
jīnɡ jì chénɡ fèn
  • economic sector
  1. 商业是城市中最活跃的经济成分,商业活动体现了城市的经济活力,促进了城市经济的发展,是现代生活中不可或缺的一部分。

    Commerce is the most active economic sector in the city , the commercial activity manifests vitality of economic , promotes development of economy , it becomes an indispensable part in the modern life .

  2. 侨乡泉州体育场地经济成分特征研究

    Research on Characteristics of Economic Sector of Sport Fields in Quanzhou

  3. 包含大大小小的多种经济成分才是最成功的经济生态系统:硅谷自豪地拥有着久负盛名的企业,同时也有一系列不断创新的初创企业。

    The most successful economic ecosystems contain a variety of big and small companies : silicon Valley boasts long-established names as well as an ever-changing array of start-ups .

  4. H县三次产业的知识经济成分统计分析

    Analysis on Statistics of Industrial Knowledge Economy in H County

  5. 到2006年,像苏联那样的计划经济成分在GDP中所占的份额已经大幅萎缩了。

    By2006 , of course , the share of GDP governed by Soviet-style central planning had shrunk dramatically .

  6. 第三种就是工业在县域经济成分中微乎其微,地区GDP主要来源于一产或是三产。

    Third , is the industry in county economy composition miniscule , region or failing social-fixed-asset mainly come from the GDP .

  7. 对社会主义内部资本主义经济成分发展历程的认识

    On the Recognition of Developing Course of Capitalist Economic Sectors within Socialism

  8. 抽样调查方法在多种经济成分统计中的应用

    The Application of Sampling Method in the Statistics of Various Economic Compositions

  9. 论社会主义初级阶段资本主义经济成分的双重性

    On the Dualism of the Capitalist Components during the Primary Stage of Socialism

  10. 经济成分和经济利益多样化;社会思想的多元化;

    A variety of economy elements and economic benefit ;

  11. 国内各种经济成分的托盘生产、使用、经营单位;

    Units of domestic economic sectors engaged in production , use and operation of pallets ;

  12. 第二,在政府与企业的关系方面,政府对国有企业的管理依然较多和较为直接,行之有效的国有资产监管机制尚未建立;另外,对于其他经济成分的市场主体还存在着管制失当的问题。

    Second , the management of government to state-run enterprises is still much and direct .

  13. 民营电影经济成分取得了管理层的政策追认,并在进一步的要求更大的体制创新空间。

    Private movie economy is recognized by management policy and requires space of system innovation .

  14. 进一步促进我国多种所有制经济成分共同发展。

    China of further promotes the development of diverse forms of ownership of the economy .

  15. 社会主义初级阶段资本主义经济成分的发展趋势

    On the Developing Trend of the Capitalist Economic Components at the Primary Stage of Socialism

  16. 坚持一种以公有制为主导、各种经济成分并存的所有制

    Uphold an ownership structure embracing diverse economic sectors with public ownership as the main one

  17. 对我国允许资本主义经济成分存在和发展的探讨

    On the Theory of Existence and Development of Capitalist Economic Composition under Socialist Economic Market

  18. 多种经济成分共同发展

    Common development of multi-economic sectors

  19. 国有商业为主体,多种经济成分并存的商业体制

    Commercial system in which state-owned commerce leads and multiple sectors of the economy exist side By side

  20. 传统经济成分逐步缩小,近代经济成分日益增加;

    The portion of traditional economy was gradually reducing ; the portion of modern economy was gradually increasing .

  21. 以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展

    The pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side

  22. 游民成分太多,当然不好。多种经济成分共同发展

    Of course , it is inadvisable to have too many of the latter . Common development of multi-economic sectors

  23. 传统的电力系统可靠性指标反映了电力系统元件或网络的可用度,但是没有反映出其经济成分。

    Traditional reliability index only reflects the availability of equipments or power networks in power systems , excluding its economic factors .

  24. 随着日本国家利益中政治和经济成分的比重不同,经济外交的主要方式和侧重点都会随之发生改变。

    With the proportion of political and economic components changing , the main way of economic diplomacy will change as well .

  25. 新中国成立后,几种性质的经济成分并存。

    After China enters the new democratism society , a few kinds of economic composition are coexistence at the same time .

  26. 构建以非公有制为主导,多种经济成分并存的格局。强调了福建省政府全面统筹和协调全省体育产业发展的效力。

    Finally , the paper analyzes the existing problems and countermeasures in the development of the sports industry in Fujian province .

  27. 被有工作的妇女雇佣的有薪保姆和清洁工也承担了一部分过去属于非市场经济成分的工作。

    Paid nannies and cleaners employed by working women now also do some work that used to belong in the non-market economy .

  28. 邓:我们的制度是以公有制为主体的,还有其他经济成分。

    Deng : In our system the public sector is the major sector of the economy , but there are also others .

  29. 江西产业发展中的主要问题是工业化水平低、产业加工度不高、产业投资存在明显的逆比较优势倾向、产业经济成分结构不合理,从而整体经济效益水平不高。

    The paper analyses the key problem of Jiangxi 's industry development , such as low level of industrialize , reasonless industrial structure etc.

  30. 近年来发生了公交线路使用权由国营企业向其它经济成分的转移,但是这种转移是采取招标有偿形式转让的。

    The control right of many ( public ) bus lines has been transferred from state-own enterprises to private enterprises in recent years .