' said Liu Yuzhe , director of brand promotion department of the satellite TV channel of Jiangsu province .

  12. 作为一档大型生活服务类节目,江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》节目不断活跃在越来越多的电视银幕和电脑屏幕上的现象背后原因值得深思;二是电视节目受众品牌忠诚的前因问题。

    As a large life service program of Jiangsu TV show , " You Are the One " is constantly active in more and more TV screen and computer screen , which is worth thinking over ; for another thing , what are influence factors for TV audience brand loyalty .

  13. 将近两年前,在江苏卫视的相亲节目《非诚勿扰》中,一位女嘉宾说,宁愿坐在宝马车里哭,也不愿意坐在自行车上笑。此话在全国引起了轩然大波。

    Nearly two years ago , Jiangsu Satellite TV dating show " If You Are the One " caused ripples around the nation when a female contestant said she would rather be unhappy dating a man with a BMW than be happy with a man who rode only a bicycle .