
guó bǎo
  • national treasure;treasure of the country;best talents of a nation;national heirloom;special contributor to the country
国宝 [guó bǎo]
  • (1) [national treasure;treasure of the country;natioual heirloom]∶国家的宝物

  • 大熊猫是我国的国宝

  • (2) [special contributor to the country;best talents of a nation]∶对国家有特殊贡献的人的赞誉

  • 成就卓著的老科学家被国人誉为国宝

国宝[guó bǎo]
  1. 熊猫是中国的国宝。

    The giant panda is known as a national treasure of china .

  2. 十年后,johnlewispartnership成为国宝,而梅菲尔德是它的象征。

    Ten years on , the John Lewis partnership is a national treasure , with Mr Mayfield its personification .

  3. 3D和AR等现代电子技术的运用让虚拟场景和真实舞台结合,配上演员们俏皮的舞蹈动作以及一些国宝的展示,让整个节目得以精彩呈现。

    Modern digital technology such as 3D and AR are used to produce a combination of virtual scene with real stage , along with nifty dance moves of actresses and demonstration of national treasures , have all made the show impressive .

  4. 主办二十国集团(G20)峰会的澳大利亚日前祭出一招“考拉外交”,安排了毛茸茸又害羞的考拉来欢迎世界各国领导人,让他们在讨论严肃议题前,先抱抱这些澳大利亚国宝。

    Australia arranged a warm and fuzzy welcome for the world 's most powerful leaders at this weekend 's G20 summit with a campaign dubbed1 " koala diplomacy2 " , in which top politicians cuddled the shy native marsupials .

  5. 熊猫,以国宝形象,成为中国的象征之一。小鼹鼠,捷克国家级的经典卡通形象,已在捷克和东欧风靡数十载。

    One is a panda that typifies China , the other is a mole that has delighted Czechs and eastern Europeans for decades .

  6. 荀息捧着璧玉,牵着骏马,凯旋而归,把这两件国宝奉还给了晋王。

    Carrying the round jade and leading the fme horse , Xun Xi returned in triumph and gave them back to the King of Jin .

  7. 这位27岁的NBA球员被视为国宝。

    The27-year-old National Basketball Association player is treated as a national treasure .

  8. 法国曾出了名地表示,它不会允许外国公司收购达能(Danone),因为这家酸奶生产商是国宝。

    France famously stated that it would not allow the acquisition of Danone , since the yogurt maker was a national champion .

  9. 销售额双双甩开对手的johnlewis和waitrose已经成为英国国宝,不论是添置烤箱还是购买有机沙拉菜叶,它们都是英国中产阶级的好去处。

    Sales at both John Lewis and Waitrose are outpacing rivals and they have become national treasures , where middle-class Britons shop for everything from ovens to organic salad leaves .

  10. 大熊猫(AiluropodaMelanoleuca)是我国特有的珍稀濒危物种,国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物,我国的国宝,动物界的活化石,是全世界珍稀濒危动物保护的旗舰物种。

    The giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ), distributed only in China and called " living fossil ", has been a flagship of endangered and rare species in the world .

  11. 哈里·斯泰尔斯(24岁):单向乐队成员,《Vogue》把他称为“国宝”以及“流行音乐界最体贴的人”,当然,他们也注意到了他的高端时尚品味。

    HARRY STYLES , 24 : The member of One Direction , Vogue describes him as a ' national treasure ' and the ' kindest guy in pop music ' - and they of course clock his taste for high fashion .

  12. 我们的一些国宝保存在故宫里。

    Some of our national treasures are in the Forbidden City .

  13. 熊猫不发威,你当我不是国宝啊!

    Don 't annoy the Panda : You 'll surely regret it !

  14. 这个国宝级大师大到什么程度?

    What degree is this national treasure level master as big as ?

  15. 你不用多说,你毁坏国宝。

    Cut the crap , you ruin the royal treasure .

  16. 大熊猫被称为中国的“国宝”。

    The giant panda is known as the national treasure of China .

  17. 众所周知,大熊猫是中国的国宝。

    It 's well-known that the panda is China 's national treasure .

  18. 盗窃国宝的现象不止发生在美国。

    Stolen national treasures is not a purely US problem .

  19. 目前仅存的孤本今收藏于上海图书馆,是国宝级的文物。

    As a treasured cultural relic , it is collected Shanghai Library .

  20. 怎么你说我是个国宝?

    Why do you say I am a national treasure ?

  21. 中国的国宝&深海贵重珊瑚

    National treasure of precious coral in deep sea of China

  22. 不,熊猫才是中华的国宝!

    No , pandas are the treasures of our nation !

  23. 五粮液的一些酒窖已成国宝。

    Some cellars in Wuliangye have become national treasure .

  24. 否则,我的爱,我干脆国宝

    Otherwise , my love , I am simply n

  25. 我是韩国的国宝之一。

    I 'm one of korea 's national treasures .

  26. 他们是“国宝”,是惹不得的。

    They are " national treasures ", not to be rubbed the wrong way .

  27. 这是我见过的最特别的国宝了。

    Of the state I 've ever seen .

  28. 也许他们只是要偷国宝?

    Maybe they were after the national treasures ?

  29. 熊猫是我们的国宝。

    The panda is our national treasure .

  30. 这是我们拥有的最后一件国宝,但我们现在失去了他。

    This is the last national treasure that we had , and we have lost .