
mào yì zì yóu huà
  • liberalization of trade
  1. WTO的贸易自由化与国际贸易法的发展

    WTO 's liberalization of trade and the development of the international trade law

  2. 文章结论认为,WTO下的成员国金融服务贸易自由化不会引致本国经济的不安全。

    Therefore , the liberalization of trade in financial services in the WTO framework will not lead to national economy crises .

  3. 贸易自由化及WTO的影响&来自深圳的启示

    The Influence of Free Trade and WTO & Enlightenment from Shenzhen

  4. 限制纺织品与服装贸易自由化的WTO法律措施的研究

    Study on WTO Legal Measures That Limit Liberalization of the Textiles And Garment Trade

  5. 实施贸易自由化的两条主要途径中,WTO多边贸易体制是最优选择,区域贸易自由化是次优选择。

    WTO multilateral trade system and Regional trade liberalization are two major ways to realize trade liberalization .

  6. 在WTO贸易自由化的进程中,竞争政策始终是其关注的一个焦点。

    In the process of trade liberation , competition policies have always been the key issue to consider .

  7. 而市场准入限制也是凌驾于WTO成员政府干预服务贸易自由化的国内监管之上。

    And the market access limitation also overrides domestic regulation which intervenes the liberalization of service trade by the government of WTO members .

  8. 成立于1995年的WTO,其职能从促进贸易自由化逐渐发展为促进贸易与投资两个自由化,并为促进两个自由化制定游戏规则,协调各国的贸易投资政策。

    The WTO are established in 1995 , and its role changed from promoting trade liberalism to promoting trade and investment both liberalism .

  9. APEC贸易自由化效果的实证分析

    A Empirical Study on APEC 's Trade Liberalization Effects

  10. 伴随世界经济一体化和贸易自由化进程的日益加快,我国作为WTO成员国,猪肉产品生产将直接面对来自世界市场的激烈竞争。

    With economic globalization and accelerating the process of trade liberalization , China as a WTO member , pork production will directly face fierce competition from the world market .

  11. 经济全球化加深、服务型经济显现、入世承诺履行,使以FDI和贸易自由化为主要内容的服务业对外开放日渐加深,且FDI和服务贸易的联系日益密切。

    With the deepening of service industry opening to the outside world , the relationship between FDI and trade in service becomes closer and closer .

  12. 2006年7月WTO多哈回合谈判无限期终止,在WTO框架下进一步推动全球贸易自由化的发展进程受阻,与此相对应的是区域和双边经济合作却快速发展。

    Corresponding to the indefinitely termination of Doha Round of WTO negotiations in July 2006 and arrested development of WTO , the regional and bilateral economic cooperation has developed rapidly .

  13. 随着贸易自由化进程的加快,各种关税和非关税壁垒措施逐渐为WTO所限用或禁用。

    With the rapid development of trade liberalization all over the world , various tariff and non-tariff measures used as trade barriers have been restricted or totally forbidden by WTO .

  14. 论GATS框架下服务贸易自由化与环境保护的冲突与协调

    Conflicts and Coordination between Service Trade Liberalization and Environmental Protection under the Framework of GATS

  15. 市场准入原则是GATS中一个关键性条件,也是成员方履行WTO所规范的实现世界贸易自由化的首要义务。

    Principle of market access is the essential terms of GATS , which are also the key measures regulated by WTO for world trade freedom .

  16. 本文应用中国农业CGE模型,就中国在WTO后过渡期进一步的贸易自由化对经济和粮食安全的影响进行了模拟和分析。

    An agricultural computable general equilibrium model is employed to simulate the impact of scheduled trade liberalization for China in the post-WTO transition period .

  17. WTO作为推进贸易自由化的国际多边贸易组织,一方面积极推动关税、非关税等传统贸易保护壁垒的拆除,另一方面,也有限的允许成员对国内产业实施保护。

    WTO to promote trade liberalization as the international multilateral trade organizations , on the one hand , actively promote the tariffs , and other traditional non-tariff barriers , dismantling of trade protection .

