
  1. 在跟随整个半导体行业发展的过程中,业界领军的各大FPGA公司不断获得发展动力,而中小公司或者联合起来,或者寻求专用领域进行开发。

    In keeping with the entire semiconductor segment , the industry – leading FPGA companies are gaining momentum , while the smaller players consolidate or seek out specific niches .

  2. 没有厂商的限制,并使用标准的API,这对那些中小公司来说是一个非常好的机会,来降低成本并创建稳定可扩展的应用。

    With no vendor lock-in , and the use of standard API 's it is a great oppurtunity for startups to keep their cost down while creating solid scalable applications .

  3. 以上研究结果,不仅为SW公司的进一步发展提供了有益帮助,相信对通信行业的其它中小公司在制定营销策略时也会有一定的参考价值。

    The strategy will be useful for the development of SW company , and it also provides reference for other middle-small sized companies of telecom industry .

  4. 实际情况是这样的:Java之所以能够成功,很大程度上在于像Hologic这样的中小公司开发者们的巨大推动力。

    The fact is that a big part of Java 's success is driven by thousands of developers at small and mid-size companies like Hologic .

  5. GigaSpaces也允许个人和收入在500万美元以下的中小公司在它的启动程序下免费使用GigaSpaces的产品。

    GigaSpaces is also allowing individuals and startup-companies under $ 5 million in revenue to use GigaSpaces products for free of charge under its Start-Up Program .

  6. 越来越多中小公司开始采用四天工作制。

    A growing number of smaller companies are adopting a four-day workweek .

  7. 这些报纸会刊登中小公司广告。

    They publish lists of small to midsize employers .

  8. 中小公司治理法律文化模式的构建

    On the Construction of the Model of Legal Culture in Minor and Middle Corporations

  9. 本系统的这些特点适用于网络中小公司、组织和个人服务提供商,从技术和经济角度都具有重要意义。

    Those properties make it suitable for small companies , organizations and individual content providers .

  10. 证券市场应设法让中小公司上市时免受繁杂监管规定的限制。

    Somehow , securities markets should create exemptions to cumbersome regulations for smaller companies going public .

  11. 民族地区中小公司盈利能力、成长性及股权融资研究

    Study of Profitability , Growth and Equity Financing of the Small-Medium Listed Company in Nationalities Regions

  12. 但大多数中小公司或者说那些通常在美国国内、而非海外创造就业机会的实体却发现筹资十分困难。

    But many small and medium-sized companies or the entities that typically create jobs inside America , not overseas find it hard to raise funds .

  13. 创业板成立近四年来已经成为中小公司创业初期和资本市场对接的有效方式。

    After the set-up of nearly four years , GEM has become an effective way for jointing small and medium-sized companies with the capital market .

  14. 大胆抛弃股份有限公司的制度束缚,强调中小公司的自由化经营。

    We should bravely give up the system restraint which applies to joint-stock limited corporations , and emphasize the free management of small and middle companies .

  15. 在这一点上,研究上市中小公司绩效评价对于中国企业的发展具有特别重要的实践指导意义。

    At this point , it is meaning specially for tha Chinese company development to study the perform evaluation about the listed company on the second board .

  16. 我工作中的很大一部分内容是阅读商业计划书,对那些需要资金的项目进行分析,投资中小公司,并探讨这类企业遇到的各种挑战。

    I spend much of my working life reading business plans , analysing projects that need capital , investing in smaller companies and discussing the challenges they face .

  17. 我国实行的是较严格的法定资本制,公司设立成本高,也不利于中小公司的可持续发展。

    The strict legal capital system enforced in China results in the high cost to incorporate a company and is not propitious for the further expansion of a company .

  18. 这种机制不仅有益于留学生,也有益于那些需要有员工有外语技能和文化知识的英国公司,特别是中小公司。

    This has benefited not only the student , but also companies in the UK ( particularly smaller ones ) that need workers with foreign language skills and cultural knowledge .

  19. 在亚洲市场上,小规模发行案一直较多。这突出表明,亚洲可转债市场的发行主体是以中小公司为主,它们通常评级较低,甚至未经过评级。

    The Asian market consistently sees a higher number of smaller deals , underscoring the view that it is driven by smaller companies that are often lower rated or even unrated .

  20. 中国公司有可能直接竞购中小公司,尤其是那些技术有吸引力的公司,或者投资于友好国家的油气项目。

    Chinese companies are likely to make straight bids for small and mid-sized companies , especially those with an attractive technology , or to invest in oil and gas projects in friendly countries .

  21. 他补充道,在北美,没几家中小公司公开接受气候变化背后的科学证据,认为气候变化对自身业务构成风险的公司就更少了。

    He added that very few small and medium-sized companies in North America publicly accept the science behind climate change and even fewer think of climate change as a risk to their business .

  22. 但目前国内嵌入式软件市场化、专业化和社会化程度较低,中小公司急需了解底层核心的测试数据采集技术,构造合适的测试工具,提高自动化测试水平、保证产品质量。

    However , marketable , specialization and socialization of home embedded industry is lowlihead . Middling company starves for understanding bottom technology of testing data collection , constructs testing assistant instrument to heighten the level of roboticized testing and ensure the the quality of production .

  23. 这些庞大的经济体的产值是经济的支柱力量,研发水平让中小公司望其项背,管理方式和发展规模始终处于领导地位。

    The existence of these huge economies is important , their output is the pillar strength of economic , its research and development level of small and medium-sized companies hold a candle , its management methods , and the scale of development has always been a leader .

  24. 本文的研究对中小保险公司将有一定的现实意义,将有助于改善以青岛C保险公司为代表的中小保险公司的顾客忠诚度。

    This study will contribute to to improve Qingdao C insurance companies represented by small and medium-sized insurance companies , customer loyalty , improve operations .

  25. 在以上分析的基础上,根据SWOT分析方法,分析得出创业期间中小寿险公司可供选择的发展战略。

    From above , this paper concludes the alternative developing strategies for the small-medium size life insurance companies according to the SWOT analyzing method .

  26. 基于中国西部中小上市公司1998&2003年的面板数据,对EVA与资本结构的关系进行实证研究的结果表明,资本结构的形成与主营业务定位、投资倾向和方式、财务杠杆选择等战略性行为密切相关;

    This paper focuses on the 1998 & 2003 panel data for the western small and medium-sized enterprises and analyses the relationship between EVA and capital structure .

  27. 本文以理论探讨及HM公司的公司治理与经营绩效之间相互影响为例进行实证分析,管中窥豹,用以得出国内中小上市公司内部治理对企业经营绩效的影响一般结论。

    This essay analyses that the interaction between the corporate governance and firm Performance of HM company . And we found that the corporate governance has a normal impact on the firm Performance of inland medium and minor listed companies .

  28. 这些结论虽然是针对XDJM公司得出的,但对我国处于高速成长阶段的高科技中小上市公司具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Although those conclusions are drawn for XDJM , we hope it will be helpful to other Chinese high-tech small and medium-sized listed companies in high growth phase .

  29. 2008年中小板公司限售股份及高管减持情况分析

    Restricted Share and Management Reduction of SME Firms in 2008

  30. 我国中小企业公司治理结构的现状分析

    Research on Governance Structure of the Middle and Small-scale Enterprises in China