
  • 网络Development Research Center of the State Council;drc;development research centre;Development Research Centre of the State Council
  1. 背景论文中有一篇国务院发展研究中心经济学家撰写的文章,题为十年展望:潜在增长率下降以及新增长阶段的开始(Ten-yearOutlook:DeclineofPotentialGrowthRateandStartofaNewPhaseofGrowth)。

    Among the background papers was one prepared by economists at the DRC , entitled Ten-year Outlook : Decline of Potential Growth Rate and Start of a New Phase of Growth .

  2. 国务院发展研究中心的研究员张利群说,与上月没有变化的PMI指数可能表示中国经济的稳定复苏。

    Zhang Liqun , a researcher with the Development Research Center of the State Council , said the unchanged PMI index from the month before might suggest a stable recovery of China 's economy .

  3. 在周二发表于《中国经济时报》(ChinaEconomicTimes)的一篇文章里面,国务院发展研究中心的三位研究人员认为,中国应当尽快调整独生子女政策,以免出现人口危机。

    In an essay published in the China Economic Times newspaper Tuesday , three researchers with the Development Research Center argued that China should adjust the one-child policy ' as soon as possible ' to head off a potential demographic crisis .

  4. 国务院发展研究中心(drc)的报告称,目前农民工在城市遭遇“边缘化”,仅被当作廉价劳动力对待,非但没有被城市吸收,反而遭到忽视、歧视和伤害。

    " Rural migrant workers are marginalised in cities , treated as mere cheap labour , not absorbed by cities but even neglected , discriminated against and harmed , " the report by the State Council Development Research Center said .

  5. 在这些学生中间,36个北京本地的奖学金获得者在国务院发展研究中心中(DRCSC)实习一年。

    Among the students , 36 Beijing-based recipients were working in a Development Research Center of the State Council ( DRCSC ) internship for one year .

  6. 如何推动我国能源战略的转变&访著名经济学家、国务院发展研究中心副主任刘世锦

    How to push transformation of the energy strategy

  7. 谁制造了中国股市泡沫&访国务院发展研究中心企业研究所副所长张文魁

    Who Produced Bubbles in China Stock Market

  8. 国务院发展研究中心

    Development Research Center of the State Council

  9. 我前面已经提到,我们在这项关于公司治理的课题研究中与国务院发展研究中心进行了成功合作。

    I already mentioned our cooperation with the Development Research Center on the production of this study on corporate governance .

  10. 国务院发展研究中心产业经济部部长冯飞告诉记者。

    Feng Fei , department director of Industrial Economy in Development Research Center of the State Council , told the reporter .

  11. 这篇文章基于中国社科院的何帆和国务院发展研究中心金融研究所所长夏斌发表的一些评论。

    The article was based on the published comments of members of government economic research institutes , He Fan and Xia Bin .

  12. 作者单位对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院;国务院发展研究中心市场经济研究所;上海财经大学财经研究所。

    Organization University of International Business and Economics ; Development Research Center of the State Council ; Shanghai University of Finance and Economics .

  13. 国务院发展研究中心专家早几年就曾提出过类似中部塌陷的预警,而如今,预警已成事实。

    The experts of State Council Development Research Center bring forward quasi warning of sinking central region , now the warning has become reality .

  14. 作者单位浙江大学经济学院;中国人民大学经济学院;国务院发展研究中心。

    Organization School of Economics , Zhejiang University ; School of Economics , Renmin University of China ; Development Research Center of the State Council .

  15. 请允许我首先感谢国务院发展研究中心的积极合作和支持,使得关于公司治理的这一研究课题得以成功完成。

    Let me start by thanking the Development Research Center for their partnership and support for the successful completion of this study on corporate governance .

  16. 由中国国务院发展研究中心主办的第三届中国发展高层论坛于3月25日至26日在北京举行。

    The Third China Development High-Level Forum , sponsored by the Development Research Center of the State Council , was held on March 25-26 in Beijing .

  17. 本书是国务院发展研究中心在北京召开的“中国发展高层论坛2002年会”的书面成果。

    The book collects the written statements of " China Development Forum of2002 " in Beijing organized by the center of development and research under the State Council .

  18. 2010年11月15日国务院发展研究中心副主任韩俊近日表示,中国城镇化率的不断提高,将带来巨大内需,即使出口受到制约,这些内需也将支撑经济平稳发展。

    2010-11-15 The country 's urbanization expansion promises a huge potential in domestic demand , which will assure a stable economic development for China even if exports decline .

  19. 正如巴博士所言,《中国:推进高效、包容、可持续的城镇化》报告由国务院发展研究中心(国研中心)和世行在过去一年中联合编制。

    As Dr. Ba has mentioned , our report , Urban China , was jointly produced by the Development Research Center and the World Bank over the last year .

  20. 这需要深化改革。最近由世界银行和中国国务院发展研究中心联合发布的一份值得注意的报告,对这些改革措施做出了阐述。

    That will take deep reforms , which are laid out in a remarkable recent joint report by the World Bank and the Development Research Center of the State Council .

  21. 国务院发展研究中心金融研究所所长夏斌说:“只有有了新的市场因素的驱动,这个浮动带才有可能扩大”。

    " Only propelled by new market factors can the floating band be enlarged ," said director Xia Bin with the finance research institute of the State Council Development Research Center .

  22. 市场开放下的油气行业监管&专访国务院发展研究中心技术经济部副部长吕薇博士

    Oil and Gas Industry Supervision in a Deregulated Market - Interview with Dr. Lu Wei , Deputy Director of the Technological and Economic Research Department of the State Council Development Research Center

  23. 这些党政干部中有一个来自国务院发展研究中心,该机构提供政策建议给总理,还有一个来自中央党校。

    Among the latter there was one from the Development Research Center of the State Council , which provides policy advice to the prime minister , and one from the Central Party School .

  24. 一九九五年公司被国务院发展研究中心确认为中国最大的无人机科研生产基地,并入选中华之最。

    It was granted " The largest base of researching and manufacturing UAV in China " by State Department development and research center in 1995 , at the same time it was picked in " The best of china " .

  25. 国务院发展研究中心课题组《对中国的医疗卫生体制改革的评价和建议》的研究报告一经发表,似乎为20多年中国医疗卫生体制改革作了定论。

    Since the research report ' Evaluation and advice to the medical sanitation system reform of China ' of Development and Research center of State Department has been published , it passed a verdict upon twenty years ' Chinese medical sanitation system reform .

  26. 国务院发展研究中心社会发展研究部副部长贡森指出,老龄化加剧,应对我国养老金缺口的办法,就是不断提高退休年龄。

    Gong Sen , deputy head of the Social Development Research Department with the State Council Development Research Center , pointed out that the way to cope with China 's growing aging population and pension gap is to constantly raise the retirement age .

  27. 国务院发展研究中心研究员、中国物流与采购联合会特约分析师张立群说:未来来看,随着内需增长加快,预计经济将继续保持回升势头。

    Looking ahead , with domestic demand growing more quickly , we can forecast that the economic recovery will continue , said Zhang Liqun , a researcher at the State Council 's Development Research Centre who comments on the official figure for the logistics federation .

  28. 国务院和国务院发展研究中心都没有回复置评请求。

    Neither the State Council nor the Development Research Center responded to requests for comment .

  29. 中国国务院下属智库&国务院发展研究中心研究员崔晓利认为:中国目前没有粮食危机,在未来的一段时间也不会有。

    There is no grain crisis in China at the moment , and there won 't be for some time into the future , says Cui Xiaoli , a researcher at the development research centre , a think-tank under China 's cabinet .