  18. 当然在此过程中,还应该注意加强WTO对区域经济一体化组织的监督和协调,以引导它向更有利于提高世界福利和贸易自由化的方向发展。

    But we should also strengthen the supervision and coordination over RTAs by WTO , which will make RTAs more helpful to improve the world welfare and realize free trade in the world .

  19. WTO机制有利于实现全球贸易自由化,但其有关的环境规则又对自由贸易产生直接或间接影响,使我国的自由贸易既面临挑战也面临机遇。

    WTO mechanism is helpful to realize global trading free but its relevant environmental rule produces direct or indirect influence for free trade , makes the free trade of our country face challenge and also face good fortune .

  20. WTO农业框架协议的实质是要实行国际农产品贸易自由化,加入WTO对我国农业的影响集中体现在农产品的国际竞争力上。

    The essential of agricultural agreement under WTO framework is carrying out the freedom trade of international agricultural produce , so the influence of entering into WTO on Chinese agriculture lies in the international competitiveness of agricultural produce .

  21. 随着加入WTO以后中国农业国际化与贸易自由化程度的提高,以及国内农产品市场供求结构的变化,中国在实行农业生产结构战略性调整的同时,也进一步深化农产品对外贸易政策。

    As the promotion of Chinese agriculture internationalization and trade liberalization after entering WTO , adding to the Chinese agricultural products market structure reform , the agricultural trade policy are developing while the inter agriculture structure are modified .

  22. 在CAFTA内,实现律师服务贸易自由化存在法律壁垒等多重障碍。

    In CAFTA , there are many obstacles in realizing the trade liberalization of legal service , like the law barriers .

  23. 中国与SACU区域贸易自由化经济效应的研究

    Research on the Economic Effects of Regional Trade Liberalization between China and SACU

  24. 采用Panel-data模型方法,研究贸易自由化对环境污染的影响。

    The paper focuses on the trading liberalization 's influence on environmental deterioration by applying the method of Panel-data analysis .

  25. 虽然GPA非歧视原则要求国际贸易自由化竞争,不得对国外产品或供应商进行歧视,但过分追求贸易自由化,将导致本质上的不公平。

    Although GPA non-discrimination principle requires competition of international trade liberalization and forbids the discrimination of foreign products and suppliers , however , excessive pursuit of trade liberalization will lead to unfair in essence .

  26. 随着贸易自由化在全球范围的推进,各种关税和非关税壁垒逐渐为WTO所限用或禁用的同时,一种新型非关税壁垒即绿色贸易壁垒开始被发达国家广泛应用于国际贸易实践中。

    With the rapid development of trade liberalization all over the world , various tariff and non-tariff measures used as trade barriers have been restricted or totally forbidden by WTO . Meanwhile , a new type of non-tariff barriers named green trade barrier has been widely used in developed countries .

  27. 鉴于“归零”争端的历史及其不公平性,于现阶段DSB裁决的效力的局限及国际贸易自由化的缓慢进程,“归零”法的完全消除之路仍然漫长。

    The paper points out that due to the limited validity of award by the DSB and the slow progress of the global trade liberization , it still has a long way to go for the abolishment of the zeroing .

  28. 在这座妥协的天平上,一端是GATS成员方所要追求的多边服务贸易自由化的目标,另一端是各个主权国家要竭力维护的特定国内公共政策目标及其背后的国家利益。

    On the scale of this compromise , one side is the target of liberalization of multilateral trade in service chasing by all GATS members , on the other side is the definite national public policies and hidden national interests endeavoring to persist by all sovereignties .

  29. 平行进口:知识产权保护与贸易自由化的冲突

    Parallel Import : Contradiction between Intellectual Property Protection and Free Trade

  30. 纺织品贸易自由化与我国纺织品国际竞争力分析

    Textile Trade Liberalization and Fabrics International Competitiveness Analysis of Our Country