
  • 网络Economic transformation and upgrading;economic transition
  1. 江苏省正处在经济转型升级的关键时期。

    Jiangsu Province is in a critical period of economic transformation and upgrading .

  2. 浙江经济转型升级与台商的发展空间研究

    On Zhejiang 's Economic Transformation and Upgrading and the Development Opportunities for Taiwanese Businessmen

  3. 加快广东经济转型升级促进广东经济又好又快发展

    Push up Guangdong economy transferring and upgrading , promoting Guangdong economy develop fast and well

  4. 构建产业集群创新生态系统,推动浙江经济转型升级

    Set up Industrial Cluster of Innovative Ecosystem , Promote the upgrading of Economic Transformation in Zhejiang

  5. 发展生态产业加快欠发达地区经济转型升级&以浙江丽水市为例

    Developing the Eco - industry and Facilitating the Economic Transformation in the Less-developed Area & Taking Lishui Zhejiang as an Example

  6. 推动企业集群走出去有利于实现浙江经济转型升级,并提高浙江开放型经济发展水平。

    Promoting enterprise cluster going out helps realizing the urgent need of reforming promotion and promoting open market-based economy of Zhejiang .

  7. 我们将大力开展积极外交,深化与各国互利合作,为国内经济转型升级提供更为良好的条件。

    We will vigorously pursue economic diplomacy , deepen win-win cooperation with other countries and create more favorable conditions for the transformation and upgrading of China 's economy .

  8. 目前我国正处于市场经济转型升级时期,社会信用体系建设还处于起步阶段,还存在许多不完善的地方。

    The country is going to upgrade during the transition to market economy , the social credit system is still in its infancy , there are still many imperfections .

  9. 宁波谋求经济转型升级、城市发展水平提升和自主创新能力增强,必须着力发展高端服务业。

    To pursue economic transformation and upgrade the level of urban development and enhance the capability of independent innovation , Ningbo must focus on the development of high-end services .

  10. 广东加快经济转型升级,着力构建现代产业体系,从而拉动高职教育的大发展。

    The construction of a modern industry system has given impetus to transformation of Guangdong 's economic growth mode , and urged great development of Guangdong 's vocational education .

  11. 纺织工业作为绍兴第一大产业,是绍兴区域经济转型升级的重点和未来发展的基础。

    Being the first largest industry in Shaoxing , the textile industry is the essence of transforming and upgrading Shaoxing regional economy and the foundation of its further development as well .

  12. 应对国际金融危机的各项措施应该致力于推进经济转型升级,转型升级既是经济问题,也是社会问题。

    A series of actions in response to the international financial crisis should be committed to transformation and upgrading of economy development , which is not only an economy problem but also a social issue .

  13. 在经济转型升级的时代背景下,为我省如何更好发挥金融发展对产业结构升级的促进作用,提供了一些有益指导。

    Under the background of economic transformation and upgrading , we provide some useful guidance on how to better make financial development play a constructive role in the upgrading of the industrial structure in Jiangsu Province .

  14. 我们支持推动传统经济转型升级,挖掘绿色经济、蓝色经济、互联网经济等发展前景良好的新经济形态,走绿色、循环、低碳和高效发展之路。

    We support the efforts to promote economic restructuring and upgrading in traditional industries , explore new and promising economic growth areas such as the Green Economy , the Blue Economy , and the Internet Economy , and promote green , circular , low-carbon and energy-efficient development .

  15. 作为第四个国家级新区的舟山群岛新区,大力发展海洋战略性新兴产业,拓展海洋发展的新空间,加快海洋经济转型升级,是其抢占海洋经济竞争制高点的必然选择。

    As the fourth national new district , it is Zhoushan islands ' inevitable choice to vigorously develop the marine strategic emerging industries , expand the new space of the marine development and speed up the transformation of the marine economy in order to seize the competitive high ground .

  16. 中国经济要转型升级、打造经济升级版,也需要进一步扩大开放,与国外进行更多交流合作。

    To transform and upgrade Chinas economy , we need to open the country wider and engage in more exchanges and cooperation with other countries .

  17. 本文认为应根据不同阶段产业外移遵从的理论依据及与台湾经济结构转型升级的关系来探讨产业空洞化问题。

    This thesis ' view is that we should discuss industry emptiness according to the connection between theory basis of different phases ' industry transfer outside and the model change and upgrade of Taiwan economic structure .

  18. 中国服务业发展相对滞后,服务贸易规模仅相当于货物贸易规模的约1/8,这制约了中国经济的转型升级。

    Chinas service sector is relatively underdeveloped , and the size of trade in services is only equivalent to about 1 / 8 of that of trade in goods . This has proven to be a constraint on the transformation and upgrading of the Chinese economy .

  19. 产业法制建设有利于加快经济发展方式转型升级,合理配置资源,优化产业结构。

    Industrial legal construction can speed up the way of Chinese economic development transformation , allocate the resources and upgrade the industrial structure .

  20. 这一模式在多个地区都已经付诸实践,为地方经济转型和产业升级做出了重要贡献。

    This model have been put into practice for the local economic transformation and industrial upgrading in many areas , and it has made important contributions .

  21. 随着社会的日新月异,经济结构不断转型升级,人类物质精神文明不断向前发展,人们所面临的挑战也在不断增加,承受的心理压力也在不断加强。

    In an ever-changing society , with the constant transformation and progress of economic structure , also with continuous development of human material and spiritual civilization , mankind is faced with more and more challenges and suffers from increasingly heavy psychological pressure .

  22. (一)地方政府改革事关经济持续发展和转型升级。

    The reform of local governments is important for sustained growth and for the transformation of the economy .

  23. 促进经济转型和推动产业升级,成为当前中国经济增长与发展过程中的主要任务。

    Thus it becomes a main task for the Chinese economy to promote the economic transition and industrial upgrading .

  24. 同时,伴随着经济社会发展的转型升级,各种社会问题和矛盾开始显现出来。

    However , with the transforming and upgrading of social and economic development , various social problems and contradictions are emerging .

  25. 三是资源型城市的经济转型和产业结构升级需要实行差异性战略。

    The third , differentiation strategies are to be employed in process of economic transformation and industry structure upgrade of resource-based cities .

  26. 目前,全球范围内的经济结构调整与转型升级正在为女性创业者领导组织变革与创新提出了新的挑战与机遇。

    At present , global economic structural transformation and upgrading are putting forward new challenges and opportunities for women entrepreneurs to lead organizational change and innovation .

  27. 目前,我国全社会正处于转型期,经济结构化转型与产业升级带来其他方面的转型。

    At present , our society is in a transformation period , during which the transformation of economic structure and Industrial upgrading has brought about changes in other areas .

  28. 因此,浙江经济目前正处于转型升级的关键时期,而经济的转型升级最主要的就是产业结构的升级调整。

    So , Zhejiang economy is in the key period of transformation and upgrade at present , the upgrading of industrial structure adjustment is the most important in the economic transformation .

  29. 只有全面放开生育管制,恢复国人自主生育,才能优化当前不合理的人口结构,为经济可持续发展和转型升级打下坚实基础。

    Only fully liberate birth control and restore the autonomy fertility of people , can we optimize the current unreasonable population structure , and lay a solid foundation for sustainable economic development and transformation and upgrading .

  30. 在经济转型、产业结构升级尚未能全面达标之际,中央发出以信息化带动工业化,发挥后发优势,努力实现技术的跨越式发展的号召。

    While reaching the objectives for economy transition and industrial structure upgrade is still in progress , China 's central government called on people to drive industrialization by informatization in order to bring afterwards mastery and to realize the technologic development with striding over mode .