
  1. 通过对工业的调整,安徽省国民经济比例恢复正常,改善了工业体系布局,工业企业的管理水平和经济效益有显著提升。

    Through the adjusted industry of Anhui Province , the proportion of the national economy returned to normal , the layout of the industrial system was better , improved industrial enterprises and economic management significantly .

  2. 武汉市城市基础设施建设投资与国民经济的比例选择

    Proportion Choice Between the Infrastructure Construction Investment and the National Economy in Wuhan

  3. 广西北部湾经济区城市基础设施投资比较及预测&基于其与国民经济适宜比例的分析

    Guangxi north bay economy district urban infrastructure investment comparison and prediction & analysis basing on national economy 's proper proportion

  4. 国家通过经济计划的综合平衡和市场调节的辅助作用,保证国民经济按比例地协调发展。

    It ensures the proportionate and coordinated growth of the national economy through overall balancing by economic planning and the supplementary role of regulation by the market .

  5. 由于这一战略的实施,造成了国民经济重大比例的严重失调,水、电供应紧张以及环境的严重污染。

    So it caused that the national economy was seriously out of proportion , the supplies of water and electricity were in great demand , and the environment was gravely polluted .

  6. 南京地区服务业增加值在下一阶段会保持稳定发展趋势,但其在国民经济增长的比例和速度会相对缓和。

    Fourth , value added services in Nanjing will remain stable in the next stage of development trend , but its scale and speed of economic growth will be relatively moderate .

  7. 根据配第·克拉克定理,随着我国经济的快速发展,传统农业在国民经济中的比例还会逐年下降。

    According to Petty and Clerk theorem , along with the fast development of our national economy , the traditional agriculture will continue dropping year by year in the national economy proportion .

  8. 从发达国家的农业发展来看,传统农业在国民经济中的比例已经日益缩减,包括美国、日本、欧盟等发达国家和地区的传统农业比例已经下降到国民总产出的2%左右。

    Looking from the experience of developed country agricultural development , the traditional agriculture already reduced day by day in the national economy proportion , including US , Japan , European Union and so on .

  9. 这里涉及社会主义制度下多种经济成分并存、社会主义公有制多种形式并存的问题,也涉及经济管理体制、技术创新类型、国民经济各部门比例关系以及经济增长速度等问题。

    This involves the diverse economic sectors and forms of public ownership under the socialist system , as well as such factors as economic administration , various types of technical innovation , and the ratios between sectors and economic growth rate .

  10. 电子行业在国民经济中占很大比例,是拉动国民经济增长的关键。目前电子产业发展迅速,发展速度是同期GDP的三倍。

    The domestic electronic trade , which takes very large proportion in GDP , develops rapidly at present , and its development speed is triple of GDP of the same period .

  11. 国有股在国民经济中所占比例过重,其弊端是不言而喻的。

    State-owned share accounts for overbalance of proportion , and the bad result is evident .

  12. 广东省群众体育消费的投入占其国民经济生产总值的比例很小,群众体育消费的持续增加,广东省体育市场的可持续发展,还有赖于城镇居民特别是农民这一群体收入的提高。

    To increase the peasant income is the key for the mass sports market continued developing .

  13. 经济的发展,不仅需要国民经济各部门按比例发展,还需要地区间进行合理的地域劳动分工,协调发展。

    The development of economy not only ask for the harmonious development of the national economy but also the balanced development of regional economy .

  14. 近些年来,随着机械工业在国民经济中所占比例的增加,对机械设备安全运行的要求也越来越高。

    In the recent years , as the proportion of mechanic industry in nation economy increases , the requirement for safe operation of mechanic equipment is higher and higher .