
  • 网络economic;Economical factors;Economic Factors;ECONOMICS;Economic Aspects
  1. 经济因素影响着教育的成功。

    Educational success is mediated by economic factors .

  2. 经济因素似乎无法解释为什么年轻女性越来越喜欢居住在父母家里。

    Economic factors seem to explain less of why young adult women are increasingly likely to live at home .

  3. 影响600MW机组热经济因素的定量分析研究

    Quantitative-analysis study of factors affecting thermal economics of 600 MW generating units

  4. 每一种需求都是复杂的,并且在更大的企业里,这些经济因素迫使CIO重新评估他们的IT策略。

    Each of these requirements are complex , and in larger corporations these economic factors are forcing CIOs to re-evaluate their IT strategy .

  5. 赞比亚技术教育以及职业和创业培训(TechnicalEducation,VocationalandEntrepreneurshipTraining,TEVET)的改革与发展深受国内政治、经济因素影响,每个阶段的改革均与时代背景密切相关。

    The reform and development of Technical Education , Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training ( TEVET ) is influenced by domestic political and economic factors , and each phase of its reform is closely related to the historical background .

  6. 定性和定量分析均证明,除东北地区外,影响水稻生产发展的经济因素中,人均GDP和替代作物与水稻相对净收益的比率对各地水稻播种面积产生消极的影响。

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis prove , except the Northeast region , among the economic factors , the per capita GDP and the ratio of the relative net income between alternative crops and rice impact rice acreage negatively .

  7. 本文根据马克思主义经济学有关实体经济因素决定虚拟资本价格的基本原理,分析和评价了CAPM与B-S模型;

    According to the basic principle of the real economy factors deciding the prices of fictitious capitals on Marxism Economics , this article analyses and evaluates CAPM Model and B-S Model .

  8. 经济因素中人均GDP、经济收入和市场潜力与劳动力迁移正相关,而迁入地第三产业占GDP比重、失业率和职工平均工资与劳动力迁移负相关;

    Where economy factors are concerned , per capita GDP 、 income and market potentiality are positive correlation with labor migration while the ratio of third industry to GDP in the ingoing areas 、 unemployment rate and average wage are negative correlation with labor migration .

  9. 在研究中小企业的信贷可获得性的宏观经济因素研究方面,有许多理论框架,本研究是基于Berger和Udell(2006)的理论框架。

    There are a few theoretical frameworks in researching the macroeconomic factors that influence SMEs ' credit availability . This study was based on the theoretical framework by Berger and Udell ( 2006 ) on SMEs ' credit issues .

  10. 阿登纳欧洲政策中的经济因素

    The Economic Factor in European Policy of the Adenauer Government

  11. 论浙商的转型与非经济因素

    On Changing Images of Zhejiang Merchants and Related Non-Economic Factors

  12. 中国饭店产业投资增长的经济因素与影响分析

    Analysis of the Economic Factors and Effects of China Hospitality Industrial Investment

  13. 未来林木育种策略和育种目标将会把育种成本等经济因素考虑在内,根据育种项目的经济效果来确定育种方法。

    Future tree breeding will also integrate economic factors into the breeding objectives .

  14. 常州从20纪初开始出现现代工业,现代经济因素逐渐成长壮大。

    Modern industry appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in changzhou .

  15. 影响债券价值的经济因素

    Economic Factors Affecting the Valuation of Corporate Bonds

  16. 船舶主机选型需考虑各种技术与经济因素。

    Marine main engine 's selection is affected by some technical and economical factors .

  17. 土地退化的社会经济因素

    Land degradation : its social economic demensions

  18. 盗版便宜与盗版暴利是盗版泛滥的经济因素;

    The cheapness and sudden huge profits of the software pirate is the economic reason .

  19. 我国房地产市场周期波动的经济因素分析

    Analysis About the Economic Factors of Cycle Fluctuation of the Real Estate Market of China

  20. 经济因素是中华民族凝聚力的内在的基本因素。

    Economic factor is an internal basic factor in the cohesion of the Chinese nation .

  21. 本文着重对传统商谚的市场经济因素进行分析。

    This article focuses on the analysis of market economic factors in traditional Chinese proverbs .

  22. 欧美之间的贸易摩擦原因是多方面的,有经济因素,也有非经济因素。

    The causes for the frictions are various . There are economic factors and non-economic ones .

  23. 影响生育水平的非经济因素

    Non-economic Factors Affecting Breeding Level

  24. 对社会经济因素的分析,采用了定量分析方法。

    The analysis of socio-economic factors , using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis .

  25. 资本主义经济因素的发展导致一系列社会矛盾的凸现与激化。

    The development of capitalistic economic factors caused the patency and intensification of a series of social contradictories .

  26. 从不同飞机有不同的延迟费用这一重要经济因素出发,建立了新的事件驱动型单机场地面等待模型。

    As different aircraft has different delay cost , a new event-driven single airports ground-holding model was proposed .

  27. 银行集中度及通货膨胀水平等宏观经济因素与银行效率有显著关系。

    The demonstration shows concentration and the macro factor such as inflation have marked effects on bank efficiency .

  28. 主要是农业科技因素的影响降低,非农经济因素的影响加重。

    The main conclusions were that the effect of agricultural technology factor decreased and the non-agricultural economy enhanced .

  29. 先分析了今后一段时期内将对我国住房消费信贷体系发展有重要影响的主要社会政治经济因素。

    The paper firstly analyze some important factors which would exert great influence on housing financial reform and development .

  30. 我国水环境问题与人口、社会、经济因素的相关分析

    Relative analysis on the problems of water environment in China and the factors of population , society and economy